Huge opportunity to get involved in DAOs as a contributor, or even a group of founders, guarantee if you don’t win a prize you would learn something new! These Events will run on two applications, follow bellow for more details!
There will be prizes in $ONE and $PLTS thanks to @Hermes-defi for matching our fund of $500 and to include our Treasury has been blessed with various collection of NFTs, to include 2 signature pieces from MADNFT which they would provide as an incentive as well! Shoutout to @Harmonape_Team ,and many others who will be announced during the event.
At this moment our multisig has not loaded multiple NFTS but only reflecting several of the many we have asked for donations thank you to donors!
This event space is hosted by @Pikzel Crypto Arcade, an event for the Community titled ONE Wednesday, this is a Pre Party warmer event! Although not to be mistaken there will be prizes, to include speakers from Regional DAOs and NFT artist showcasing their work in a Metaverse environment! Meet us at the Crypto Arcade
Details regarding speaker locations - directly horizontal right, you will find the stage, where can spectate or dance
tap " Z " Please join in the fun to learn more anon
This event will start at 1900 UTC and run to approximately 2200 UTC
We will begin with an introduction talk to Harmony Community to educate, engage and spread awareness of what our mission is, both as DAOs and projects on Harmony and what it means to scale around the community!.
Our ecosystem partners discuss their beginnings and where they intend to go, which much more insight behind community as the key piece to foundation for DAOs and Partners alike.
The Event link here to get to the Harmony Protocol Discord Server event to be notified when we go live!
Wish to see all there, we will do our best to record as this is a duration of a few hours and will have many prizes!
Stay until the end as we’ll be unwinding from our time at ETHDenver and how our experiences were, what it was like being in the Harmony Culture on the ground, there will be many opportunities throughout this event