What Harmony means to me

Thanks for the tag @ElixirofLife :blue_heart: A lot of inspirational ideas in this thread, I love it!

What does Harmony mean to me…
First and foremost, I’ve always been very fond of the word Harmony. So much that I named one of my daughter’s Harmony. I’m a huge music lover and I like surrounding myself with positive vibes. I’ve always been a firm believer in the mottos “life is what you make it” and “treat people how you want to be treated”

Since I found harmony protocol, I’ve found and helped further build a community of the most helpful, harmonious and diverse people. Living in the US, I have been sheltered to see what happens around me, I’ve never had the chance to talk to people from across the world to listen to their experiences until now. The first time in my life I feel connected to the world not just a small group that lives near me :earth_africa:
It feels good to be able to help people get past hurdles that slowed me down in the learning process of knowing what Harmony Protocol is all about. We all know the sooner you get staking the sooner you get making some great passive income. It’s never been so easy to hang on to a currency for me. Getting close to financial freedom is a powerful feeling.

“Life is what you make it”
Being the Admin of a Harmony Crypto Group for over 8 months now that has grown to over 13.5K harmonauts from over 100 countries, I’ve seen firsthand many many people enter the group being negative. Within a month or two, they’re usually just as harmonious and optimistic as the rest of the members. This is the power of being around possible people, it’s contagious :slightly_smiling_face:
“Treat people how you want to be treated”
This is exactly what makes the Harmony community so good, that’s exactly what everyone does.

Rob Dawson
PeaceLoveHarmony.ONE validator


What is HARMONY for me…
well I am a newbie cryptocurrency, I start to buy crypto, and when I found HARMONY, its just feel good and trust. I hope HARMONY will bring people to become ONE in Harmony… PEACE!
just keep developing and bringing us to the Future…

Robert Silaen
Twitter @obet21