Developer Captains’ Weekly Update
Community Spotlights
- Explorer v2 is in Beta!
- Community DAO Voting is happening now!
- From June 28, 2021, 12:30 a.m to July 1, 2021, 9 a.m
- Vote Here!
- Checkout the Reddit Post!
- Medium Article by Samuel Harrison
- Introducing Dev Captain Dylan Kawalec
- Actor and founder of Chaotic Beauty LLC - Dylan teaches programming languages to students to bridge any Artist or aspiring Developer to the web3. He runs a Harmony Community site called to establish greater transparency for the community.
- Harmony’s Mainnet Second Anniversary!
Last Week’s Dev Captain’s Meeting Notes
- Discussion of responsibilities and goals the captains are looking to accomplish
- Discussion of community DAOs and grants using decentralized community engagement and voting
- Discussion of documentation enhancements and improvements for the community
- Video tutorials
- Improved context around current tutorials
- Improved navigation and linking
- Harmony Ecosystem school/education platform
- Discussion around promoting verified tooling within the harmony network