Harmony Snapshot: Official Migration to Snapshot.org

@giv thank you for posting this, I would like take this discussion futher. This decision should have been openly discussed and voted by the Validators. This should have been a formal proposal to change the VDAO’s voting system. The Validators basically got Rugged here. Term 3 was crippled here in terms of passing HIPs. Not jusy by Binance’s surprising staking amount but with no ability to pass HIP due to the snapshot migration. We also had to recreate the stake weight system via a smart contract created by @Maffaz. He did an amazing job with this. All this was thrown to us with no support from Harmony. Im sure you have messeges from @ben2k_Stakeridoo about this but again, No support here. The current snapshot has major issues. Can we please have a meeting to openly discuss these issues with you? Right now it will be nearly impossible to past any HIPs. @ben2k_Stakeridoo and @Maffaz can give better details to this. How are we supposed to move forward here as a POS Protocol when we are severely crippled by our own Voting system.

An example of the issues we found can be observed with VDAO Term 4 Signatures voting session. It’s all over the place. A few wallets were able to vote for all 12 candidates. There is no option to cap the amount of selections a voter can make which resulted in this issue. Link to the results on Snapshot are here: Results. We also posted these findings in our talk post here: Talk form results. Quorum is over 3.8Billion out of 2.8B minimum.

We need Harmony’s support here and I hope this doesn’t get ignored.

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