[staking dashboard] Feedback

Very excited if there on the dashboard or on extension have a history for latest transaction its very help to check. on the morning i try to undelegate some ammount from “not elected” validator. and now check again, my balance still there. and i dont know how to check it. the one i was think to check on the explorer. thanks. :blush:

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It’s request no. 10 on my post, I hope it would be added in the near future on staking explorer :wink:

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Oh alright that its sir im not read yet :grin:
Like all your feedback. you ar so awesome its really helpfull :upside_down_face:


Thank you for your kind words, see u in volunteers channel :wave:

I’m nitpicking here, I realise :sweat_smile: But when we are undelegating and we are down to one epoch before our tokens are released … instead of saying 1 epoch … it says 1 epochs. Nothing to do with functionality … but maybe I have a bit of OCD with this stuff … no that you’d be able to tell, given my poor grammar :yum:

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All the sharding is a bit complicated for me.
I mean can I have a different balance in every shard, or stake? (as you’ve said only shard 0 for stakes)
What is really a shard? does it affect true decentralization?

IN addition, it could be interesting to view the current day related to epochs, cause a number by itself maybe poor info.

About shards and sharding I’ll link you an article to the reply :wink: about Harmony. Now about validator and balance, 1 validator can run up to 4 keys per node but only in a single shard. You can’t have 4 keys each in different shards running on a single node. But you can use vps/server deploy a VM virtual machine, start a node, create a validator and run multiple keys up to 4 with this validator, 4 keys in shard 0. Then u can deploy another VM and add another 4 keys to your previous validator created but this keys you can generate them in shard 1… and so on. So basically with 1 validator to be able to have keys in each shard you must run 4 instances/node.sh… You must deploy 4 VM on your server provider. The vps is very reliable. Also your validator is allowed to have 106 keys added to him. Harmony’s docs contains all the details shared here. And I’ll waiting you in our telegram channel for more details and walk through guide.

Telegram channel: @PangaeaVolunteers

Harmony Validator docs. https://docs.harmony.one/home/validators

Sharding article: https://steemit.com/harmony/@ulqu3/harmony-one-and-the-power-of-sharding

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hey JC we have explained this in our whitepaper

  1. Blockchain State Sharding

Unlike other state-sharding blockchains [7,8] that adopted UTXO (Unspent Transaction Output)

data model, Harmony’s state sharding is applied on account-based data model. Each shard chain

contains its own account state, and all the tokens in existence are spread among all the shard.

We treat the user account and the smart contract account differently in sharding. An user account

can have multiple balances at different shards (e.g. 100 tokens at Shard A and 50 tokens at Shard

B). A user account can move its balance between shards by issuing a cross-shard transaction. A

smart contract account is limited to the specific shard where the contract was created. However,

for a decentralized application that requires more throughput than a single shard can handle, the

Dapp (Decentralized Application) developer can instantiate multiple instances of the same smart

contract in different shards and let each instance handle a subset of the incoming traffic. Note that

the different instances of the same smart contract do not share the same state, but they can talk to

each other via cross-shard communication.

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shard 0 is beacon chain and process all staking related transactions like registering a validator and staking. but there are slots on 4 shards and each shard verify transaction and generate its own blocks and the 28ONE block rewards will be shared by all slots on that shard.
you have 4 accounts on 4 shards and each shard process transactions on its own shard, it has nothing todo with which shard you are on as a validator. If you go to Mathwallet or use the cli you can see you have balance on 4 shard separately.
For staking dashboard, it is designed for staking transactions thus only handle transactions on shard 0.

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browser push notifications to warn staking risks

this is a bounty for stake heist


Rate, %

cannot return to last page but return to the first page when i search for sth

  1. is a bounty for stake heist

very valid points lucian love it

Hello.I run noda first time ever .And it was ankr noda Harmony.On my mind Staking dashboard looks good and have no any ineffective info.The best criteria to rank validator is % profit. Dont now if it possible but it will be nice bot go with you step by step till fixing your noda. Because it is not so easy to understand how it is work for new crypto users.More simple more users will come.In general my noda working good last few days

Hi i want to gave a feedback, but because now is past midnight, i can’t think more since i still not yet sleep from yesterday :sweat_smile:

  1. I’d love to see a fiat currencies list that can pick and a real time equal price of those fiat currencies taken below our balances, rewards, stakes and our delegations as a risk monitoring, ex. Rewards
    $64.026 usd

  2. Make a Delegator Page for our Address, that show;
    a. where we have delegate our token instead of view it on portfolio page, and
    b. who’s delegate to our address instead of show it on our validator page,
    this delegator page is some who appear when you paste your address on staking,harmony,one/delegators/one1xxx

  3. On staking,harmony,one/validators/one1xxx
    give validator ability to kick delegator when it makes the Expected Return become 0.00%

  4. For a company because expected return is very important, and they have some of their user delegate on their platform, so it’s really nice to have an [approval button] for approves people delegate to us, because if they just can delegate and turn down the profit, it’s really bad for bussiness, we know we can limit token staked to our validator address by CLI, but that’s not flexible as we maybe have made a wave business model for people do delegate in our platform, so we need more speed and comfort ux (they web admin maybe not the same person as shell admin)

  5. Make us can register 4 bls on each respective shards in dashboard, and can turn it on/off for switch to other shard, when there were issue on shard we join, ex:
    Shards on use 1 2 3 4
    attach bls.key;
    [bls.keys] shard 0 upload
    [bls.keys] shard 1 upload
    [bls.keys] shard 2 upload
    [bls.keys] shard 3 upload

  6. Give a headline news of shard / chain related issue on dashboard, on the upper header in red bg

  7. Instead of claim rewards to working address, let company have a secret withdrawal address, so when it claim, it’ll be auto claim to that withdrawal address fixed when we made a stake contract, and that withdrawal address can not be changed without agreement from 2 stake holders (for a company), this address can be mainnet address or else

  8. It should be automated for people stake under 1mm to be rejected automatically with red err. message when they try to stake

  9. Give a validator info (with photos, like imdb website), taken from validator portal when people hover validator to their name

  10. Give an updated expected return forecast when a validator increases his balance, so delegator can make a quick conclution for their delegating Token

  11. Made one of my github dashboard proposal since ph.1 to live;
    Dashboard History Page, refers to here;

  12. Made one of my github dashboard proposal since ph.1 to live;
    Add ability to remove another address on Chrome Extensions, refers to here;

  13. be continues… :upside_down_face:

i want to suggest to put an option of auto restake if that was not suggested yet

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I noticed there is an inverse relationship between total stake and APR. Validators with low stake have massive retribution.

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  1. During delegation the success popup lasted too fast, I had no time to click on the view transaction link.
  2. After delegation the Total Stake does not change, I had to refresh the screen manually.
  3. Menu gets cut off once i minimize my browser, even by just a little bit. image
  4. Overlapping text in menu when scrolling, should add background to Current Network.
  5. I undelegated, but after undelegating, pressing on undelegate still shows the pre-undelegate amount.

Will be editing this post if I find more to feedback on. :slight_smile: