HoundOne Validator - Unelected Harmony Validator

Validator name

HoundOne Validator (@Houndvalidator)

Staking Profile

(Harmony – Open Consensus for 10B)

Commission %

0% until forced to 5%, 100 Epochs after 1st Election

Infrastructure Setup

Digital Ocean CPU-optimized 2 CPU, 4GB RAM, 25GB SSD with an additional 400GB volume.

About us

I am a Marketing and Communications Operations Professional with 10 years of experience in IT companies. I have a degree in Business Administration and I love to help people in any way I can, both personally or professionally. People in my work calls me master Yoda, but I think I’m not really that wise.

Since the first time I read about Harmony I fell in love and started staking it in an exchange, after doing more digging I got to know the Community and found a place where I belong, where everyone supports each other and wanted to stay here forever. I’m from Latinamerica, so, I also wanted people who only speaks Spanish, to get to know Harmony and all their wonderful projects. I’ve always believed decentralization besides the nodes, must be to be available to people in the whole world regarding the language they speak and I will do my best to make it possible.

The node was named by my Dog who passed away a year ago. She was like my daughter and it is because of her that I started to help dog shelters; currently I have adopted a rescued dog who has become a bodyguard for both my daughter and my wife.

Validator Pledge

When HoundOne becomes a stable elected validator, after 100 epochs, when forced to 5% commision, and after paying server costs, we plan to have a weekly raffle between our delegators, to Delegate some ONE tokens among new Unelected Validators, and also to contribute the community by donating to dog / animal shelters.

Harmony’s Effective Proof-of-Stake Validators are the backbones of the Harmony infrastructure. I/We shall pledge to constantly run an up-to-date validator, promote a decentralized validator community, and use best practices of running a validator service.

I/We have read the Terms and Concepts in detail and fully understood its purpose, possess the know-how of running this service, and know the risk-rewards to run this service. I/We fully understand Harmony’s Definitive Guide to Harmony Open Staking