Stephen Tse, Please Read

@White_Wolf 2 days ago: This is going to be my last post on the subject matter.

                               Reads "alleged" problems`

Welcome to the University of Memetic Education

Considering the extent of information leak, operations & strategy problems that are allegedly presented here, IMO, this simply requires a deeper, “internal conversation” about the company culture on a more philosophical, strategic, operations level - because it has presented itself at the worst possible time, but a festering wound shouldn’t become an eyesore. Should have been done months ago - But it’s split milk under the bridge.

Outcome & Suggestion: A proposal to restructure the lost bridge assets is likely to come with their own share of baggage, but there will be a time to re-assess on the post-bridge outlook. Get a “third party arbitrator” as the team’s advisor & performance coach (an org consultant/ an HR/ respected academic from the team’s alma mater) with little to NO conflict of interest.

Conflict of interest

  • Different stakeholders have varying degrees of conflict of interest here. The team does have multiple co-founders & members in the senior leadership. That doesn’t provide neither the community members, a partner or even the core team with a mandate to “force out” particular outcome through forums - Just refer suggestions.

  • As an individual from a partner team who received a grant merely days ago, I find equally distasteful on your part to mention “privileged information” as much as I find it problematic on @Bricktop_One or @OgreAbroad’s part, who have served as validators/contributors in the space. Insinuations & speculation, while hearsay are based on public information territory can be considered game; but this is bringing privileged info in the open, dousing fire with kerosene. This isn’t transparency, it’s flagellation. Please believe me that I speak of this with no malintent towards any of you, or the team.

  • I wouldn’t be asking you to publish evidence for those claims, but feel free to do so in a private capacity in full confidence. A cry for help, just at the expense of a breach of confidence - IS terrible IMO, no matter who speaks.

Vision, back-channel & open feedback

  • NFT’s - @Pioneer The updated notion page simply illustrates an ecosystem analysis & the war mode plan prior to the hack, illustrates some expected performance goals. Previous operational precedent & the subsequent hack forces a radical re-thinking of operational goals & pipelines for each function.

General Knowledge Time :bulb: : NFT’s & GameFi are dual edged swords : high volume, low-margin, B2C business based on seasonal/fixed traction. Not all NFT’s succeed, the rare ones they do succeed are heavily-community dependent, heavily hinging on sentiment. They do work together. However, it’s not a zero-sum game, while there are technical risks such as securing wallets & Discord servers, there is low risk of floor price going to ZERO, because it needs a Greater Fool, or exists for aesthetic reasons. Whether you can call it a bug or feature, is upto you. There are arguments on both sides of this aisle that we can draw whole day.

  • It also requires having sharp set of eyes in the market, artistic flair, effort & some luck on potential picks, that can transcend flavor of the week phenomenon with limited shelf-life.

  • All teams need to grow, lean or otherwise - And it requires money, spending & keeping check on the purse. Here’s legendary Aswath Damodaran’s talk at Google that speaks about valuation & team structures, the storytellers & process leaders - ( They are myopic at times, in their own ways. I was thinking about introducing another “adjusted EBITDA” joke here to explain this confusing plot, but I sincerely hope that line did the job.

To me, I’d be really interesting to see how the team as unit collectively & privately, rates itself for each block in the smartdraw chart below :

  • While I personally enjoy the average speculation & public critique, I am predominantly a big believer of private feedback & open exchange of ideas. piggybacking R Plepler’s thesis of “Our personal success or concessions speak about our collective success at EOD.”

  • Speaking of the community feedback, this meme below perfectly illustrates the relationship. They are your enemies, customers & friend. Think big, but grow & deliver bigger. Effective, not radical transparency.


Speaking of private feedback:

*Free - Limited Time Only


  • In the interest of keeping it light while addressing…checks notes… violence, non-payment of dues, unreasonable mandates, gasoline & California, here is some practical, sophisticated feedback :

Exhibit A :

Exhibit B
download (3)

Exhibit C:

Exhibit D:

  • Seriously, it’s California, please reassess your priorities. :grin:

Yes - I do slide decks & corporate presentations too. Kindly request the moderators to close this thread - Unless there is an organizational charter mandate, which necessitates evoking community vote. I don’t think it has to come to this IF all participants (CEO, core team & community) would be able to exercise better judgement & reconcile.

