Africa blockchain youth ambassadors dao (abya dao)

This is a very important issue to raise @Nuha_Choi. In the proposal, the list of governors are people we proposed/suggested and they are not final. This is the reason why we welcome any suggestions and constructive discussions from the community that would make the implementation of this proposal even better. We started with this list because we had to start from somewhere. Please feel free to engage us anytime!


This is the best presentation i have ever read, can’t wait for its implementation, because the technology will be tranformative. I just pray the concerned stakeholders would take it to the next level.

Thanks @john_mburu, we are also hoping for the same

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This is a very exciting proposal that will enhance the transformation of technological advancement into day to day practice.

Well thought team.

Thanks @Peter_Nyiraha and we really look forward to being impactful in this part of the world

So how can one run to be elected governor based on their qualifications and secondly, I have seen that you have proposed some governors such as @ep2338 who I think is a governor of Harmony DAO from AFRICA. This is really terrible in a blockchain sense. This means that power will be consolidated to few select individuals and this defeats the essence of blockchain and decentralization. What does the community think?

Good job, all the best

Wow this is a next level technology,how l wish it can be implemented as soon as possible by the relevant stakeholders so as to enable the better ment and the growth of youths all over ,nice proposal guys :relaxed:thumbs up

Thanks @cleophas_maroa for those kind remarks


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Great initiative Africa Block Chain Youth Ambassadors. Keep it up.

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An idea whose time has come. A pioneering concept to usher an eager group of learners into Blockchain technology and enhance participation in innovation and development in this rapidly growing field. Kindly keep us abreast with the developments as far as the onset of the programme. I would be eager to learn more on this as well.

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Thanks @GUANTAI_NICHOLAS_KOO for the kind remarks, we will keep you posted.

That’s quite a venture. It’s true … theres enough young talent that needs exposure in this field.

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Blockchain is the next big thing. Great job :muscle:t4:

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This is the greatest idea of any kind…Africa is moving forward and am so grateful to the team behind this innovation…let’s fly Africa to greater heights…proud of you team especially my OB Paul MC Olaka. Thumbs up for you :+1:

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Thanks @PetKwag for the kind words, we hope we can be part of the new African Renaissance.

Great initiative, Paul and the team. The potential of this is huge. If we go a step further, we can apply this to commodities and have commodity backed block chain platform. That will align well with the Metaverse concept of having a virtual platform that creates values for our small farmers and the artisanal gold miners.


@Kevin_Wambaki I totally agree

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Very good initiative, the block chain technology is going to be an economy driver in just afew short years. Very well thought out proposal.

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