HER DAO: Women Developer DAO

To contextualise what the award [Funding for womxn builders to attend Dev Connect] would mean for the scholars and for the Harmony ecosystem we have created some impact KPIs to demonstrate the value of the funding and to measure our effectiveness in attaining these milestones.

We’re excited to partner with Harmony on their aim to create 10,000 DAOs and their journey towards a zero knowledge future!


// On-board 50 builders to the harmony ecosystem

// On-board 20 people to ZK ONE University

// 3 tailored face to face sessions for pre-training for ZK ONE University

// 10 teams hacking using Harmony chain

// Creation of 5 new DAOs to be onboarded to the Harmony Eco System

// Release of 5 social tokens

// 1 Funding Impact film for media distribution with interviews of scholars on their experience hacking with Harmony; and interviews with Harmony Europe team.


// Display of Harmony logo in the hacker house

// Harmony logo on co branded T-shirt


A report will be created and published within 2 weeks of the event describing all activities in detail.