Stephen - Please personally reach out to people in the digital domain. full discretion, of course. Difficult conversations - that’s part of the job too.


My apologies on not holding to my word. Cant stop thinking about my Harmony Fam.

Regardless of what happens to ONE, know that I got love for the Team and Community.


No promises… but I may be working on a backup plan we can enable if it becomes necessary.

Team - Hang in there.

ETA: EVERYONE prepare for NFT Nashville F3ST. Labor Day Weekend. 1-5 Sep 2022

Harmony, I truly hope that all ends up well, and the chain is represented.

NFTs + Nashville + Musicians + Sports in an epic 5 day event, the likes of which hasn’t been seen.


I’m curious; why the negativity? I’m an outsider looking in and it seems there were unanticipated circumstances (bear market ) that caused price decline and loss of market cap to prevent further funding of DAO’s. I’m not saying that what you’re saying is correct or incorrect however when this price was at .40 roughly none of these negative accusations were in the open. So we fast forward to the hack and it’s pure chaos. $97million lost in flash. That’s alot for anyone to handle. I would be inclined to say Ogreabroad1 almost all of us including but not limited to you would fold under these circumstances. From the outside looking in it appears to be a Monday morning quarterback. It’s easy to point on problems but let’s be productive and find a solution. Now believe I’m not saying Stephen Tse doesn’t have room for improvement but let’s give the Kid a break. I was never in agreement of his Utopian mindset but I feel this may have rung his bell. So let’s give him an opportunity to shine. Saying this this was a bold post in the darkest hour. I mean no disrespect to you however I personally feel you may have jumped the gun on this. If a repeg is possible and in sight this hack is a paragraph in this Harmony one book and you will be remembered forever as this. I honestly don’t mean any disrespect Just giving my insight. As for me I’m an investor I want to see my seed come to fruition.

Tact - The ability to make a point without making an enemy. Keep this in mind


If what @Bricktop_One is saying is true and Tse is doing half of that to his employees, we’re not talking about “room for improvement,” we’re talking about “unfit for service” and “legal liability.” Take your pick.


If it’s about the allegations, I am sure the core team has come across this thread and knows what’s going on in the community forums.

We as a community want these allegations to be proven to some extent if not all, we want the team members to give us some info/confirmations on these so that we know what actions need to be taken for the betterment and success of this chain.

We can’t ignore these allegations and just live on hopes and dreams as it can all be behind a smoke screen and I am afraid that when it fades it would be too late to do anything.
Please I urge the team members to come forward, a few credible people coming forward and clearing things is all we ask as a community.

And if that’s too much to ask for please find out a way to reach out to us and disclose some/any crucial information that can be detrimental to the survival of this chain because without a strong productive core team this chain will fail in the long run like many already have in this space.

You can’t just be fearful of your job positions if you are being harassed and are part of an unproductive environment surrounding your team as this would all mean that the chain is on its way to its demise sooner or later and you are all just delaying the inevitable by hiding and staying quiet about it.

I absolutely don’t want this to happen as I am heavily invested in this chain and the community altogether.
Please do the right thing and come forward if anything that @Bricktop_One is saying is true you people need to accept or deny it openly ASAP.

My Plan →
The team can create an anonymous chatroom that won’t show names but will be just a general chat room with randomly assigned names which will only be accessed by the core team members and must be created by a concerned core team member for open communication through chat which would be logged for all of us to see and review, by this method we can know what’s actually going on and what views each of them carries about the leaders of the chain and the management and clear all the allegations being circulated here.
I don’t know how to bring this to fruition as it’s just an idea from my side but please someone make this or something like this happen soon So that everything becomes clear and we all can proceed with absolute certainty.
I still believe in Harmony, Please don’t let us down, Stephen.


