I would like to submit my candidacy for the Creative DAO Council Q2 2022
The past term was frustrating, to say the least, without going into too much detail, we faced issues, to explain this in as few words as possible, please see the bullet points below:
- The first bout of funding was massively delayed
- Once funding hit due to the delays the funding was mainly used for retroactive payments
- The DAO immediately requested funding 5 days after receiving the first amount
- Since that the DAO has waited 66 days since that request for a decision
- I have personally reached out to no prevail
- The only official response I have received is that there is a ‘‘Reporting’’ issue and due to the lack of explanation and a failure in transparency I still don’t know what that is
- Much like we have seen before, communication with the DAO operations team is still falling short
- However, I’m hoping once we have the new governors in their seats that this will be rectified
- Any new term of governors needs to be given a chance to achieve what the DAO sets out to do with its community
- This is only speculation, but I get the feeling the reason for the delays was the lack of understanding from the foundation in that if you don’t fund a DAO, governors get demotivated when they can’t do what they set out to achieve, was it the lack of work, was it that governors were stepping away? It doesn’t really matter, we have to move forward
Moving forward with positivity and hope
So, I’m here, wanting to do what I set out to achieve when I joined the DAO originally, something which I don’t feel like we have been fully given the opportunity to try to achieve so far, obviously all of the above was rather frustrating for some, causing many governors to step away, by the end of this term, the DAO has essentially been left with only myself, The Nurse Greg and Chris from Cheeky Crypto still around trying to save the shell of a DAO we have been left with but love dearly.
Despite the funding issues, and not giving up, we have managed to put the DAO into a great place and are ready to welcome the new lot of governors, we’re ready to onboard contributors, we are ready to roll out a bounty program that can be pushed internationally giving Harmony the single largest marketing drive we have ever seen that could potentially put Harmony on the map as it should be.
This marketing drive, I’m severely and absolutely desperate to see through. This project is ready for onboarding contributors to make it become a reality, we have already received official governance approval, I mean seriously, I have already translated documentation into 14 different languages so we can truly push it internationally. We have steps in place to ensure all people taking part in the marketing drive and bounty program give concise and correct information. This could be massive!
Personally and this is just me, the aim of DAOs for the next term is to create a clear process from people submitting ideas, to those ideas becoming a reality and the full process in between the two. With the help of amazing DAO tooling such as DeWork, this is becoming easier to achieve, it’s more decentralized and it needs less input from governors. Enabling governors to actually step back a little as DAOs should be.
We obviously have a long way to go in certain areas, but we’re getting there.
I want to use this term to ensure that all DAO deliverables are achieved through a participating community, regular content is being put out from the Creative DAO such as a weekly video, weekly infographics, 2-3 posts, and medium articles. this is something community members have been wondering about, not understanding we have been unable to get people to commit to completing these as we couldn’t guarantee they would be rewarded for their hard work. I don’t just want to achieve the above, we can do so much more than that and have tens if not hundreds of contributors creating quality content regularly.
We have changes to make, we have things to achieve and we are in a much better position than ever to achieve these things.
I believe I have a lot of value to add, I believe I can ramp up operations and bring in a new era of participation from the hundred-plus participants we have accumulated over the previous term and I believe we can do this more efficiently than ever before.
I have a good understanding of where we are currently, where we need to be, how we get there, and most importantly how we do that with as much participation and with as many contributors as possible.
Regarding mandatory questions, please see my answers below.
What is the role of the Creative DAO in the Harmony community and how do you plan to advance its mission?
To put it short and the way I take the overall goals of the DAO is to teach the world what Harmony is about, what values we hold, and what we can achieve together with Harmony Protocol. It’s not just about speaking to the same people, to the same members of our community, and telling or showing them what they already know. It’s about showing people in and out of the crypto space why Harmony is different and why we add value to the world.
How do you organize, plan, and prioritize your work?
Commitment, when times are hard, I’m here, I don’t duck out when the bullets start to fly, I stand my ground and get the job done. I’m not afraid to put my neck on the line to achieve our goals or ask difficult questions too difficult people.
Tell us about a suggestion you’ve made that has benefitted an organization you’ve worked for.
Tricky question as I hate blowing my own smoke. I struggle to answer this as I don’t want to talk about the things I achieve and the quality of them. I can say though, that every job I have ever done, I try to do to a level at which I constantly improve. I believe some of the greatest things I have achieved is showing other people what they’re capable of when they put their mind to things, there’s nothing better than helping people that work with me or for me to achieve their full potential. The world is full of some pretty amazing people, and sometimes all they need is a little confidence to achieve amazing things.
Why are you the best person for a role on the Creative DAO council?
As stated above, I know where we currently are, the reality of the situation, and where we need to go next, due to the funding delays we have been working for the very moment we’re able to operate in full. I want to help roll this out so the contributors can work and the content can flow.
Fast forward 3 months - what will a successful term have looked like?
Contributors creating content, being 10 x the information available to share and shout about, content that can help the world understand what it is that we do and do so well as a blockchain and a community.