Is there a plan to create incentives for Community DAO?

Hi @Eddnorris

During a meeting yesterday I was looking through post and came across this thread.

I apologize that this wasn’t replied to, sincerely this was a massive oversight on our part. Essentially the Community DAO talk account email wasn’t monitored as we don’t usually hand this out so we didn’t receive the notifications for the tags. I’m discussing with governors regarding how we can rectify this to ensure that the DAO can be more responsive for tags.

Regarding your idea, I would love to discuss this further, with you and anyone else that would like to join the conversation.

How do you feel about a meeting on 10th of January at 7pm utc in the Harmony Conference room in the crypto arcade office - Cryptoarcade.One/Harmony

I would also like to invite anyone involved in this thread as there have been some great suggestions, it would be great to discuss some potential actions so we can all submit to the wider community and get some change voted into place.

@Frelsi @OgreAbroad @Biznustime @Jimbo_JCR.One

Please get back to me and let me know if you are interested in attending, we could possibly invite other community members also.

Currently, there is the landing page initiative that is currently stalled due to the funding issues, which would cover documentation and walkthroughs ect, there’s a possibility for Learn To Earn to be implemented into this but there may be a request to set up a new DAO for this project.

Interested to hear your ideas regarding community incentives for involvement in Talk.Harmony or even governance.

Again everyone, apologies from myself and on behalf of the DAO that this thread was missed, and thank you for showing interest and calling upon the DAO to involve it in the conversation, lets make something happen.

If the meeting goes ahead then we can gather what was discussed and put it back into this thread so people can catch up.

Kind Regards


Posting other tags separately, can only tag 10 users in a post

@Bagelhole @Cloudeeeo @Krypto_Kakashi @Manumix @Stakeit.One @Loge @TrickluhDaKidz @CryptoTech @Frate

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Hey, @Bricktop_One got the tags here and on Twitter - how are you! :slight_smile: I replied on Twitter :blush: :blue_heart:

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Awesome, also it was of one of my objectives that I had put in my election for VDAO - a friendly education program (Validator DAO Council Q1 2022 Candidate: Crypt0Tech) . I this time is ok for me, I would like to participate in the call and discuss it further.

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I could be there on the 10th :slight_smile:

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Count me in, and don’t forget to take an extra few minutes a day and make a new poster feel the community love through a like or some feedback. Before you know it Talk.Harmony will be growing faster then shard 0.

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Hopefully, we can let you know about the current idea that’s been formulating as a cross DAO project, sounds like it’s on the same page as what you are looking to do.

We can discuss this during the meeting.

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Love it, I think this is a great idea ! :clap:


Join the meeting on Monday also Elixir

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Kenny, we’re having the meeting in 30 minutes.


Elixir we’re having the meeting in 30 minutes.


Was a great meeting and we got a decision - that was productive and I really enjoyed it :blue_heart: @eddnorris had a fantastic suggestion and trust we will make it happen :blush: :pray:

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A bit biased. But I believe the drive to govern needs to come from a desire to see the thing succeed. Its important to align incentives. However if the goal is “good governance” it may not make sense to incentivize it.


Great point Reiki.

Would be great to have you involved with the next meeting so you can share your thoughts with other community members.

That will be fun! When and where?

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Pikzel / cryptoarcade has been hosting an event at 11am PST on Wednesday!

It’s easy to join and currently it’s an “open mic” setup.


I have been really wanting to contribute to the Harmony ecosystem in the one to earn initiative as it’s centered around my current skillset! However, I really haven’t been able to figure out how to be able to contribute.

My niche is people ops/community building/onboarding- all things people and is currently non-technical.
I’ve unfortunately had zero income for the last 7 months- as I lost my job because of disabilities and where I am super passionate about Web3 I’ve been absorbing/learning all that I can with hopes of finding an opportunity where I can confidently contribute.
TL:DR- I would really like to contribute and I am ready to start, yesterday :blush:

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Agree on that it needs to come from desire to see the project succeed, same time this type of behavior needs to be rewarded to keep it going on. And also we need to find a way to get more people involved in this governance, at least voting and discussing proposals. Again a tool to support this type of behavior is necessary…
The idea of @eddnorris found support on our spontaneous vote on last meeting which is a sign that it can find support on a real regular vote of community.
@Bricktop_One let’s put it on vote at least here on this forum and see what results we’ll get. :wink:
@eddnorris would you formulate your proposal so we can vote if this message gets many hearts ? :wink::grin::blue_heart:

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