Minority Programmers DAO

For the full proposal go here https://www.programmers.one/

:open_book: Table of Contents

Name of DAO

Minority Programmers DAO

DAO type

Diversity + Builder DAO


Minority Programmers Association is an international developer network building socially impactful projects and spreading STEM education to marginalized communities.

From this need of empowering marginalized communities, we turned to Web3 and decentralized technology as the core infrastructure for all of our endeavors.

Proposal Overview

At Minority Programmers Association we have a multi-faceted approach to improving the blockchain ecosystem.

Our main focuses are

  • are increasing diversity and inclusivity in the Web3 and STEM industry
  • addressing the shortage of software engineers through the training and recruiting of developers
  • developing decentralized applications that benefits the lives of everyday people

[Check “What We’ve Accomplished” Section for details on how we have been tackling this]

At this stage, we are a functioning international organization with hundreds of members in every continent of the world and a dozen active staff/advisors, all supported by a functioning DAO on Polygon. We are building out Genadrop as an artist creative tool. allowing artists to create and mint generative NFT collections without code through an integrated multichain marketplace. We have also been building out a Career Development dApp, to work in tangent with our DAO so that any minority looking to get a career in STEM has access to local communities, courses, mentors, projects, jobs, and startup investment. Additionally this month, we are set to launch Minority Drop as an initial liquidity event for our DAO and access token to the Genadrop alpha platform. We have provided many OG workshops in the Web3 space, and have onboarded dozens of people across the world to Web3 development through our hackathons and education programs. Our goal at MPA is to be the most diverse developer network in the blockchain industry, pushing out code, culture, and community.

MPA is looking for funding throughout the Harmony DAO Grants program to support governors as we transition into a DAO, recruit + train engineers through a project-based approach to learning, and support marketing for existing products and services.

:sparkling_heart: Our Values / Mandates

The Minority Programmers is building an ecosystem new and diverse talent can be onboarded into a more inclusive internet.

  • Innovation : open source everything, conversations in the public while we build out the Web3 technology
  • Diversity and Inclusion : seek to foster as diverse a membership as possible and support everyone to contribute
  • Community Building : Build a self-governed community that is active, constructive and contributing to the betterment of the world.
  • Mass Adoption : Onboard every person, every sector, and all technologies to decentralized infrastructure

:eye: Vision

Minority Programmers to be the go-to inclusive community for onboarding developers across all of the software engineering industry.

:balance_scale: Clear & Concise Mandates

:building_construction: dApp Building

Building relevant and scalable dapps on the Harmony blockchain that both improve the community with additional users and liquidity, and that are ultimately profitable.

:necktie: Recruiting

Onboard the best talent in the Web3 space to fulfill the industry’s talent gap, first being a pipeline for Harmony-funded projects.

:couple: Team Building

A critical part of repeatedly delivering on projects is building effective teams. Our project-based (POGIL) approach to learning, uses Agile scrum methodology, to create a tight-knit group of colleagues that can be held accountable for large scale projects

:seedling: Community

Through IRL events, mentorships, hands-on support, hacker houses, online spaces, etc, we are building a community that both cares about the world and each other. We are creating a safe space for innovation that is inclusive, diverse, chain-agnostic, and is beyond the reach of Web3. Minority Programmers has consistently brought newcomers into the STEM industry building both family and careers

:handshake:Job Creation

Whether it is working on projects as founders, providing consultancy work, or placing DAO members in job opportunities, we are focused on building a long-lasting career for those coming into the industry, that they are passionate about,

:fist:t6: Social Impact

Building socially impactful solutions. Tech that makes an impact for people across the world, rather than just building tech for tech’s sake.

:classical_building: Governors

The following Governors for the most part are already existing exec, advisors, and staff at the Minority Programmers Association and have been so for around a year. These governor roles would indicate a formalized salary raise. Additionally, many of these governor positions are for people actively in Africa, as we believe we should put the communities in the most need in positions of power, and that competitive wages should be a priority when bringing those from marginalized communities into the Web3 space.




Roles & Responsibilities: Business Development, Project Management, Community Management, Proposal Writing, Solutions Architecting, People-Operations

Weekly Hours : 30 (in reality 60)

Background: President, Founder of Minority Programmers Association, Founder of Genadrop (Algorand, Celo, NEAR Funded NFT Tooling and Marketplace), Co-Founder of BluntDAO, BS in Computer Science, minor Computer Information Systems, former Computer Science Teaching Assistant & Tutor, Former President of Virginia DanceSafe, Former National Volunteer Coordinator for MACCPAC, CGE Entrepreneurial Cohort, Lead Organizer; Covid, Black Lives Matter, Election, Climate, DefiSummer, & DefiWinter Hackathon. Ethereum Enterprise Alliance Partner, Former Chapter Lead at the Blockchain Education Network

https://www.linkedin.com/in/shotshot/ codingshot · GitHub


Shadman Hossain


Roles & Responsibilities: Solutions Architecting, Backend & Smart Contract Development, Partnerships & Deal Flow

Weekly Hours : 5

Background: Senior Consultant - Blockchain at CGI, Former Blockchain Engineer at Leidos, Chief Innovation Officer at Minority Programmers Association, Successful repeated NFT dropper (anon), BS in Applied Information Technology minor in Entrepreneurship

CTO, Koinstreet, DeFI Developer, Founder of Blockchain at Mason, Former Instructor STEM exCel, https://www.linkedin.com/in/shadman-hossain/


Argenis de La Rosa


Roles & Responsibilities:

Weekly Hours : 20

Background: DevRel at Minority Programmers, iOS Developer, Crypto Trader, Freelance Videographer, Co-Founder of BluntDAO, Member of Shrimp Society, Director Of Photography at Rose Media Productions, Co-Founder of Armi Development Agency


Popoola Boluwatife


Roles & Responsibilities: Lead Back End Developer, Solidity, Python, Typescript

Weekly Hours : 15 (in reality 40)

Background: Blockchain Engineer, Minority Programmers Association


Kirsten Pomales


Roles & Responsibilities: Business Development, Sponsorship Acquisition, Startups

Weekly Hours : 2-10 Hours A Week

Background: Blockchain Advisor @ Minority Programmers Association, Chief Operations Officers & Co-Founder of Facings, Managing Director of Coalitions Consulting, Kernel Block III Fellow, Former Vice Chair IEEE P2145 Working Group on Blockchain Governance Standards, Former Business Development Officer at Pollr.io, Former Consultant, Grasstops Partnerships, Former Chief Operations Officer at SponPay, Former Field Director at Americans for Prosperity


Tracy Onallee


Roles & Responsibilities: Events, H.E.R. DAO Partnership, Diversity

Weekly Hours : 2-5 hours a week

Background: Founder, Black Tech Task Force / Founder, Controlr / Founder, SonR / Data Research Fellow, South West Creative Technology Network / Mozilla Creative Media Award Winner / Radical xChange Fellow / Mercury Music Prize Winner


Dani Spence


Roles & Responsibilities: Product Design

Weekly Hours : 2-5 Hours A Week

Background: Co-founder of korii DAO and member of HER DAO and Plant Dudes DAO. Former Digital Product Designer @ AHIMA https://www.linkedin.com/in/daniellelaspence/


Emmanuel Ezeka


Roles & Responsibilities: Front End Development

Weekly Hours : 10 (in reality 40)

Background: Software Engineering X Front End + Web3, Minority Programmers Association, Lead Developer of Genadrop (NFT tooling and marketplace). Contributor for Joern web app. Former Intern at Minority Programmers Association. mentor & founder of learningSpace (a community aimed to guide newbies in tech into building a strong career). NFT drop developer OND in Electronic engineering, and awaiting a BSC in computer science


Roshaan Khan


Roles & Responsibilities: Product/Strategy, Ecosystem Growth, NFT Strategy, BizDev & Strategic Partnerships

Weekly Hours : 5

Background: Product Manager - Collectibles for NEM Group, Board Member, Minority Think Tank, Former Technical Product Manager - Blockchain @ BlockOne, Advisor for Sazmining Inc, Co-Founder of Koinstreet, Former Project Coordinator for Government Blockchain Association, Former Technical Analyst for FinTech4Good, VCU major in Informations Systems



:rocket: What We’ve Accomplished So Far

Minority Programmers Association has been actively building and educating in the Web3 space for over a year now, being funded for hackathons and projects by notable tech companies and Web3 protocols in the space.

  • Awarded $ 300K in outstanding milestone-based grant funding from Algorand Foundation, Celo Community Fund, DevXDAO, and Near Foundation for dApp building
  • Built out Genadrop with Minters on Multiple Blockchain
  • Created a grassroots Decentralized Hedge fund Minority Venture Capital with over $60,000 in AUM
  • Hosted 6 Hackathons (Covid, BlackLivesMatter, Election, ClimateHacks, DeFiSummer, & DeFiWinter) with sponsors like RippleX, Stellar Development Foundation, Enzyme.Finance, Idle.Finance. Tokamak.Network, CGI, and Accenture
  • Over 70 interns graduated From from, we were the first to mint internship certificates and hired 10+ people from the program
  • Joined the Ethereum Enterprise Alliance starting Educational Working Group
  • Officially Filed Minority Think Tank as 501c3
  • Won Eth Atlanta hackathon and became Baseline Core Devs
  • Anonymously launched many NFT projects on both Solana + Ethereum, and meme coins with influencer backing
  • Built multiple NFT marketplaces for clients
  • Created DAO on Snapshot (65 People Onboarded), Aragon, and NEAR DAO
  • Building on Minority Programmers dApp with NFT certificates and NFT resumes
  • Conducted a plethora of Web3 & tech workshops with representatives Ripple, Stacks, Enzyme, Idle.Finance, KPMG, AWS, Blockchain Education Network, Runtime Verification, Questbook, Stellar, Dapplist, DevXDAO, the Blockchain School, Women in Blockchain, NEM, Echelon Digital, RealtyDAO, Leidos on topics like Tokenomics, DAO Design, Diversity & Blockchain, NFTs just to name a few!
  • Started BluntDAO by accident, the massive Web3 onboarding movement via “Proof of Sesh, with 4+ NFT drops and AR integration
  • Covered in local and national Bangladeshi news, as well as several blogs / podcasts

Deliverables & Metrics

Within the first 3 months of receiving a Harmony DAO grant, the Minority Programmers will accomplish the following deliverables (Q1-Q2 2022)

:clock1: NOW (Q1-Q2)


  • Onboard 300 Users to Harmony Wallets, working with Metamask and other wallet providers to improve overall user experience
  • Have 500+ Members Join Snapshot DAO Snapshot
  • Onboard existing dApps into Harmony ecosystem across the network
  • Onboard Harmony DAO’s into Ethereum Enterprise Alliance Education Working Group, developing Web3 onboarding industry standards
  • Bring Minority Venture Capital to Layer 2 Solution (Polygon Mainnet)

dApp Building

  • Build Genadrop on Harmony (no code generative art minter)
  • Participate in 3 Hackathons (1 Hackathon Each Month) with the development team from minority Programmers
  • Bring dResumes (decentralized Resumes to Harmony) - Minting Resumes as NFTs
  • Redesign MPA dApp to dark theme
  • Integrate dApp cross-chain (Polygon, Harmony, Casper, etc…)


  • Launching of HRC-20 Governance token on Harmony (w vesting) {Contracts Done}
  • Configure Minority Programmers Snapshot with Harmony and then Harmony governance token when ready
  • Begin to make efforts to get African developers into safer and stable work environments
  • Submit 7 Proposals in the Web3 space

NFT Drops

  • Launch Minority Drop https://minoritynft.com/ as initial liquidity event for Minority Programmers DAO
  • Create H.E.R. x Minority NFT Drop and give to H.E…R. DAO to support the onboarding of women developers into space 💧MinorityDrop💧
  • Launch generative drop on Harmony

Social Media

  • Grow discord to 5,000+ members MinorityProgrammers
  • Make 3 Media appearances mentioning the benefits of Harmony
  • Host Weekly Twitter Spaces on Minority Programmers Twitter
  • Grow LinkedIn to 3,000+ Followers
  • Grow Twitter to 2,000+ Followers
  • Grow YouTube to 1,000 Subscribers


  • Publish 3 Harmony focused articles
  • Create a public repository for Harmony knowledge on ClickUp and Github
  • Host 5 Harmony centric workshops
  • Bring 10 Interns through internship programs from people in developing nations and teaming up with boot camps that tailor to veterans like LEARN Academy
  • Vibrant #harmony channel on discord with continuous resources along with open harmony resources channel
  • Strategic partnerships with 3 other organizations and Harmony backed DAOs like H.E.R. DAO to pilot a blockchain developer cohort program
  • 3 Video tutorials (and respective documentation) for onboarding into Harmony


  • Sponsor 20 Minority Programmers for Eth Conference (Ex; EthRio)
  • Secure spot in Wynwood, Miami for Regular IRL Web3 Events
  • Throw BTC 2022 Event in Miami
  • Host IRL Minority Programmers Hacker House

