Cosmic Universe Validator [Unelected]

Validator Name

Cosmic Universe (@thecosmicguild)

Staking Profile

Cosmic Universe Validator

Commission %


Infrastructure Setup

Digital Ocean Cloud VPS
16 GB RAM/8 CPUs Dedicated/100 GB SSD + 1000 GB
VPS1 - San Francisco

About Us

The Cosmic Universe validator is run by Cosmic Universe, an open-world blockchain MMORPG proudly making its home on the Harmony network. We are an ever-expanding and growing gaming project with thousands of members that is looking to also help further decentralize Harmony and provide some much-needed validator nodes to Shard 0.

I first discovered Harmony in 2021 even though I’ve been in the crypto space since 2013, and am a member of two other major crypto projects, one being Aragon. I am now the founder of Cosmic Universe on Harmony and in this space 12-14 hours a day on most days. I was stunned how there was a layer 1 solution to Ethereum’s blockchain trilemma woes, and even more shocked it was still not as well-known as other Ethereum alternatives. Seeing the massive potential of Harmony, with its 2-sec tx finality and virtually free transactions, I went all-in on Harmony and decided that it was going to be the foundation on which I would create what would hopefully become one of the most successful blockchain games in the entire crypto space. It’s been an extraordinary 6 months, and our project has accomplished a lot. Personally, I am eternally grateful for Harmony and the opportunities it has provided me, as well as all of the amazing people I have met along the way.

The Cosmic Universe validator node is one of the validators that seeks to help out on Shard 0. We made sure, following the advice of another awesome validator that helped get us set up, to have a very beefy server that can seamlessly handle being on Shard 0. We also plan of doing some really big things with our MMORPG, currently in development and slated to be released in 2022.

Validator Pledge

Harmony’s Effective Proof-of-Stake Validators are the backbones of the Harmony infrastructure. I shall pledge to constantly run an up-to-date validator, promote a decentralized validator community, and use best practices of running a validator service.

I have read the Terms and Concepts in detail and fully understood its purpose, possess the know-how of running this service, and know the risk-rewards to run this service. I fully understand Harmony’s Definitive Guide to Harmony Open Staking