I am entering my candidacy nomination for a seat on the Validator DAO Council for Q1 2022. For those unfamiliar with me I’ll give a little background and share my thoughts on the current situations involving the VDAO mandates.
My name is Tim and my professional background is career military (retired now). I have a beautiful wife and 4 children; all of which support the full-time I dedicate to Harmony and its ecosystem. I joined Harmony in January of last year and quickly realized how special the community was. It was an easy decision to accept the roles of moderator on the official Harmony Telegram group and official Reddit when they were offered to me in February. After much peer pressure to start a validator I pulled the trigger In late March and started StrongMindsHold Validator. Since then it has grown to be the third largest validator in unique delegator count; a fact that would not be possible without the overwhelming support the Harmony community has shown me and my family. I am currently a governor on the Harmony Community DAO.
Why I am submitting my nomination
We are at a pivotal time in Harmony’s decentralization and governance status. The VDAO is working the bootstrap program to boost the number of elected validators. Harmony will be releasing the last 100 internal nodes; requiring validators to be operating at optimum levels to keep the chain secure and updated. I believe the experience I possess, not only as a validator but also as a DAO governor, will be beneficial to serving on the VDAO council and facilitating these crucial tasks. I bring a fact-based approach to the table; along with heavy emphasis placed on transparency. I believe this approach is necessary in order to successfully implement/maintain operations.
Thanks for taking the time to read this nomination! Elected as governor or not I am always available to help where/who I can.
“Always transparent and always accessible”