Name of Project
Application type
Product Launch
Proposal overview
EvoVerses is a realistic 3D Pokemon-like game that aims to bring non-crypto gamers to the crypto ecosystem by educating them on the different crypto aspects. Meanwhile, they enjoy several gameplay modes, like the PvP mode, the social mode, and the most loved by the gaming community: the story mode, featuring a whole story around the mysterious creatures that appeared in the world: the Evos.
Launch stages
- Gamified website, where the player can start visiting the city, interacting with different NPCs to learn some of the lore, discover easter eggs, and start being introduced to DeFi by using some of the usual DeFi services, like earning $EVO tokens by providing LP (check here the rewards’ emission schedule).
- Launch of several DeFi tools to keep providing the community with valuable services, like a portfolio tracker (both website and mobile app versions) with support for the most popular dapps in the ecosystem or even an in-game DEX integration (partnered with FoxSwap (previously known as FarmersOnlyFi)), so they provide the back-end contracts, and we customize the UI in our website and also inside the game.
- Launch the Evos, lands, and businesses marketplace on the gamified website, where you will be able to buy, sell, and breed your Evos, get ready for battle with them, and explore the world.
- Launch the PvP mode as a standalone desktop game and as a mobile app without using MetaMask to play in the desktop or mobile versions! Start battling to show the world you are the best Evo trainer, rank on the leaderboard, and classify between the best Evo trainers for the world tournament!
- Launch the story mode!
You can check the full roadmap here:
Proposal ask
We are now getting ready to launch the first product in the project: the gamified website with the staking services (we have partnered with Unite Finance to be the first project launching using their brand new launchpad!). Also, we are actively working on the launch of the Evos and the PvP mode. To facilitate the development and especially the marketing, we are looking for $50k worth of ONE, which should be split into portions and released by milestones:
Milestone | Tranche |
Launching Evo token and gamified website with staking service already enabled on TestNet | $10k |
After forming a DAO with multisig (ideally 5-out-of-9) | $10k |
After launching the gamified website with staking service already enabled on Harmony mainnet | $10k |
After 1K daily active users (with video launch, full PR promotion) | $10k |
After 10K daily active users (with a detailed roadmap, governance process) | $10k |
Metrics for success
A good project needs a good team, a good product, and an incredible community. We have all three, but we know that if we want to be able to spread the word of crypto, GameFi, and Harmony ONE over the non-crypto gamers, we need to grow much more.
- 10,000 users for the PvP beta launch in June; 10,000 Discord members by then and 10,000 Twitter followers
- Approval of a Harmony Grant
- $1M liquidity staked by the community in our EvoVerses gamified site
- At least 100 community members participating in the PvP beta
- Creation of the EvoVerses University DAO component and approval of a Harmony ONE DAO grant towards educating non-crypto people about the financial concepts in crypto (using Harmony ONE tools) (down the road)
External Links
We have several exciting links and also all our socials! Since we are a new account, we can not add lots of links here, so in this one, you can find several links to all our socials and also to the first gameplay footage (old graphics but still good): EvoVerses 🎉🦄 | Linktree
If you want to know more, just join Discord, there you will find a lot more content!
Latest Evo revealed plus first images of the new graphics in-game: youtube .com/watch?v=oyubfXTh_lQ
Mainnet ETA
We will launch the token and gamified website to the MainNet next Friday (🔥 EvoVerses: Launch Info and Guide! | by EvoVerses | Apr, 2022 | Medium). After that, evos launch and a beta of the PvP will launch in June, and in mid-summer, we plan to launch the first PvP season in Mainnet.
Story mode will launch the first chapters in the MainNet around September/October.
EvoVerses is targeting crypto and non-crypto gamers by focusing on a proven idea (Pokemon) with a proven graphics style (Genshin Impact) but with our take (everything is entirely original: the story, creatures…).
At the same time, our primary focus is to simplify the way non-crypto gamers start in the game; due to that, we are creating a new way to play the game on mobile and desktop without using MetaMask.
With all these small things, we can be sure we will be able to reach lots of non-crypto gamers and introduce them to the fantastic world of crypto and Harmony ONE.
Note: Probably some people will wonder how we can develop a game like this with just a grant! Don’t worry; we have been developing the project (not only the game itself but the idea and story) since June; we are backed by our funds plus recently, from the private sale. The grant is extra funds plus a way to KYC with the Harmony community for future potential collaborations together!
If you still have questions, feel free to ask here, on Telegram or Discord; our team is always happy to answer!