@White_Wolf 2 days ago: This is going to be my last post on the subject matter.
Reads "alleged" problems`
Welcome to the University of Memetic Education
Considering the extent of information leak, operations & strategy problems that are allegedly presented here, IMO, this simply requires a deeper, “internal conversation” about the company culture on a more philosophical, strategic, operations level - because it has presented itself at the worst possible time, but a festering wound shouldn’t become an eyesore. Should have been done months ago - But it’s split milk under the bridge.
Outcome & Suggestion: A proposal to restructure the lost bridge assets is likely to come with their own share of baggage, but there will be a time to re-assess on the post-bridge outlook. Get a “third party arbitrator” as the team’s advisor & performance coach (an org consultant/ an HR/ respected academic from the team’s alma mater) with little to NO conflict of interest.
Conflict of interest
Different stakeholders have varying degrees of conflict of interest here. The team does have multiple co-founders & members in the senior leadership. That doesn’t provide neither the community members, a partner or even the core team with a mandate to “force out” particular outcome through forums - Just refer suggestions.
As an individual from a partner team who received a grant merely days ago, I find equally distasteful on your part to mention “privileged information” as much as I find it problematic on @Bricktop_One or @OgreAbroad’s part, who have served as validators/contributors in the space. Insinuations & speculation, while hearsay are based on public information territory can be considered game; but this is bringing privileged info in the open, dousing fire with kerosene. This isn’t transparency, it’s flagellation. Please believe me that I speak of this with no malintent towards any of you, or the team.
I wouldn’t be asking you to publish evidence for those claims, but feel free to do so in a private capacity in full confidence. A cry for help, just at the expense of a breach of confidence - IS terrible IMO, no matter who speaks.
Vision, back-channel & open feedback
- NFT’s - @Pioneer The updated notion page simply illustrates an ecosystem analysis & the war mode plan prior to the hack, illustrates some expected performance goals. Previous operational precedent & the subsequent hack forces a radical re-thinking of operational goals & pipelines for each function.
General Knowledge Time
: NFT’s & GameFi are dual edged swords : high volume, low-margin, B2C business based on seasonal/fixed traction. Not all NFT’s succeed, the rare ones they do succeed are heavily-community dependent, heavily hinging on sentiment. They do work together. However, it’s not a zero-sum game, while there are technical risks such as securing wallets & Discord servers, there is low risk of floor price going to ZERO, because it needs a Greater Fool, or exists for aesthetic reasons. Whether you can call it a bug or feature, is upto you. There are arguments on both sides of this aisle that we can draw whole day.
It also requires having sharp set of eyes in the market, artistic flair, effort & some luck on potential picks, that can transcend flavor of the week phenomenon with limited shelf-life.
All teams need to grow, lean or otherwise - And it requires money, spending & keeping check on the purse. Here’s legendary Aswath Damodaran’s talk at Google that speaks about valuation & team structures, the storytellers & process leaders - (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5chrxMuBoo). They are myopic at times, in their own ways. I was thinking about introducing another “adjusted EBITDA” joke here to explain this confusing plot, but I sincerely hope that line did the job.
To me, I’d be really interesting to see how the team as unit collectively & privately, rates itself for each block in the smartdraw chart below :
While I personally enjoy the average speculation & public critique, I am predominantly a big believer of private feedback & open exchange of ideas. piggybacking R Plepler’s thesis of “Our personal success or concessions speak about our collective success at EOD.”
Speaking of the community feedback, this meme below perfectly illustrates the relationship. They are your enemies, customers & friend. Think big, but grow & deliver bigger. Effective, not radical transparency.
Speaking of private feedback:
*Free - Limited Time Only
- In the interest of keeping it light while addressing…checks notes… violence, non-payment of dues, unreasonable mandates, gasoline & California, here is some practical, sophisticated feedback :
Exhibit A :
Exhibit B
Exhibit C:
Exhibit D:
- Seriously, it’s California, please reassess your priorities.
Yes - I do slide decks & corporate presentations too. Kindly request the moderators to close this thread - Unless there is an organizational charter mandate, which necessitates evoking community vote. I don’t think it has to come to this IF all participants (CEO, core team & community) would be able to exercise better judgement & reconcile.
Stephen - Please personally reach out to people in the digital domain. full discretion, of course. Difficult conversations - that’s part of the job too.