Nearly every Harmony call focuses on the US/European timezone.
However, there’s dozens of big projects currently receiving massive VC funding/media attention and are from Australia and New Zealand. Does anyone realize how screwed up it is that it is 1 or 3 am their time to basically be at any meeting that is US/Europe focused. If the meeting is at 9 AM PST, that is super late for any Australian or New Zealander. And both countries have huge communities of devs building across crypto.
Additionally, take a look at the community forums. Do we see much activity for the Korean/Thai/Chinese community forums? Not much. Why? The meetings are ridiculously late at night. Also, none of the team members (except the Harmony founders) speak a language that covers this area. Kind of important – chains that getting a surge in dev activity seem to have two things in common… some kind of Asian/Oceania representative who can do community outreach, and also a rep. who can at least speak a few of the East Asian languages to do out reach there too.
On Terra Luna, for example, there was a disproportionately high number of Australian projects (Vertex Protocol comes to mind as one of them). None of them would be able to attend a single Harmony core team call during their work-hours. Would any of them come to Harmony if they had to be awake at 1 or 2 am to try to interact with the community? That would be a tough sell. In contrast, Terra at least had a huge outreach program (obviously they were a Singapore/South Korea based company) with Australia/New Zealand/Philippines/China/Japan/India because so many of their reps were located in these timezones. it was huge boon to development.