I’m a firm believer in structure , We have order to prevent chaos, And right now amongst the order there’s seemingly chaos. Calling publicly for one’s resignation is not order it’s mob rule / cancel culture ; a good play would have been calling an AMA in which the most heavily vested validator’s weighed in and addressed their concerns. These validators could hold an ama prior and gather the concerns of their delegators. I say the validator’s speaking at the ama only because they make the ONE ecoverse go round. As for community here I say it’s impossible to please everyone no matter the outcome someone will have the " give me the ball I’m going home syndrome" When you’re in a position of leadership everything you do will be scrutinized. And after catastrophic events the blame game ensues. If there are issues amongst the ranks they have to be their own voice.

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Couldn’t agree more!!!

I don’t know why everyone is still fixated on Stephen stepping down, this clearly isn’t going to happen due to community sentiment and lack of understanding about the current situation. There is a bigger picture here. Ask about what’s happening about the tech. This should be everyone’s concern.

We have things that should be a priority and given the full attention of engineers and developers.

This is the real issue we’re currently facing. It seems to be only myself and members of the core team that are absolutely dumbfounded by the full scale concentration on NFT given Harmony’s issues and current situation.


@Bricktop_One That’s not our job to do this.

It’s the responsibility of any competent C-suite (CEO, CPO, CTO, CFO, CTO, CISO… & HR Director) to work internally on the resource requirement plan, plan, govern & delegate team initiatives in a time sensitive manner.

It also requires the senior leadership to wear many hats & absorb the responsibilities associated with multiple roles if they are right on budget, and deliver atleast on the core competencies effectively.

However, there’s a big difference between running lean teams & being too small for their own good. Especially when milestone design is a mix of leadership mandate & self-anointment - which still requires building pipelines from the ground up. Each ops structure comes with their own set of challenges that a forum post would be too small to describe.

Furthermore, it will EITHER end up creating unnecessary friction between functional teams within the project about impact delivery - because of accrued time, capital & tech related debt, Or

damage the community’s relationship with the team & the C-suite further. I don’t think community input on public forums solves this.

There’s no use in speculating too to put community pressure for changing business operatives. The last time community spoke up about marketing, team did take notice, but experimented on something so simple for months (which can only be regarded as yielding mixed success).

Neither of us can or should dictate strings. You can lead a horse to the well, but not drink water for them. It doesn’t matter what people think if the team’s answer to public critique is drawing different conclusions.

Furthermore, it looks easy from the outside, but it’s still a numbers game at EOD which starts raising with sufficient operating capital at hand. The market has its own pulse & rhythm, & every project has to adapt to it.

Let’s them figure it out, or the market forces will do it for them. Simple.

Full Disclosure: I don’t think NFT’s are a bad idea. In fact, d-NFT’s & f-NFT’s are active R&D vectors in this space & it has potential to work with GameFi & other business verticals too. SBT’s were in full rage during recent hackathons (& it didn’t even require attending a single NFT event to know that!)

Just think that it’s a priority misallocation if it affects resource allocation of core-chain engineers just into one business vertical. I just think that @stse is finding it challenging to effectively communicate his vision to the team & draw execution plans accordingly - over an appropriate time horizon.

You only need to get a big win once to catch your breath; but 9-12 months is an eon in this space. Please note that these are my personal thoughts on the subject matter & not a business imperative. If it were upto me, I’d do certain things differently.


Hi, I have coins staked at using ledger wallet but when I open ledger live it doesn’t appear in my list of coins @Pioneer

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Hi there,

You should be able to see your delegated tokens here: Harmony – Open Consensus for 10B


Reason and logic at work. More of this needed.

After reading the proposal regarding the horizon bridge hack, I am inclined to support this, we need new leadership if we want to keep this chain going.


For those of you that have read the proposal

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We need a new leader, we also need to know what validators will support new leadership so we can stake with them so our voice will be heard.

Is this something new? :sweat_smile: Several who worked with the team probably have known this

This all make so much sense now.

you definitely know and see more stuff than the community doesnt.

STSE is a F uped.

I take back everything I stated here previously. We need new leadership asap.