Another ONE - Need Web3 Identity

So here’s what is grinding my gears :gear:,

The fact that we are still using Linked-In to appeal to the public as being a credible person, I’ll try to be unbiased as I explain!

So my thing is I never wore slacks and dockers (boat shoes to work) what can Linked In do for me (not white collar)?

I had those non-slip safety toe shoes on putting hours in, I must ask who is taking account for those who didn’t have the transition from Web2 :arrow_right: Web3 because I got reputation without centralization of cliques.

How about those who have got street or even discord credit for being a decent person , where is that getting us as far as credibility with current tools. I wouldn’t mind someone questioning my Web3 resume, or how I got calluses on my hand from past work done (POAP) speaking for my all my fellows grinding and making this Blockchain our home, we just want to be ONE with all.

Just asking for a much needed change, separate the identity of past and future, I used to wear a blue collar jacket :man_mechanic: :construction_worker_man: and I know many others who don’t associate with the said platform, lets build rep off this talk forum!

I had another #ideas a few days ago regarding DAOs and why we should not support centralizing DAOs - this is not the 92 Olympic Dream team :basketball: - this should be governance and democracy at its finest.

It always seem people are trying to leverage who they know and accolades they have, that really do not matter in world for passionate and critical thinkers, anyONE can step up and solve problems.

Let me know if this is the GWEI :blue_heart:

I’ve always been told it’s not what you know it’s who you know - at this moment in time no ONE knows me or other people like me from a can of paint. So if we’re not networked in or educated then we are out of the loop?


Get hip to 3box, good boilerplate code for DID based profiles, also Ceramid ID. We are actually making dResumes, decentralied Resumes so we can mint experience as NFTs


What’s your socials this may be a perfect spin on what I’m looking to get into :eyes:

Would love to contribute, I have a burning :fire: passion rn

Now this sounds really cool! Would love to hear more about this!