Validator DAO Council Q2 2022 Candidate:

Hello everyone,

My name is Cheta the Chief Validator for

Once again, I present myself at your service for the validator council for another term.

I came into the Harmony community in Dec 2020, sine then, this community has been instrumental to my learning, growth, and progress. In May 2021, I created my own validator as a means towards contributing to the decentralization of the Harmony protocol and giving back to the community. In October 2021, I presented myself to your services and you found me worthy to be part of the dynamic 9 governors of term 2 validator council.

I must confess, it was a teachable time for me and I am most honoured to have worked with with @frwrdslosh, @HankTheCrank, @ben2k_Stakeridoo , @Abraham, @Maffaz , @RhythmValidator , @ONE4All @Altocryptotitus and @BrotherOne . These guys possess the very team spirit, tolerance, integrity, and capacity to get the job done which is the spirit of Harmony and of which we did all of the time.

As I worked with your mandate in the VDAO term 2 council (Oct 2021 – Jan 2022), here is a summary of my achievements and what I hope to achieve in the next should you find me worthy of your mandate once again.

What I have done and achieved during my time serving in this council:

  1. Pioneered, created, and managed the weekly validator metrics and newsletter tracking validator nodes, maintenance, and workings of the Vdao.

  2. Designed and established the initiative to onboard validators from other regions in the world especially Africa. Currently there are no validators from Africa, Eastern Asia, Western Asia excluding UAE, South America excluding Brazil and Southern Asia. This is show more diversity and inclusion within the community. There are more validators from North America and Europe than any other region.

  3. Collaborated with my team members to forestall signage issues within the validator community.

  4. Ran online campaigns to help unelected validators gain traction.

  5. Assisted and rendered trial and error insight towards upgrading the validatortoolbox from the dynamic easynode guide for hertzner server.

What I want to achieve in the next council:

My next work can be put under the mandate of Participation and improving Harmony Validator Documentation. This is where my interest lies a lot as I hope to contribute my quota to the efficient running and decentralization of the protocol.

Consolidate on the monitoring and evaluation of the validator weekly metrics and newsletter. Begin the Vdao email newsletter subscription so that validators and community members receive weekly updates on the vdao statistics and achievements.

Liaise with the community in various regions to onboard new validators first on testnet and subsequently on mainnet.

Increase the participation of validator through rendering assistance in their creation and running of their validator while facilitating bootstrapping and promotion of those eligible for the vdao bootstrap funding.

Creating videos on setting up validator nodes manually and the validator toolbox so as to contribute to documents and visual literatures in this area which are few at the moment.

About me:

Cheta has over 12 years experience across different levels of education and management. Skilled in data analysis and curriculum development, he holds an Msc in organizational psychology and organizational development.

Harmony April 2021 — Present
Running the validator SYMPHONY.ONE. A trusted Proof-of-Stake infrastructure provider and validator that currently boasts of over 3.8 million ONE staked on the node with over 198,000 lifetime rewards payed out so far. Symphony validator has organized and funded several blockchain training, crypto training and partnered with projects like Insanity NFT, OneCaNFT, davinci gallery, proton mint, Kannacoin, Sonicswap to raise awareness and work on decentralized projects.

Harmony Nigeria DAO November 2021 – Present
Head of DAO Governance

  • As a pioneer Head of DAO Governance of the Harmony Naija DAO (Nigeria) Recruited team members.
  • Designed and mapped out strategic plans on marketing, vision and mission statement.
  • Secured an initial funding of $50,000 from Harmony.
  • Designed and led actively strategies promoting community growth.
  • Onboarding new members onto the DAO.
  • Initiated rapid education drive and helpful conversations around blockchain, DeFi and NFTs.
  • Grew the DAO by over 1000% within 3 months, skyrocketing engagements across all our Social Media.
  • A poll taken in the community showed that 25% of people got their first cryptocurrency ($ONE) or digital asset via the DAO outreaches.
  • Facilitated proposals for grants submitted to Harmony on crypto projects to be launched by members of the DAO
  • Social Media & Community Management facilitation.
  • Hosting weekly Twitter Spaces
  • Curating of learning materials and teaching for our Blockchain Beginner Class, called #CryptoLikeImFive.
  • Offline advocacy and outreach Strategy and brand growth.
  • Facilitated the DAO’s first Meet-up in Nigeria on February 19, 2022 with over 100 people in attendance and currently facilitating the second meetup in Lagos Nigeria holding on April 2, 2022.

Cheta has traveled across Africa, Europe and Asia, and has over 4 years experience in international organizational development, and project management. This forms his desire to help Harmony achieve its consensus for 10 Billion people through having people from different regions run the validator infrastructure and develop products on Harmony.

Cheta also, doubles as a coordinator of mental health and devote most of his philanthropic endeavors towards the promotion of public health and adoption of cryptocurrency across Africa.

Upward and Forward, Bigger and Better.


Symphony, you a motivated to success and higher achievement, you demonstrate it well in naija DAO Making me to realize that you are a good addition to a team, and I hope you will still be here, apply that energy and drive for growth.

Best of luck


Now, this is a whole resume! Glad to have you onboard once again.


Glad to see your return! :blue_heart:


Heck yeah it’s awesome to see you! Hope to work with you! You have my support.


Wow!!! It’s awesome to see a familiar face runnning again for Term4, thank you for running!


Hello Cheta!

Take me under your wing! I’m so impressed by how much you have accomplished for our community! I was not even aware that we could be allowed the opportunity to have that much impact here.

I’ve tried many times to reach out and offer to help with various aspects of the Harmony Protocol community, but when I contact a department or project I’ve simply been met with silence. This tells me there is either a lot of people not checking their emails regularly here in our network or that maybe there are too many emails for them to handle?

Either way, I’m inspired by the sheer quantity and quality of your previous work. I hope we can work together in the future to make Harmony even better. Good luck on the election!


Words can´t describe the joy to see your aplication, thanks for all good work on the regional DAO and the relentless pursuit of transparency and rightfullness at the AFRICA DAO. I hope you can mirror those aspects at the VDAO.


Hello @xLabGuyx I am so happy to read this and humbled at the same time. I think there is so much more we can do for this community. a lot of opportunities and chances irrespective of the numerous shortcomings.

Lets connect more. I will send you a dm on twitter shortly lets discuss more on better productive and impactful things we can do for the community.

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Thank you so much Bro. Told you we will meet again. :laughing: :smiley: :smile:

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thank you so much bro. I hope you are running again. I really wanna work with you man.


Thank you so much CryptoTech.
Indeed ‘the truest form of integrity is in its blunt refusal to be compromised’…Chinua Achebe.

I have always been true to myself and to the community. My major goal is to see this lovely Harmony community grow exponentially and succeed. I hope to join hands once again with VDAO governors of like mind to protect the security, participation and diversity of this protocol.

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Thanks brotherly. Looking forward to working with you.

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Thank you so much!! And you do have mine PiStake! always always.

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Thank you so much bro. And yes, I will always be with Naija DAO every step of the way. I hope you will too. Looking forward to having you onboard by next election.


Sure, Its my pleasure to actively commit in the cause of naijaDao growth and HARmony in general, I am glad to see your continuous drive in contributing to harmony. you gave alot, you are a great addition.

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The man is back! It’s always good to have someone who isn’t afraid to speak the harsh truths. Criticism should be embraced if the underlying intentions are aligned for all parties. :blue_heart:

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