[DevDAO Term 4] Candidate - CrazyChicken

Hello Harmony Community,

I’m CrazyChicken and I would like to announce my candidacy for DEV DAO Q4 Governor.

I’m a full-stack web developer, open-source enthusiast, computer engineer and designer with a keen interest in cyber-security. I have a profound passion for design, robotics, IoT and hardware (embedded systems). I’m an Introvert and I love playing competitive video games.

Career Headlines:

  • Web Developer for 3 years.
  • Designer for 4 years.

Experience as a web3 developer (LinkedIn, Github).

I’ve been opportune to build a few web3-based products and mostly web2 projects which are cited in the following links below.

My GitHub

My LinkedIn

Familiarity with Harmony and its development ecosystem.

I’ve followed Harmony and its development ecosystem for quite some time now closely and would like to advocate more in the developer ecosystem irrespective of the various shortcomings currently encountered. I have been a member of the community for about 8 months and would love to continue by making contributions toward building the DevDAO and meeting deliverables.

Track record of assisting other developers and community members.

I got involved in the Harmony ecosystem in November 2021 as a member of the NigerianDAO and have since been developing and building on Harmony. I’ve also been involved in a lot of technical and non-technical AMA sessions over Twitter spaces, the community discord channels and the weekly DAO/DAO-Ops calls.

Experience running developer talks and events.

Being a GitHub Campus Expert, I’ve organised a couple of community events, training and workshops and I’ve been featured in a few talks and online events. I’ve also been able to organise two successful regional harmony meetups and was a lead organiser for the Harmony Tech for Social Impact Hackathon in the NigerianDAO which hosted about 100 individual developers and about 20+ active teams participating.

What would I want to do?

  • I want to provide aid/support to other developers in the harmony ecosystem by building and seamlessly engaging with the developer community.
  • I would also help in creating infographics and designs for the DAO and community at large.
  • Actively contribute to documentation and open-source materials on the harmony blockchain.
  • Would love to build a system that fixes the issue of limited resources about the harmony blockchain for newbie developers in the ecosystem or those just looking to contribute.
  • Assist in putting up or developing tools and frameworks that help make DAO-ing much more fun and engaging.

Hey @Nwaobi_Daniel ,

with all the stuff going down, we were quite distracted, but we
have 9 candidates now. And would conduct an approval vote when
you are still around and up for it.

Please just answer here or reach out on the discord.
Feel free to join the discord meeting on Monday 9am PST.


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Definitely! @Severin