:clock130: Q3

  • Get 1 million in volume through NFT sales through Genadrop
  • Onboard 100 Artists into the NFT space using tools like Genadrop
  • Post 3 Hackathon Bounties
  • Build dApplance (learning app + talent sourcing) section of Minority Programmers Career development dApp
  • Launch another IRL Hacker House (Minority Incubator) with Wellness first in mind
  • Grow Minority Venture Capital to $250,000+ AUM
  • Onboard 1,000 users onto Harmony wallets
  • Build out a cohort of Harmony dApps from the Minority Programmers cohort
  • Onboard 5 DAOs onto Harmony
  • Grow membership on Snapshot to be top 50 DAOs
  • Start building DeFi yield tool
  • Another 10 interns through an internship program
  • Fundraising dinner for Minority Think Tank
  • Launch an anon legendary degen project
  • Decentraland Plot :cyclone: Minority World :earth_americas: a subsidized community in the metaverse for marginalized communities
  • Bring job board live into dApp Careers | Minority Programmers Association
  • Hiring first staff democratically through DAOs
  • Onboard Harmony Educators into Ethereum Enterprise Alliance Educational Training Working Group to create industry-wide standards for Web3 onboarding

:clock8: Q4

  • Onboard 5,000 users onto Harmony wallets
  • Onboard 10 DAOs onto Harmony
  • 20 interns onboarded through an internship program
  • MVP for DeFi yield tool
  • Launch Web3Mafia, a coalition of “made” individuals in the industry
  • Throw AR/VR Immersive Event in Miami
  • Build Minority IDO Launchpad https://minorityprogrammers.org/incubator
  • Begin to build for Decentralized Consultancy

*Q3-Q4 Under Developed In Detail due to changing conditions in the Web3 space, at this point functioning governance should be in place driving these decisions.

:ballot_box: Why We Want to DAO

Our main motivation for creating a DAO

  • A central dashboard for newcomers to look at and understand what is happening to the organization as a whole
  • Move funds away from the custody of the Minority Programmers administrators and into the people
  • Delegate funds (payouts, grant money, investment) in a programmatic way with a clear audit trail and no single point of failure (especially with Multi-sig wallet)
  • Making an official name in the Web3 space. We are already building all our applications with some form of Web3 infrastructure, coming up with in-house applications, consulting, doing NFT drops, organizing Web3 hackathons, all day everyday. Transitioning to complete DAO lets the world know we are officially a Web3 organization.
  • Serving as an on-chain resume for the work and reputation of members
  • Streamline into reputation-based system to incentivize users to be later integrated into career development dApp
  • Providing early use case for Web3 organization transitioning to Web3, then transitioning to a DAO
  • Support from mentors in the space through formal organizations (Harmony, Snapshot, Aragon)
  • Streamline talent sourcing, hiring, onboarding, in a decentralized manner rather than the traditional recruiter model

:point_up: Why We Want to Be on Harmony

  • Harmony has shown they are a blockchain that supports social impact and change, with an emphasis on helping marginalized communities
  • Organizations we want to collaborate with are already DAOs on Harmony; Ex; H.E.R. DAO and Africa DAO
  • The Harmony team’s energy is fun and inviting, we loved meeting them at EthDenver!
  • Provides real support and guidance for governors to build a scalable and decentralized DAO, as well as support communities like Community DAO
  • EVM compatibility of Harmony, enables us to take existing Solidity based applications we have built, and even existing open-source code, and easily port over to the Harmony ecosystem
  • The founders of Minority Programmers started becoming Degens together doing DeFi on Harmony over a year ago.
  • People have asked us for proposal help and DAO consulting for their organizations, we see this as perfect opportunity to onboard to the Harmony ecosystem, but it is only fitting we go through the formal process first.
  • We want $ONE while it’s at a discount :rocket:

:money_with_wings: Proposal Ask

Minority Programmers is requesting $275,000 for 6 months of governor salary, application development, and in-real-life events. We are already operating as a business with these roles existing. Funding by Harmony will allow for the guaranteed salary of pivotal roles for scaled application development, recruiting and onboarding, and creating experiences that bolster our community and our partner communities.

