Governors of each DAO have delegated autonomy over its assets and initiatives. Harmony helps define 3 broad mandates, recruit 9 governors, define the deliverables and metrics for the first 3 months, and fund at maximum $1M.
We recommend $75 to $350 per hour as the self-assessed salary, 3-month election terms, retroactive peer bonus and performance feedback, 80% passing votes, and openly tracking timesheets and deliverables for each member.
Hello @Culverin – Thanks for asking!
As far as a “list of steps” - not yet. I would join the Discord server as a start – – and join one of the DAO channels. There are already discussions going on and that is the first place I would start.
There will be a more formal “list of steps” soon (we are finishing an integration of some tools that will help.)
Hi Sam,
Has the formal list of steps been released yet? I’m working with a peer-to-peer 0% interest lending group for regenerative agriculture I think would benefit GREATLY from organizing a DAO. Could someone from the team assist me?
Brilliant vision!!! I always was, I am a HUGE believer in organic marketing.
We are all ONE for the same case! So wonderful, I am so tankful for HARMONY and for this community!! Let’s keep in going, together we are ONE💙!!
Hello @frwrdslosh@Sam sorry i am new to DAO, so currently understanding the format.
The amount of time/hr i can see but their is any limitation for hour/day , or it can be decided by DAO governors only ?
Second point - you mention about retroactive bonus , what is it ? Is it depend upon performance or extra time efforts by governors ?
Third point - Regarding Re-election, like a 9 Governors formed the dao and they completed the 3 months tenure. So after re -election process, past governors dont have chance to re - elect again , if they completed 3 months tenure successfully obviously??
DAO’s should be a structured organization with fluid parameters. Anyone can build a DAO on Harmony and have any structure. However, in order to receive a bootstrap grant for the DAO treasury, we have certain criteria needed. View the guidelines, here.
Let me answer your questions within the scope of our guidelines.
It is viable and necessary.
This has happened with the @harmony_dev_dao and the Validator DAO. If only 9 governors run for re-election then they are confirmed, but there still needs to be a vote to confirm.
We are still yet to complete the 100 DAO Goal. You can share your idea on a talk post and get reviews. Then you would have to create a proposal. There is a template for creating a DAO proposal.
Looking forward to the amazing things that your son would create as a DAO.