Name of Project
Proposal overview
CurioDAO provides a DeFi Hub for tokenized real-world assets, via 4 primitives: an NFT marketplace, an AMM, a stablecoin, and a hardware-based ledger.
Harmony CTO expressed interest in prioritizing real-world assets in Harmony via a grant for our NFT Marketplace. To scale trust and create bridges that can connect any Proof-of-Work and Proof-of-Stake chains the CurioDAO team plans to integrate Harmony interoperability-focus blockchain.
The first grant focuses on the NFT marketplace (targeted $50k); the following grants (pending application) explore bringing liquidity to AMM and participating in Venture Round.
RollApp is a permissionless marketplace for NFTs backed by physical assets––where users can mint NFTs that represent ownership of their physical assets. It leverages state-of-the-art authentication, storage, and technology, and users can transact on-chain with significantly less fees in comparison to centralized platforms. It also empowers users to use their NFT as collateral to stake and earn yield as well as to access fair loan to values.
Users simply send their items, and we authenticate, insure, store, and issue NFTs for their items. In comparison to other marketplaces, users who hold NFT can leverage CurioDAO ecosystem to stake, earn yield, use them as collateral and get instant liquidity via a fair loan to value.
The goal of this proposal is to integrate Harmony blockchain into the Rollapp marketplace.
Proposal ask
Build integration on Rollapp for Harmony community.
Hiring more developers.
Community and marketing outreach.
Initial grant $50k (Rollapp integration)
upon Rollapp integration
Follow up grant $50k ( CapitalDEX AMM)
Follow up Investment up to $1M
Follow up Liquidity provision up to $500k for setting up pair on AMM
Metrics for success
• Integrate wallet feature to existing Rollapp marketplace.
• Attract at least 500 users to participate in the CurioDAO network and DAO.
External links
Project webside:
Project Github Curio · GitHub
Founders LinkedIn: rverboonen/,vladimir-kislinskii/, valeriefhalter/