Bigwhle - first retroactively funded #Harmonaut

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Hello, fellow Harmonauts.

You may know them as bigwhle from Twitter, where they showcase most of their work. They are a devout Harmony holder and megaONE creator. It has been such privilege to watch them create hundreds of Harmony Protocol graphics, memes, videos, and tutorials. They have done all of this on their own time, with no funding from the Harmony Foundation. For full transparency, they have received donations from the loving Harmonaut community.


Bigwhle is a humble Harmonaut who clearly enjoys what he does. I believe that through the Basic Income channel there could be an avenue for retroactive payment for some of the incredible work they’ve done for Harmony Protocol and the community.

Metrics / Analytics / Links

Over a 7 month period bigwhle’s tweets have generated over 5 million+ impressions. With the last 28 days generating 537.8K impressions; averaging 19.6K per day and their top tweet seeing 35,843 impressions.
There were two 91 day periods where their twitter account and Harmony Protocol-heavy Twitter content saw over 2 million impressions averaging more than 22k impressions per day. Specifically, their video creations received 77.6K views over a 91 day period spanning from Jun 25 - Sept 23; with 78.7K total minutes viewed, and viewers watching an average of 865 minutes per day.

First, Not the Last

I believe that by funding true freelance creators of Harmony content, from the Basic Income category, it would contribute to an increase of other creators aspiring to develop their own quality content for Harmony Protocol. This, will hopefully be streamlined and facilitated by the CreativeDAO (fingers crossed that gets off the ground).

I’d like to finish by expressing my gratitude to bigwhle for allowing me to help him, and to the Harmony team for giving us creatives this opportunity.


upvote + hug :blue_heart: thank you to both of you!


ONE of a few content Kings :crown: , I enjoy the media and advertisement produced by this fellow Harmonaut. He a true pioneer on twitter and deserves this praise to include financial incentive from funding :blue_heart:


Great content by the boy! +


Absolutely agree :blue_heart: consistent and engaging content -great idea. Thanks


Wow, so much warmth, laughter and beautiful work shared by these harmonauts!! Thank you frwrdslosh for this heartwarming initiative. I am sure we’ll be able to pull this off for the creative ones under us.

#BlueHeartHarmony :blue_heart:


His work is indeed truly amazing. I agree it should be payed for.


Bigwhle definitely deserves credit for the work and compensation! Unbelievably dedicated and talented. We need people like Bigwhle on the creative DAO earning full time as well.


anyone can nominate & vote on our snapshot site

community can donate toward the nominees as tips & bonus – like retroactive funding. #ONElove !

after 3 days this dao will 1-to-1 match the donation

up to 100k ONE tokens every week


Creating amazing content! I think everyone who’s having a :blue_heart: for Harmony is also a fan of bigwhle. Well deserved!

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Ah, so this is the MatchingDAO! Thank you, Li. When does the 3 days start? After I nominate bigwhle on the snapshot?

bigwhle is doing a great job by creating a lot of content for the community and harmony !

Hey, Li! What is the proper channel to nominate bigwhle on the snapshot site? i didn’t see a MatchingDAO