As discussed with @andre_salem , the following modifications have been made to qualify for a $10K Project Y grant from ETH Rio, as a first step to eventually move to the consideration of a $50K Bounty grant.
Cryptum to deliver the following milestones as Project Y:
1) Milestone 1 in Testnet
(Builders) Integrate Harmony protocol into Cryptum offered protocols.
Provide developers a complete SDK/API tool to easily build and integrate Harmony into their applications. The content will be available in English, Spanish, and Portuguese.
2) Milestone 1 on Mainnet
(Launch above milestone on Mainnet, fully tested and functional)
3) Awareness Growth + Onboarding
Use current strategic partnerships to spread awareness of the product and start onboarding.
Given Cryptum is a B2B platform, the initial onboarding targets are 30 (conservative) to 70 (ambitious) companies.
Strategic partnerships include:
- FGV-EAESP, an Economy and Business Management college in Brazil
- ABStartups (Associação Brasileira de Startups)
- ABFintech (Associação Brasileira e Fintechs)
4) Create a DAO with a governance token on Harmony
To be achieved once Cryptum v2 launches.
@andre_salem do you agree to these terms?