Validator DAO Council Candidate: Symphony.One

Hello everyone,

My name is Cheta, the chief product officer and validator for Symphony.ONE validator.

On behalf of my delegators, I am nominating and presenting myself for the validator council.

At, we are building a health and wellness care project that is geared towards promoting public health, mental health and recoveries and charity to developing communities. This has been our mandate since we started this project in June 24, 2021.

The vision of Harmony closely relates to our vision. while Harmony is here to connect over 10 Billion people in the nearest future, it is our mandate to ensure the health and stability of both investors, delegators and validators of this community.

By joining the DAO council, I with your mandate will further the visions of the protocol in these regards:

  1. Decentralization: The vision of Stephen is to have 1000 validators on Harmony protocol to ensure the efficient and effective decentralization of the protocol. Symphony will aid in this regard through daily community awareness and support of new validators. In collaboration with other governors and validators of like minds, ensure passing of votes that will promote the health and wellness of the validator community through consolidating on existing proposals and crafting new ones that will help increase validator elections.

  2. Security: support high staking rate, promote security practices and tooling. Symphony is committed to the security and stability of the protocol and the validator community. I will work with other governors and older validators towards ensuring that new validators are given with technical assistance. Also, i am making a commitment to promote high staking rates across the community and the public.

  3. Participation: facilitate protocol upgrade proposals, recruit votes for improvements. This I promise to give my all.

I am making this manifesto and asking y’all to join me on this journey to better position Harmony as the blockchain of the economy of the future.

About me:

I am a psychologist, educator and mental health practitioner. I hold a diploma in data processing and information technology, and a Masters in psychology with over over 10 years experience in data analysis, graphic designs and psychotherapy.

I always get the job done. Cheers to more that is to come.


Awesome to see your nomination. You have a lot of good experience for the Validator Dao!


Thank you so much. Looking forward to it.

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This application is music to my ears!

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Great to see your nomination :call_me_hand:t3: hope you make it :muscle:t3:

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I’m glad to see that you’ve decided to take the step and nominate yourself for the VDAO Council. From what I’ve seen as a fellow validator, you do a great job at helping others, so in my opinion you’re a great fit for the position.

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hope to hear harmonious symphony in the council with you in

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Thanks brother. I hope so too.

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Hahaha. Thanks man! Looking forward to it.

Thanks so much. We do hope to do even more when elected. Thanks for your support.

Thanks so much. We are confident to harness our symphonies to create a harmonious success in the next 3 months

Congrats on being elected as a VDAO Council of Governors, I’d like to add your Discord handle as a VDAO Council role on Harmony’s server. What is it? Thanks

Thank you so much Jacksteroo.

Here’s my discord handle. Mycheta#4907