This is an information page on how to offer you can present your Candidacy for the formation of the initial UK DAO
Below in the link you can read the full UK DAO proposal
Declare your Candidacy
You can submit your application from now through To Be Decided. No applications submitted after this time will be accepted.
To declare your candidacy, go to the British Governance Forum and make a new topic with the title:
UK DAO Initial Council 2022 Candidate: (your_name)
You are free to include any details you feel relevant to provide the community with insight into your abilities to govern wisely.
All candidates must include the following questions and answers in their candidacy post for their application to be considered valid.
- What is the role of the UK DAO in the Harmony community and how do you plan to advance its mission?
- How do you organize, plan, and prioritize your work?
- Tell us about a suggestion you’ve made that has benefitted an organization you’ve worked for.
- Why are you the best person for a role on the Creative DAO council?
- Fast forward 3 months - what will a successful term have looked like?
Summary for Candidacy Requirements
Forum post in correct forum with correct title within application window.
Must be Resident of the UK. We might change that at a later date however we need people who understand the UK culture and are able to travel if and when required.
Answer all 5 questions in candidacy post. Freestyle and in your own creative way is always welcome
Once you’ve submitted your application to the British Governance Forum you may begin campaigning via all social channels. Please refrain from offering incentives or the insinuation of incentives in exchange for votes. This includes giveaways, raffles, prizes, drawings, and NFTs.
The campaign period will end To Be Decided
The election begins on To Be Decided and runs until To Be Decided.
The election will be held via snapshot vote. Link will be provided on There will be a minimum requirement of 100 ONE in the wallet to vote. Please note, this does not include staked ONE - there must be 100 $ONE available in the wallet
NOTE- ask for help
We are researching, however we have not found how to connect our Harmony Multisig wallet to Snapshot.
Is this possible? If so, how can we set this up. Please offer step by step instructions in a DM comment.
Please bear with us we are learning