Harmony Nigeria DAO (Harmony NaijaDAO) Proposal

Harmony Nigeria DAO Proposal. (Harmony Naija DAO) www.naijadao.one


Nigeria is a country situated in West Africa, with a population of over 200 million people and a GDP of over $432B making it both the largest economy in Africa and the most populated country in Africa.

According to Statista (2021), in Nigeria, half of the population (100 million) is aged under 19 years. People aged up to four years old made up the largest age group: 8.3 percent of males and eight percent of females were less than four years old. Similarly, children aged 5 to 9 years held the second largest share of population. On the other hand, people aged 60 years and older represented a small part of the population while people aged 20 – 50 constitute about 30% of the population. The high numerical strength of Nigeria’s youths has spurred many into entrepreneurial endeavours and most recently the blockchain and cryptocurrency industry.

In February 2020, the central bank of Nigeria in its diaspora review of cash flows reiterated its earlier position that over 15 million Nigerians live/work abroad and send an estimated $23.5B back home annually. This is roughly 5.2% of the country’s GDP. This is leading to crypto drive to make remittances easier. In March 2021, the CBN published its reports showing that annual remittances have dropped by 28% from $23.5B to $17.2B. One of the reasons for this decrease might be justified by the fact that a growing number of diaspora resident Nigerians now send their remittances using cryptocurrencies and peer to peer features on Binance and other escrow apps for crypto and stable coins.

Furthermore, Nigeria is currently a global leader in cryptocurrency trading and adoption ranking third in the world behind the USA and Russia. According to the BBC (2021), about 32% of Nigerian youth know about cryptocurrency and may have used or interacted with it at one point. This puts Nigeria as the highest adopters of cryptocurrency in the world.

These data above form the premise of the ideas and ongoing activities and projects espoused in this proposal which can be summarized in the following:

a. Nigeria is the largest economy and the most populous country in Africa.
b. Over 70% of Nigeria’s population are youths.
c. There is an unemployment crisis and many Nigerian youths have resorted to tech, entrepreneurship, and the blockchain/crypto industry.
d. Nigeria is a global leader in the crypto industry, 3rd largest volume in the world and highest number of adopters in the world.
e. Over 15 million Nigerians are resident outside Nigeria and remit over 25B dollars home annually creating a huge market for a seamless remittance initiative.
f. Nigerian youths are resilient, focused and are emerging leaders in the blockchain and crypto industry irrespective of government interference.

Proposal Overview

The Harmony Naija DAO is on a mission to create a community of dreamers who are committed to improving lives through the adoption of blockchain and it’s benefits. For the first 3 months, the DAO will focus on bringing harmony protocol to the consciousness of millions of Nigerians through community engagements, training, social media campaigns and partnerships.

The DAO is proposing to train 25 blockchain developers who will after their training become trainers of others in the community.

The DAO for the next 3 months will begin a campus initiative to market harmony to university students who form the core of crypto users in Nigeria. This strategy has worked for cowrywise, google developers group, github, flutterwave, and currently being used by FTx exchange.

The DAO for the next 4 months will harness the talents and skills of its governors and community members to facilitate partnerships between SMEs, social media influencers and tech schools in order to achieve its mandate.

The DAO for the next 3 months will begin a drive to facilitate the onboarding of new Nigerian harmony validators to contribute to the stability of the protocol and begin their journey of becoming blockchain infrastructure owners of the community.

Harmony Nigeria DAO Vision and Mandate:

  1. Form a strong vibrant blockchain community of dreamers and builders across states and communities in Nigeria. We are currently starting from Lagos, Benin and Anambra states.

  2. Facilitate the training of as many blockchain developers in the community within the next 12 months.

  3. Facilitate the onboarding of entrepreneurs, builders and product developers on to the harmony ecosystem and apply for grants to fund their products and projects.

  4. Facilitate the bootstrapping of many validators from Nigeria. Currently there is no validator resident in any African country, and we are hoping Nigeria makes a difference as the highest crypto adopters in the world. To move from adopting crypto to owning infrastructures on the blockchain, ensuring the success and stability of blockchains and most especially the harmony protocol.

  5. Facilitate the creation of self-sustaining and funded DAOs around common goals in local communities in Nigeria.

  6. The Harmony Nigeria DAO has a mandate to bring together all Nigerian youth that believe in changing the narrative and to create an enabling environment for more dreamers to discover themselves.

Harmony Naija DAO Objectives:

1. Website design, and translation of harmony vision and mission: The harmony Naija Dao has already bought a domain name www.naijadao.one and is putting in final contacts with translators and web developers of the harmony Naija Dao website and the translation of harmony protocol vision and mission documents. Nigeria has English language as her official language and 3 major native languages (Igbo, Yoruba, and Hausa) including pidgin English as mediums of communication. The website will have features to toggle between these languages and a translation of harmony mission and vision in these languages will be on the website and submitted to harmony protocol leadership.

Metrics of success:

Translating harmony vision and mission to 3 major Nigerian native languages and the pidgin English.

Designing the Harmony Naija DAO website to reflect the mission, and vision of Harmony Naija Dao in different Nigerian languages.

2. Harmony Nigeria Validator Initiative. The goal is to help as many Nigerians as possible to start their validator journey. Currently, there is no validator resident in Africa, and this would be a huge step towards showing the acceptance and culture of harmony for all. The Harmony Naija DAO will be working with the validator DAO to see the possibility of giving African validators special privileges to be considered on priority for the validator bootstrap funds.

Metrics of success:

  • At least 2 Nigeria resident validators within the next 12 months.

3. Training and education.

The Harmony Naija education objective aims to orient, train and onboard as many Nigerians as possible to the blockchain industry and to the harmony ecosystem within the next 24 months.

This will be done through blockchain developer training, and campus initiative drive in the southern part of Nigeria: southwest, southeast, and south-south. These states include:

Southwest: Lagos

Southeast: Anambra

South-south: Edo

An average Nigerian is entrepreneurial, inquisitive and with an unwavering spirit and disposition to try new things, embrace and build innovatively. These qualities will be harnessed into motivating and empowering Nigerians with the knowledge and resources they need to achieve not just financial freedom but to utilise harmony daily in their lives, build and own infrastructures.

Harmony Naija Campus Initiative and Developer Training.

A. Technical Training and Adoption


Week 1 - week 52

Partnering with Tech schools and their technical facilitators to educate about 25 community members of the harmony Naija DAO on blockchain development technology across Lagos, Edo, and Anambra within the next four (4) months.

The Tech schools we look to partner with include Mikon Institute, Edo State; Cyclobold Tech, Lagos; and Pnet Infotech Systems Anambra.

Criteria for Admission:

Candidates who want to undergo the training must prove good understanding of basic programming and other fundamentals of blockchain development during interviews with governors of the Naija Dao . These would include a freecodecamp or similar training certification, GitHub profile to show undergone projects.

Metrics of success

  • Trained members will be able to develop smart contracts and work on the DAOs development projects on harmony protocol within the next 12 to 24 months thereby saving the organisation the pain of outsourcing these.

  • Trained members will become resource persons to train other community & non community members of the Naija Dao within the next 12 – 24 months.

  • Trained members are to have initiated the “catch them young” campaign by reaching out and raising sound next generation of blockchain developers usually from age 7 to 19 years.

  • Trained members in groups have started launching various smart contract projects on harmony and creating jobs for other Nigerians in their respective projects while applying for grants.

After the 4th month, all our developer community trainees will become developer trainers to new blockchain developer community tech candidates.

B. Harmony Naija Campus initiative. (Adoption drive)


Campus initiatives have been a successful way many companies have been able to penetrate emerging markets and sell their vision and brand. Think of Google Student Ambassador, or local Nigerian FinTechs Barter (by Flutterwave) and Cowrywise. Cowrywise was able to build a community of over 600 Ambassador team leads across 60 tertiary institutions in Nigeria.

Who better to get on board a project of the future than young and innovative students?

The campus initiative will target technical and non-technical education of students within campuses. This will focus on introducing them to blockchain technology, the Harmony protocol, and the Nigeria DAO Vision.

The campus initiative will have a non-technical education roadmap with modules and lessons for Campus ambassadors. This will cover the basics of blockchain, explaining of blockchain related terms, navigating and interacting with decentralised and non decentralised platforms, bitcoin and ethereum, Harmony Protocol as an upgrade of the ethereum blockchain, real Life solutions with harmony protocol, Career paths in blockchain.

It will also train students, especially those due for undergraduate internship, on blockchain development from programming to writing smart contracts.

(Members of the campus initiative will also apply for number 1 above)

Metrics of success

Train 10 blockchain developers across tertiary institutions in each of the three mentioned states over 4 months (members of the campus initiative will apply for number 1 above)

Have trained developers submit proposals to build products on the Harmony Protocol over the next 12-month period.

Have functional blockchain communities in these campuses, with a minimum of 50 core members across tertiary institutions in each of the three states within the next 4 months.

Onboard at least 100 active students into the campus initiative program in each university.

Mini conferences, symposiums online with harmony international community and blockchain career orientation for each of the campuses.

4. Partnership/Marketing.

The Harmony Naija DAO will begin blockchain training and education in selected communities in these states, working with business and tech entrepreneurs to bootstrap the faster adoption of harmony protocol as a preferred unit of transaction, preferred blockchain for building products and educating them on other unique products already built on Harmony and how they can maximise this potential.

Marketing Plan

A. Influencer Marketing: We will work with top Nigerian influencers on twitter, tiktok, Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook as well as notable youth public figures and skit makers.

Some key influencers in the Nigerian Blockchain Community include:

Crypto Round Up Africa @CRAspaces on Twitter. Join in for a Twitter Spaces session to discuss Harmony Protocol.

BTCryptoCoach @ThePaulOla on Twitter. 25.4k Twitter followers and an active Telegram Channel having 4.2k Subscribers.

Crypto Coach @wisdomMatic on Twitter. 40.8k Twitter followers

Tola Joseph Fadugbagbe on Facebook. Founder Crypto Masterclass. Has 29k+ followers on Facebook.

Other Large Scale Influencers

@Asemota on Twitter 188K followers

@mrmacaronii on Twitter. 1.3M followers.

Sydneytalker on Instagram. 3.3M followers.

B. Community Marketing: We will invest in building a community that will be hosted on a messaging platform like telegram, Slack or Whatsapp. This will help with engagement, networking and dissemination of information. This community will also give members a sense of belonging. We already have a telegram channel Telegram: Join Group Chat and a twitter handle twitter.com/HarmonyNaijaDAO

C. Event Marketing: We will leverage existing events and also create our own events - virtual and physical. This will help establish us as authorities in this space and open up for more opportunities. It is also a great way for us to do PR.

D. Content Marketing: We will leverage on these channels to put out content - blog, twitter spaces, clubhouse sessions, Youtube, podcast. This will serve as a funnel to build our community.

E. Email Marketing: We will leverage this to give updates to members of our community. These emails will be sent out weekly or can be sent as a monthly roundup.

F. PR: To stay top of mind, drive awareness and relevance, we will invest in doing PR quarterly. This can be on radio, TV or popular digital news and tech blogs.


One of the major aims of our partnership initiative is working with local small and medium enterprises, fintech companies and social organizations in onboarding their users to crypto and harmony while offering them incentives for doing so. These incentives can include but not limited to

i. partnering with us in our numerous campus initiative activities, community outreaches and events to boost their brand.

ii. Opportunity to learn about harmony, submit a proposal or apply for grants. etc.

The Harmony Naija Dao as part of its marketing program will begin the Annual Harmony Nigeria blockchain conference from 2022, where local and foreign businesses, crypto companies and individuals are invited to participate in discussion on the adoption of crypto, usage of the blockchain, defi and the showcasing of the achievements and annual review of the Harmony Naija Dao.


The goal of the DAO is to become within the next 24 months, an active, self-sustaining, critical part of the Harmony Ecosystem.

The Harmony Naija DAO proposes a funding of $350,000 over the next 24 months, with an initial funding of $110,000 for the next 3 months. These funds won’t be able to cover all the DAO hopes to achieve, however, its vision is to become self-sufficient and grow its partnership with local and foreign SMEs and crypto companies. This invariably, it hopes to translate to more funding or sponsorship of its remaining mission objectives.

Here is a breakdown of the initial $110,000 for the next 3 months.

Some of the training modules developed by the Africa DAO will be adapted for our campus initiative training, meetups and outreaches. This removes the additional cost of developing from scratch a training module.

Project timeline for the next 3 months:

This proposal spans over 12 months and efforts will be made to attract other local and foreign sponsors and partners to achieve the DAOs aims, objectives, mission and vision.

Governors are highly skilled individuals who will take leadership of a section of the DAOs objectives and work collaboratively with their respective team and community members to get the job done within the timeframe proposed.

Weekly monitoring and evaluation will be carried out to ascertain fault lines, and adequate modifications done if necessary.

Governors of Harmony Naija DAO:

Cheta Ike Ogbuzuru:

Cheta is the lead governor and has over 12 years experience across different levels of education and management. Skilled in data analysis and curriculum development, he holds an Msc in organizational psychology and organizational development. Founded Vincit veritas facility management company in 2014 and MAiOasis tour & travel company in 2019.

Cheta is a self taught blockchain and defi analyst and has been an active crypto trader since 2016 (Bitcoin class of 2016).

He runs a validator node (SymphonyONE validator) on Harmony, currently a governor with the Harmony Validator DAO and pivoting full time into tech.

Cheta has traveled across Africa, Europe and Asia, and has over 4 years experience in international organisational development, and project management. He doubles currently as a mental health coordinator while devoting most of his philanthropic endeavours towards the promotion of public health and adoption of cryptocurrency across Africa and especially Nigeria.

Daniel Asiadiachi:

An electrical/electronic engineer, blockchain aficionado and expert web copywriter. He freelanced on Upwork, and created about 1000 web contents currently published on the Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous.

He has contributed to early stage startups, from business development to team management and scale optimisation. Daniel was head of growth at Illusion Decals, and achieved a milestone 5,000 gadget skin installations, championing PimpYourGadget campus campaigns, scaling to 3 new locations, ×5 staff strength (5 to 25 currently), and doing over 6× monthly revenue in three years.

Daniel is self-taught python programmer, currently interning with Muzzlab Technologies. A social media and digital strategist, your branding and PR guy, and Twitter Addict, he is very passionate about the blockchain ecosystem and its interesting use cases for adoption in Africa.

Daniel finds pleasure in contributing to projects that make life easier for people. He loves meeting new people, and is an amateur art collector in love with renaissance art, classical music, and nature in its truest form.

Frances Mmakogu:
Frances is a blockchain adoption crusader cum educator, certified chemical engineer, member of Nigerian Society of Engineers, Nigerian Institute of Management Chartered,Red Cross and society of petroleum Engineers with over 13 years experience across different work levels .

She holds great expertise in community building, data analysis & interpersonal relations as an instructor, planning engineer & quality control quality assurance officer. A laboratory - research scientist that has designed over twenty fit for purpose drilling fluids that ensure the company ANA have been kept in business for over ten years and currently among the 3 grade-A licenced manufacturers of barite in Nigeria.

She is a visionary, goal getter,and team player who seeks to contribute effectively towards organisational growth of Harmony and Harmony Naija Dao.

Daniel Nwaobi

Daniel is a computer engineer/software developer, GitHub campus expert and cyber-security researcher.
An open-source enthusiast with an interest in front-end web development. An ethical hacker, pentester, red-teamer and a self-taught cyber-security researcher who loves going offensive.

Daniel has a profound passion for programming, graphics designing, security researching, robotics, IoT and hardware. He enjoys creating things that live both on the internet and in reality, whether that be websites, applications, scripts, embedded systems or anything in between. He goes by the alter-ego ‘CrazyChickenDev or 0x00CCSec’.

As a GitHub campus expert for his institution, he was able to build the Dev-Benin Community which collectively consisted of a group of adept students passionate about tech and working together to build things, share ideas and learn collectively.

He also interned at UNiTes (a cybersecurity firm) as a cybersecurity researcher and analyst where he built a few notable projects showcased on his GitHub. He later went on to work as a software developer for the telecommunication brand Wisper Nigeria.

Daniel also ranked the highest contributor to open source on GitHub in Nigeria in 2020, making him a renowned open source evangelist and adopter in the country. He is also a member of the core team of builders for Biko.ng, an ecommerce platform for local traders also known as shopify for Africans which was funded by the Tony Elumelu Foundation Program with a grant of 5000 USD.

Joy Eneghalu:

Joy is a digital media entrepreneur and consultant. The founder of Bcon Experience, a digital media company with various expressions like Bcon School, Straight from School Initiative, Bcon Lab, Bcon Emerging Leaders Award and more.

Joy has been very instrumental in inspiring and helping entrepreneurs and career professionals gain knowledge on how to build their personal brands, position as thought leaders, build a community and monetise their knowledge. This has gotten her on local and international platforms like Social Media Week Accra, Presidential Hustle UK, Bella Naija, She Leads Africa, Bella Naija, Leading Ladies Africa, SME360, Classic FM, Africa Magic Igbo and so much more.

She has authored five books, expresses her thoughts through her podcast and YouTube channel. Joy currently works with personal brands through the Personal Brand Circle - a subscription based community where she helps people learn the ropes of building their personal brands, monetize their expertise and position themselves for opportunities.

Joy holds a bachelor’s degree in mass communication from the Nnamdi Azikiwe University in Nigeria and an MSc inInternational Public Relations and Global Communications Management from Cardiff University UK.

Personal - www.joyeneghalu.com Company - www.bconexperience.com

Oseghale Donald Okoh

A Product deployment strategist who works as a Sales Engineer at a Drilling & Completion Fluid Company. In this capacity, he is involved in the marketing of drilling & completion fluid solutions to IOCs and NOCs and supervising seamless deployment during field operations.

He participated in various development teams that delivered over 1400 equipment and materials in that time span. He was also part of a cross departmental team responsible for root cause analysis investigation and solution provision that resolved 3 non-conformance system issues.

Donald enjoys researching innovative technologies and exploring strategies that develop novel applications for them. He is a firm believer in the value creation philosophy and this motivates most of his decisions.

Irene Ngozi Nnacho

An educationist, economist and a community manager with core skills in social media management, marketing and partnership building.

She is a well organized, focused and resulted oriented individual who is passionate about helping businesses succeed.

As a blockchain and tech enthusiast, she has interned at CoinLord Exchange where she was part of a team that educated over 500 University students in two universities in Warri, Nigeria on Crypto Trading.

She is currently the manager of an Estate management firm in Abuja, Nigeria where she has been able to grow the sales of the company by 85% in the past 6 months. She has also attracted new clients and increased the clientele base by 76%.

Dominic Igwebuike

Dominic is a data analyst, and a full-stack digital and growth marketing professional who loves building data-driven automated integrated digital marketing systems that drive sales, brand equity and community building.

He founded Dromedia Systems in 2018, a digital marketing agency that has helped over 1870+ small businesses in Nigeria go from mediocre to champions with their online marketing.

Dominic has been into cryptocurrency, bitcoin and the blockchain since 2016.

He holds a Bachelor of Science degree, Biochemistry, from the University of Nigeria, and has a keen interest in technology, the blockchain and how their potentials can be harnessed in developing solutions for the numerous challenges that plague the health industry in Africa.

Dominic is an Amazon published author, and hypnotic writer. He is the author of “The Devil’s Case Study” and “Mind Control Writing Secrets”.

Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/dominicigwebuike

Michael Efemena

A software developer with a demonstrated history of working in the Information Technology industry. Skilled in Node.js, React.js, Python, Golang Web Development, Linux, Bash Scripting. Michael has a Computer Engineering degree from the University of Benin.

Michael started his Software journey interning with Neukleos, a Media Agency based in Lagos Nigeria. Here, he built a custom CMS for a Merchant bank, he built several websites and applications, and a Stock Photo Application for external clients.

Michael has also been actively building products on the Blockchain space. At Swirge, Michael worked as a backend developer with the team to build their Blockchain token and use cases around the token.

One of the services Michael worked on with the team was a decentralised Social Media Platform that is being run on the Swirge token. At Payday (Techstars '21), Michael works as a backend developer to help users send and receive money, deploying numerous services and increasing the overall app adoption.

Michael has headed tech teams across different companies and anchored several trainings in backend and full stack development. He was the Quartermaster of the Red Cross Society, Benin, and is super in love with anime.


Age distribution of population in Nigeria in 2021, by gender. (October 18, 2021). Statista. Retrieved from • Nigeria: age distribution of population, by gender 2021 | Statista

Cryptocurrencies: Why Nigeria is a global leader in Bitcoin trade (February 28, 2021). BBC.com. Retrieved from Cryptocurrencies: Why Nigeria is a global leader in Bitcoin trade - BBC News

Diaspora cash remittances drop by 27% to $17.2bn (March 22, 2021). Vanguard Nigeria. Retrieved from

How many Nigerians abroad? And how much cash do they send home? (February 10, 2021). Polity politics 360. Retrieved from https://www.polity.org.za/article/how-many-nigerians-abroad-and-how-much-cash-do-they-send-home-2021-02-10


Great proposal and a nice looking team. If they are anything like you then there is no reason not to succeed with this!


So humbled for the kind words Maffaz. Looking forward to future partnerships and collaboration with you and the Harmony Naija DAO. You think it’s time you visit the Giant of Africa?


Haha yes, I should have many times already lol… I have friends there and declined many a time :laughing: :rofl:


Bullish on this! Great work Cheta.


@giv @sophoah @Jacksteroo @Eduard1996

Final update has been made.


Thank you so much Jimbo. Really looking forward to great things we are going to achieve in the coming weeks.


This is a good proposal that can easily be scalable and given the good team that you have there, you are bound to succeed. I wish you guys all the best and I hooe that this project gets funded.


Thank you so much. We are confident and optimistic at what we will achieve once funded. Thanks for your kind words.


Awesome proposal. This is going to be a big One for Harmony. Capture Nigeria and you have captured the rest of Africa. A huge youth population and very credible team. Let’s go Naija.


Wow! The implementation of this proposal is going to be a game-changer for web3.0 in Nigeria and Africa as we know it.

It’s time we become builders and creators of decentralised solutions for our unique problems and challenges rather than being by-standing consumers and speculators.

I’m excited for Harmony and the solutions Nigerians and Africans would be creating with it.


:raised_hands:t6::raised_hands:t6::raised_hands:t6::raised_hands:t6::raised_hands:t6: Harmony one is finally coming to Nigeria​:man_dancing::man_dancing:


Hey guys! MarsColony is finally on Mainent!

To celebrate it we would like to allocate a NFT piece of MarsColony to Nigeria DAO, could you please provide us a public wallet and let me know if you would like to receive it :slightly_smiling_face:

Here is the list for more details


Hi @Nikita_live

I got your message and relayed it to our team. We are so glad about this initiative and the thought of building a Nigeria colony on Mars. So yes we appreciate this gift.

Here is our public multisig wallet address; 0x2572c35b2D94533E789c1bF8efb6d2E2E5d81562

However, we don’t know yet if the multisig supports this kind of contract transactions.

Do let us know what you think and the way forward.



Our multisig wallet address 0x2572c35b2D94533E789c1bF8efb6d2E2E5d81562 @giv @lij @sophoah


Thank you for your patience @Symphony.One

And thank you for submitting this eloquent and detailed proposal to the $300M Ecosystem Fund. We are in the process of reviewing this proposal.


Hi @Nikita_live

Any update yet?

Here are further details.

Name: Harmony Nigeria DAO
Contract person nickname : Cheta https://twitter.com/Mycheta
How big is community: Actually anticipating over 1,000 members once funded. at the moment, 25 members on Telegram.
Link to the community: Telegram: Join Group Chat
Wallet DAO-Naija (Not multisig): 0x5be9E3c757ce7d3152e47dA2097A4A4F7040F5c1


Thank you so much @frwrdslosh . We are looking forward to getting the job done.


Hello @Symphony.One and current Harmony NaijaDAO Governors!

A thousand apologies for the lengthy delay and your patience is appreciated.

I’ve been impressed with the organization and outreach you have all achieved while waiting for a response. The momentum that the Nigeria DAO has been generating is exhilarating and the enthusiasm shown by the current NaijaDAO governors is palpable. Harmony would love to approve this DAO proposal for funding after just a few adjustments.

Conformity with DAO proposal standards

  • DAO’s should have 3 clear-and-concise mandates, with 2 sub-clauses, that can fit within a tweet. I’ll use the VDAO mandates as an example.
  • Decentralization : bootstrap thousands of elected validators, grow diverse validator profiles
  • Security : support high staking rate, promote security practices and tooling
  • Participation : facilitate protocol upgrade proposals, recruit votes for improvements
  • Once you’ve defined the NaijaDAO’s 3 mandates, ensure that the deliverables and metrics still align with the mandates.

Term limits and Election

  • Seems like the Governors have agreed on a 3 month term according to this proposal. Which is fantastic! Go ahead and schedule a tentative next election date for the second term to help expedite this proposal to funding status.

Budget Items

  • This is a unique DAO. It combines milestones from a Regional DAO while incorporating it’s own vision of community building and growth within Nigerian communities. If the current Governors can agree with the below terms, we believe we can approve this DAO proposal for $75K bootstrap fund.
  1. Once a DAO is self-sustainable it can be up to the DAO’s community as to how a DAO may utilize their treasury. While Harmony is still giving out bootstrap grant funds for DAO’s, it is our belief it is irresponsible treasury management to allocate funds for travel costs. DAO’s focused on Regional meet-ups should have (some) governors located in that region. If elected/current governors are located outside of the region, they aren’t necessarily needed at events. Community volunteers have also been utilized on-the-ground.

  2. Merchandise is not a necessary expense for the Nigeria DAO, as Harmony will be able to supply and cover these costs.

  3. A little more detail is needed for the budget. Primarily, how exactly will the $12K be appropriated for Developer Training, and how will the $10K be appropriated for the Social Media Marketing, Bounties, and Publications?

  4. Finally, and apologies for the lengthy post, a 15% Safety Net is an incredible contingency plan for the volatility of crypto. And it’s wonderful there’s a justified budget for the Nigeria DAO community to view, but Harmony gives out DAO grants to bootstrap the DAO’s until they achieve a self-sustainability model. Treasury management is a vital part of a DAO’s success.

I’d love for the current NaijaDAO Governors to look at Harmony’s suggestions. And if we can come to an agreement we can fund this DAO proposal for $75K pending validation of updates.

Thank you so much for your interest in growing the Harmony Protocol. Looking forward to your response.

@sam @giv


The amendments based on your feedback are as follows;

  1. Our formerly 6 (six) mandate and vision has been concisely summarized into 3 (three):

BuidLing : educate members, develop sustainable products and services on Harmony.
Participation : grow an active community representation of buidLers, validators, and increase crypto adoption.
Decentralization: Facilitate the creation of more DAOs around common goals.

  1. We have finalised the charter that will guide the Harmony Nigeria (Naija) DAO and will be posting this on talks for ratification. However, The initial council term will be a term of 6 months to order to ratify a charter and set operating standards for future persistent councils. Subsequent council term will be 3 months. Assuming the DAO gets funded this January, that puts the next election date on July 28, 2022 and the next council will be inaugurated on July 30, 2022. More information on this is available in our charter which will be published under the Harmony Naija DAO category.

  2. We are grateful that Harmony will be supplying us with the merchandise needed. Please how do we apply for this and how quickly can it arrive Nigeria?

  3. More details on $12k appropriated for developer training:

  1. More details on the $10k appropriated for social media marketing, bounties, and publications:
  • Community Building and Outreach - $3000 (Engage on crypto community platforms as guest speakers on conversations around web3.0, harmony protocol, organize competitions to trend #harmonynaijadao on Twitter and organically build awareness.
    Use viral videos and memes to make #harmonynaijadao go viral)

Target: Build Our twitter following and Telegram channel to 1000 followers/Subscribers in 3 months.

  • Radio and conference appearances - $2000 (Target is to appear on 2 popular radio stations for discussions around web3.0, Harmony Protocol, Crypto)

Metric Reach: Up to 10,000 people in 3 months and achieve 10 % conversion rate.

  • Periodic Production of Educative contents via jingles, short videos to educate members to BuiDL, Sponsored Posts and PR - $2000.

Target: Grow the brand image by 40% in 3months.

  • Email Marketing - $1,500 (This includes email platform subscription, custom HTML email template designs, email copywriting).

Metric of success: To Have a pool of engaged 1000 email subscribers organically generated.

  • Digital Marketing Tools and Subscriptions - $1,500 (Subscription to Canva, Ahrefs, Hootsuite etc)

Thank you. @frwrdslosh