portfolio display issues

Is there anyone else experiencing an issue with the portfolio display of “”?

I’m seeing zero balances in the portfolio (see screenshot), but if I go to the validators the staked balances are still there and I can undelegate.

(update): I can see my portfolio now. I have just started using the wallet recently and that gave me quite a scare. Is this type of issue a normal occurence?

Yes, I am seeing the same issue here.

Same here! I undelegated a bunch 4 days ago and since then every day I have seen my portfolio section, at the bottom it showed up “7 days…6days…5 days…4days” till my funds were released, but today I don’t see it! I thought they were stolen

[UPDATE]: They just showed up. Everything working back as expected.

@needsomecrypto @Tanjirox28 go check your portfolio page

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I am getting the same issue , have looked in the Harmony explorer and there is no transactions from my wallet from the last transaction i did myself.

@foo666 try checking it again, mine went out for some hours.
I wonder who we can reach out to for those sort of issues, I am not able to see any “contact support” from the website.

Mine is up to date now also

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Yes, back to normal. :+1:

Great news! I was just wondering if this had been worked out. Looks as though it twas!