A Harmony Community Sentiment Report- May'22

Update: I wrote @Jacksteroo who approved the bounty to make sure you get paid asap.

Again, we’re very sorry. No excuses. This has been a terrible developer experience and we should be ashamed because of it.


To be honest I am more concerned about this never happening again. About Harmony stepping up and getting involved where the real gears are turning. It should be one of Harmony’s highest priorities to provide the most active developer support system in the crypto space and nothing less. The developers are the ones that bring value to ONE.


Did you ever submit to harmony.one/grant-funding? If not, do it now.



I knew about stuff like this but had never done something like this myself haha. Learnt a lot of stuff from scratch for it but a very “worth it” project for me personally

Thank you so much @Maddog77!

This was done entirely to benefit the community and I did it knowing there’s no monetary incentive so keeping in spirit with that, I will not take any donations.

That said if someone wants to buy me a $10 pizza, let me know! I’ll post proof right here in the forum haha


In order for any organization or project to hope to succeed it requires (at a minimum) talented and focused individuals to work cohesively and cooperatively toward a common goal.

Through your posted examples, you and @ILL_DIE_TRYING seem to be the type of genuinely loyal, dedicated, hard working, transparent and attention-to-detail contributors that any project needs to succeed and continuously thrive.

Note, I’m currently a community observer and forum participant only and not an official contributor or Harmony team member. However, I’ve managed teams that require all of the above traits and I understand how extremely difficult it can be to find even one or two of those noted qualities in individual team members.

I hope Harmony does what they need to in order to ensure you both remain involved at a high level as members of and contributors to this great and promising community and project.

I’ve also seen individuals on teams who are overwhelmed with work tasks and communications coming at them from multiple fronts and it becomes impossible to properly prioritize and respond appropriately, especially if there are mitigating circumstances causing a backlog and even handcuffing action.

While communication NEEDS to happen in these situations, often it does not and very important pieces - crucial pieces even - fall through the cracks. That is invariably due to overload on individuals within teams related to failure to properly scale. Simply put, too much work, not enough resources.

We are all human beings with limitations and those limitations are often pressed by the very organizations and projects we are working so hard to propel to success.

It’s not an excuse but a reality that DAOs (which are not all bad, btw) and Web3 in theory want to ease by creating autonomous organizations where more like-minded contributors cohesively work less to achieve a greater common goal, propelled by technological functionality (I.e. smart contracts). The greatest challenge may be doing so in a truly decentralized manner. We’re not there yet.

In these situations, hopefully integrity prevails and proper steps are taken to not only repair specific situations but to find a solution to the root cause, preventing recurrence. Otherwise, failure is the ultimate result.


“Who from the community and Harmony team verified your milestone?”

This is for grants, not bounties. My answer here would be nobody.

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this is where I drawn my line

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Where do I send the pizza? And not some cheap $10 one either… tell me what you like.

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Thanks for the references @dpagan-harmony!

I have checked both those reports when they were made and they are very important referential material that I think we’ll be looking back at in the future.

I’m hoping to continue my own more “data-analytics” focused reports and keep improving on it in the future!

Ayy the pizza thing was half in jest haha

That said $10 gets you REALLY good pizza since I live in a third-world country where stuff is “cheap” in terms of USD values.

Great report @sick_of_this! Your passion is greatly appreciated :blue_heart:


If anyone should send you a pizza it is me… and the Harmony team for doing work they should be doing. Send me an address and I’ll send you some ONE later today.

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Thanks a lot for the words of support @Daaviis!

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Amazing report! Super informative and intuitive!! :heart:

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MASSIVE THANKS to @ILL_DIE_TRYING for sending me a pizza! First time anyone has done this for me! Here’s the Proof of Pizza (this should be a new consensus mechanism :joy:)-

Thanks for making my day! :blue_heart:

Stuff like this is what makes this community awesome!


Great report, thank you so much :+1: :pray:


It is the least I could do for all the help you have given me. Bon Apetite!


@ILL_DIE_TRYING and @sick_of_this are the type of folks that brought me to harmony please keep being yourselfs and don’t change a dang thing you beautiful souls!


This is what Harmony looks like friends