Community DAO Council Q4 2022 Candidate Dayzinn

Hello All

My Name Is Dustin or better Known As Dayzinn
I am A dreamer artist and supporter . I am here today to offer my Candidacy as Governor for the Harmony Community DAO

I will go beyond a few hours weekly
I will share considerable ideas to fellow candidates fellow members & help onboard new members

I’m almost 2 years deep and i will continue to support and cherish the time moving forward in harmony.

Join me in the Crypto Arcade for some fun time. Location: Eastern time zone :Let build .Let learn. lets grow .


Thank you so much for running! I fully support your candidacy and look forward to working with you! Also playing games!! :partying_face:

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Thank you for stepping up. You have my support.


Sorry to hear that Dayzinn :cry: No worries though!

We will still have good times with you as a community member/contributor I hope!

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He’s running again Ya’ll :blue_heart:


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I read you have decided to stay in, if that’s the case you have my support thank you for submitting


I support your candidacy.


Glad to have you on board! Thanks for stepping up :facepunch: