EzTools - The one stop ecosystem tooling suite


Affordable and easy to use ecosystem tool suite that standardises commonly used products like staking, airdrops and more

Proposal overview

The number one problem that stops a project or ecosystem from growing is the lack of ecosystem tools and extensive dev time wasted on the in house creation of these. Projects want to grow fast and regular users seek a good user experience, which is where our product “EzTools” comes in.

EzTools is an easy to use ecosystem tooling suite with 2 products already launched for Airdrops and NFT staking and many more on the way. Our USP is standardising commonly used products and collaborating with projects using those products to add value and save dev time for projects.

Our existing products:

EzDrops - Airdrop tool that allows users to bulk transfer any type of token or tokens to single or multiple addresses of their choosing with a profile, template creation and other features coming in the next update.

EzStaking - NFT Staking platform that standardizes the process of implementing NFT staking for the projects at extremely affordable prices. We provide standard as well as custom implementation for NFT staking on our platform with seamless user experience.

Upcoming products:

EzSig - Our take on multisig wallets on Harmony with our seamless user experience and 1 transaction proposal execution, our goal is to make user experience so pristine that all projects can easily use our multisig for better security of their products without any hassle.

EzLaunch - A vetted token ICO platform where users will be able to invest in promising tokens vetted by the team and where projects will easily be able to set up their token ICO for the community without wasting any dev time on it.

EzRoles - Easily configurable discord role bot (like Harmony.land bot on Chibi Cats Cafe server made by our devs) for token gating roles on discord.

EzScrow - P2P NFT sale escrow tool that’d allow users to buy and sell NFTs securely without the hassles of a marketplace.

EzMask - Generative Art projects need to mask their metadata CIDs so as to not get trait sniped, this requires a backend setup in most cases and can be a huge waste of Dev time for most projects, our tool would allow users to enter their folder CID from IPFS and we generate backend link for them that they can then use as base uri in the contracts and we mask their metadata for them with just a click of a button.

Our milestones are:

  1. Weeks 1-3: Launch EzLaunch on mainnet and airdrop update
  2. Weeks 4-6: Launch EzSig and EzMask on mainnet
  3. Weeks: 7-9: Launch EzScrow on mainnet and form 5 on 9 multisig DAO
  4. Weeks: 10-12: Launch EzRoles service
  5. Weeks: 13-16: Partner with 30+ projects across the tool suite

Proposal ask

We are requesting $70K in project support grants:

While we do understand that the standard is $50k for most projects, our ask is based on the fact that most projects are working on a single product whereas our tool suite has 2 products on Mainnet already and another 5 in development with more coming soon. We have a 6 developer team and our margins would grow with adoption and partnerships but initially we need support to fuel our initial costs to the market. With more projects joining the Harmony ecosystem slowing down our rapid development and release process is not an option.

Our funding breakdown:

$10k after mainnet launch of EzLaunch
$10k after mainnet launch of EzSig
$10k after mainnet launch of EzScrow
$10k after launch of EzMask services
$10k after 5 on 9 multisig DAO formation on EzSig
$10k after reaching 10k DAU across the tool suite

And $10k for architecture cost support for the entire project, this includes server costs, domains costs and any other architecture cost incurred in the development and initial phase of this tool suite.

Metrics for success

  1. Partnership with 5 Project across the suite in the 1st month
  2. 10k Visits in first month
  3. 10k DAU in 3 months
  4. 1k Discord members + 5k twitter followers
  5. Partnering with over 30 projects in 4 months

External links

Discord : EzTools


Thanks for your proposal, it has been assigned and the team will review and respond shortly :blue_heart:


Hey @Mattyontap, please let us know if you have any feedback or questions.


I am heavily invested in Harmony and few early projects have impressed me as much as EzTools. Their NFT staking platform is so smooth to use and clearly powerful as it adapts to the unique needs of each new project. Their tools are straightforward for blockchain beginners while still being powerful/valuable for the seasoned grumps like me. I am EXTREMELY hyped to see this list of new tools they’re working on and cannot overstate how important it is to me as an independent investor that Harmony focus on this platform.

EzTools can become a lightning fast springboard for projects looking to launch and add utility across the chain, and I gain confidence in every project that I see launching with them.

NB: I am not invested in this project in any way (but I absolutely would.)

1 Like

Staking was super ez. Nice to get some utility out of small project NFTs


Thank you for applying. At this time, we have closed our first round of Harmony grants and decided to decline this proposal.

The bar to receive boostrap grants is now higher than it has been historically. Further guidelines are being finalized and should be released in the coming week.

We hope you continue to build the upcoming products and circle back when full suite is on your website.

Thank you for choosing Harmony.

This thread will be closed.