6 months
Governors 180,000 Based on 9 governors committing a total 100 hours = 400 hours a month * 75. Includes staffing
Hackathons 35,000 2 pop up hacker houses
Meetups 12,000 6 x Meetups (3 x 50 person and 2 x 20 person, 1 x virtual) (mostly in Miami)
Conference 8,000 Travel and Accommodation *
Marketing 30,000 Recruitment of developers, marketing for products & NFT drops, giveaways, NFT based street art.
Legal and Accounting 10,000 Legal services, consulting, immigration and accounting.
TOTAL 275,000

$275,000 for 6 months, $1 million over 2 years for continued onboarding, diversity, and dApp building initiatives

:link: External Links


I owe everything about my blockchain journey to the Good people of Minority Programmers Association, and now that we are going the DAO way, I’m even more pumped as we’d now be able to reach out to more marginalized developers and give them the exposure they need to contribute in this rapidly expanding digital age, which is what we’ve been doing from way back, but with the sponsorship from Harmony, we’d be doing it on a grander scale. Absolutely love it!


I am super excited to be part of such an evolving and caring community Like MPA! This has been hands on from the first moment I joined and am learning so much about DAOs, NFTs and Web3 as a whole.


Yeah same here, I see this as an opportunity for MPA to further scale! can’t wait to see what we are to achieve in the near future in the addition to what we accomplished so far!


Super Excited as well. Glad to be a part of the MPA community


Before joining MPA, I had so many flaws when it came to putting in the work, applying my engineering concepts in the development process but since I joined, I have literally become a different person professionally because I have learned how to apply my skills in production and also, I have got to learn backend development and blockchain development (web3.0) and this time I have mentors who guide me through my journey in these areas. It’s really a family here and I am really glad I joined MPA and will always be a member of the family


Nice one, bro. Keep it up and we’ll meet at the top🤩


I am from an underrepresented group in Africa. After searching for an internship for months and could not find it, Minority Programmers offered me a direct opportunity which led to my compounded success in the tech industry today.
I feel fulfilled working for such an organization with the mind of accomodating people regardless of their background.
We are putting effort together to become a DAO, and we look up to the Harmony DAO for their support.
Yes, we have done a lot in the past. We have got some more for the future, which would not come into reality without the funding that we seek.
Minority Programmers is building a community for everyone. I am glad to be part of it.


Way to go :rocket: :rocket: :rocket:
Super excited that the MPA proposal is in, the near future is looking really promising for underrepresented people in tech. With Harmony funding, I’m sure MPA will continue to fill Inclusivity gaps, reach out to more minorities in the tech space, train the next generation of Devs, and transition fully to a DAO.
The growth opportunity is a blessing and the community is one I wouldn’t want to leave soon.
:two_hearts: Minority Programmers


Great professionals + Good people + Wonderful community + Dedicated work => Inevitable success !
I am glad and proud, being a part of MPA inovation wave, which is spreading around the world ! :sunglasses:


Im super excited to see minority programmers association become a functioning DAO on Harmony! I’ve seen first hand how they’ve evolved the web3 developer experience into something manageable and fun. As a DAO their reach can 100 fold and make the impact I know the organization can!


I am very excited and proud of being part of MPA community.


Stoked to see MPA move towards Web3 and shaping the industry. Years of hard work and grassroots efforts by amazing folks giving back to society. Excited to see the DAO in full effect and the impact MPA will have on Web3


Means alot you have been rocking with us for this long! We love Web3 and love bringing people in the space and the MPA DAO era combines the both. Don’t see how we can go wrong!

1 Like

Watching you grow into a blockchain developer is the reason why we do this. We would love to bring this same journey to more people around the world just like you, but your journey is far from over! Anything you need let us know!


Really hyped for the IRL events in Miami, would love to do something music related for this


Big Kudos to this project :100: and can’t wait to see what the future holds!


I am super excited to be part of such an inclusive and caring community!
Minority Programmers has been hands on from the very first moment I joined and I’m learning so much about DAOs, Blockchain Analytics and Proposal…etc
I love what we are creating here. Always grateful to be part of something action oriented and inclusive. Currently learning a lot about being in web3 by being part of MPA DAO!
I think joining this DAO is a great way to introduce newbies to blockchain and to expand their skillset. Lastly, this is a project with a lot of holistic dev members and an excellent design team. They know what they’re doing and will be a great addition to the harmony community. I hope the best for this project and have my :100: support :smiley:


Joined MPA (Minority Programmers Association) 6months ago and learned incredible skills for free. They taught me blockchain dev from scratch and made me improve a great deal on my UI/UX skills. i’m proud to consider myself a member of MPA.

They always have been welcoming and have the best attitude todays developers i’ve ever encountered. I strongly believe with a sponsorship from Harmony they will change the lives of several others


I have learned so much about DAOs, Web3, NFTs after joining MPA. I am very proud to be a part of such an Innovative and diverse community. Can’t wait to watch MPA thrive as DAO.