DAOs: People DAO Funding Proposal

Hello @dinfo – Thank you for putting together this proposal. As you can imagine, Giv, Jack and I are very excited about the quality of proposals that have been coming in. However - that has created a bit of a bottleneck so please bear with us as we slog through the backlog.

A few things I would like to flag. While it is clear you have spent some time working on this proposal, there are some fundamentals that the proposal lacks.

For clarity - here are the guidelines from harmony.one/300:

  1. 100 DAOs ($50M). Governors of each DAO have delegated autonomy over its assets and initiatives. Harmony helps define 3 broad mandates, recruit 9 governors, define the deliverables and metrics for the first 3 months, and fund at maximum $1M. We recommend $75 to $350 per hour as the self-assessed salary, 3-month election terms, retroactive peer bonus and performance feedback, 80% passing votes, and openly tracking timesheets and deliverables for each member.

As you can see there are some core things that we need to flesh out.
(1) the 3 Broad Mandates. Think of them as “tweet-sized mission statements”. While you have some general mandates in here - see if you can pull them into three simple bullet points.

(2) 9 Governors - this is where I think the proposal is missing a key element of a DAO. We need to see a critical mass of people interested in doing this particular task.

You do a pretty good job of fleshing out some early deliverables so I will leave the rest to you.

@BRUNO wrote up a fantastic proposal for the DaVinci DAO. Take a look - you may find the framework helpful.