ONEruDAO: "Millions of potential users."
- Autonomy: seed and cultivate DAO mind up (among the ru-speaking cryptans), sustainability and self-sufficiency (for the ru language DAO as a decentralised autonomous organisation).
- Outreach: raise awareness and widely spread harmony (in the ru-speaking region), support user cases and user experience with the ecosystem products (among the ru-speaking cryptans).
- Implementation: enable environment and conditions to build (for the ru-speakers), invite entrepreneurs to create using ONE.
There are 2 common questions to estimate how Autonomy, Outreach, Implementation fit the Harmony DAO way.
How do the proposed mandates –
(a) serve the Russian speaking communities in a way that no other DAO is
(b) do something only Harmony can
As you may know, there’s always a delay before the hot crypto trends become popular in the ru-speaking crypto community after the global en-speaking community. The delay is about a few months (up to 6-12 months) and especially this delay gets us to the advantageous position when the ru-speaking cryptans (how the ru-speaking crypto community calls themselves) are not yet as familiar with the DAO trend as you’re (en speaking crypto community) which is a great chance for Harmony to be the protocol associated with DAOs in ru-speaking communities along with the ETH. With so many DAOs on Harmony, we’re in a competitive space to get leading or at least the same positions for ONE (Harmony) to be recognisable as ETH for DAOs specifically for ru-speakers. Here Autonomy comes to the stage.
Autonomy (bring DAO mind up, sustainability and self-sufficiency)
With an initial structure of 9 independent Governors (not affiliated or directly and imperatively dependent on any project/authority) subsidised by the Harmony foundation with a full permission of funds management through the multi-sig, the Harmony ONEruDAO the very first of its kind Autonomous Organisation never been seen in our crypto space before. - It’s the precedent! We (9 governors) should build competence within ourselves and participants by fighting with the very low level of understanding of - what DAO is?; how does it operate?; where does it lead DAO members?; what are the benefits for DAO members?That’s why Autonomy as the mandate partly represents the overall vision and mission of the ONEruDAO. - We’ll be building the never known before experience by ru-speakers not as joiners and followers (as usually join projects, e.g. defi uniswap or viper) but as the main perpetrators and we’ll grow to the self-sufficient organisation with its own business model, governance, elections…
Answers to the (a), (b) questions:
It’s a great time for Harmony to be the precedent of the DAO in the ru-speaking crypto world as no other DAO can serve this yet.
Outreach with its raise awareness and widely spread harmony, support user cases on ecosystem products.
This is exactly what is meant by the goal of building, expanding and cultivating the particular community. In the case of ONEruDAO - Russian speaking community of DAO members, not a standard Telegram or Twitter fans.Goals for the Outreach is to make Harmony simply and smoothly accessible to everyone volunteers from the ru-speaking gang. The Outreach is about translations, sharing the latest news and updates, it’s about bringing new validators, delegators, farmers, NFT artists, designers to already operational Harmony’s ecosystem products.
Answers to the (a), (b) questions:
I don’t think any other DAO instead of ONEruDAO can or is highly interested in doing that for Harmony. (We definitely will communicate with such Harmony DAOs as NFT/Creators or so DAOs, but with its Outreach mandate ONEruDAO pushes through the ru language barrier, that any other Harmony DAO can’t do.)
Finally, Implementation (enable environment and conditions to build, invite entrepreneurs to create using one).
You can’t underestimate the importance of qualitative representation and guidelines for developers or entrepreneurs (I assume in Harmony we call them ‘10 000 crypto founders’) who will be going to build on harmony or migrate to harmony from other chains (specifically in the ru-speaking crypto world).
The simple answer to the question ‘Who’s going to support those initiatives?’ is the ONEruDAO.
The ONEruDAO has great chances to become a kind of incubator for founders. You can say again it’s an intersection with the anticipated Incubator DAO, but once more, the ONEruDAO is a bridge to Harmony Ecosystem and it’s got greater potential compared to other local communities. That’s why it should set the higher level mandates, not the mandates to be a simple local community with the trendy name of the DAO.
Answers to the (a), (b) questions:
There’re many projects that can potentially migrate or be built on Harmony in the ru-speaking crypto regions. Other DAOs might serve this partly, but not completely as the native language and the main mean for communications is Russian and only the ONEruDAO can serve the best to engage and recruit devs and entrepreneurs.
With all that being said I’m open to further discussions with you @Sam am, @lij and maybe @stse if I will need to explain my vision on the mandates for the ONEruDAO.