Summary: This Proposal is to add decimals to the Harmony Staking Dashboard.
Background: We have had many small delegators from all sides asking to have decimals added to their staking portfolio. Many of them first question if they are actually receiving rewards at first but after they contact a validator, they find out that this is not the case. The rewards are just too small for the current Dashboard to pick up and display the rewards. The Dashboard should be able to at least display rewards for delegators that are staking the minimum of 100 One tokens.
Motivation: This is important to encourage small delegators to continue supporting the Harmony staking ecosystem. If the small delegators cannot see that they are receiving rewards, it places them in an uncomfortable position in which they begin to doubt if they are earning. They also have to find who they can ask to receive some answers. Currently the best way to confirm is to claim the rewards and check the transaction hash in the Harmony Explorer. This is not a user-friendly way to promote staking if they have to go to a different website to confirm their earnings.
Specification: @Maffaz has found that the coding to implement this is inside of GitHub, but it needs a pull request. We also do not know if this belongs to the Developer DAO or not. We have decided to post it here to receive some feedback on the matter. If it is feasible, we believe it will provide better staking experience to our delegators. This may be something small and simple but we are confident that it will be a beloved feature.
I also think an explanation should be added that you can’t claim until you’ve generated at least 1 ONE in rewards. It could be added above the disabled “Claim Rewards” button. If I had 1 ONE for every time I’ve had to explain that to a delegator I’d have… well probably at least like 10 or so . It could either be part of this change or a separate proposal, but the code change would be trivial.
Afraid not. We have to follow the proposal process as outlined in the VDAO Charter.
We require a feasibility review from the Core team and then we can put this to a vote ASAP but we need to allow time for every validator to debate and vote on the matter…
I personally do think it has an extremely high chance of passing but the decision lies with the community as a whole