Metaivy dao

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                             **METAIVY DAO**

Centralized higher education is poised for a disruptive shift, admission into top tier universities is becoming more and more challenging, curriculums are engineered behind closed doors and the cost of education is at an all-time high but what’s more horrifying is what the student experience has become. Students are graduating with a debt that fundamentally restricts their choices in the world, even students who graduate at the top of their class are limited to taking jobs that just pay the bills instead of fulfilling their individual human potential.
METAIVY will steer in a new era by transforming the motivations around education.
The future is decentralized education, one that’s available to any student in the world with an internet connection, one that shapes curriculums out in the open and one that rewards everybody involved in the successful transfer of knowledge. The future is METAIVY.

METAIVY will be Africa’s first decentralized autonomous university. With a new approach to education where curriculums are open source, knowledge is tokenized and students are incentivized for ranking at the top of their class.

METAIVY is the blend of a myriad of diverse tools to bring concurrently a decentralized autonomous university. The decentralized blockchain-based platform will turn knowledge into a token called NDOVU, which will be used to reward contributors, students and mentors, whether they are hosting and teaching courses online or students participating and demonstrating mastery of a subject over a semester.

METAIVY will launch to the world in the second quarter of 2022 when we will offer our first semester of courses and start receiving student applications.
Our online classrooms will incorporate the latest in remote learning infrastructure including a cutting-edge virtual reality interface.
Graduates of METAIVY will be issued a non-fungible token that can be verified online without having to interface through a centralized system and our knowledge token, NDOVU will be issued and secured on the HARMONY protocol and managed by the METAIVY DAO.

The initial course offering will teach students about decentralization with a flagship course “how to get a Swiss bank in your pocket” which will cover the instruments of action around decentralized electronic currencies like HARMONY ONE, it will enlighten students on how to use cryptocurrency as an everyday utility and how to take back online banking power via the use of digital wallets and trustless trades.
Our first semester will show how METAIVY’s education stimulus benchmark functions in a live environment.
At the commencement of the semester, student tuition fees will be converted to NDOVU and assigned to a course. Mentors will host classes online and students will submit their evidence of work as they meet learning milestones.
At the end of the semester, the mentors and top-ranked students will be issued NDOVU as a prize for their participation in the successful transfer of knowledge. NDOVU is what will fuel the METAIVY ecosystem, it will be used to access other courses, a decentralized library and a variety of features that we will be implementing as we move onwards.

METAIVY’s strategy for education conveys the cutting edge of how blockchain technology can be used to unravel real-world crises.
Our business model will yield income by taking a fee of all course tuitions, charging subscriptions and other prospects like incubators and business-to-business relationships.
The market chance that stands before us is both active and lucrative, merging crypto with education, e-learning and virtual reality.
Our resolution is uniquely placed to succeed in this accelerating market that continues exponential development year over year.
METAIVY is currently seeking to raise two million dollars. Financial backers will be rewarded with NDOVU token, earlier access to METAIVY’s releases and opportunities to collaborate and vote on features


Quater 1.

  • Develop a learning management system (LMS) Decentralized application for the administration, documentation, tracking, reporting, automation, and delivery of educational courses, training programs, learning and development programs.
    The DApp will also be used to plan, implement and assess university activities.

  • Affiliate existing centralized universities with a formal collaborative agreement to provide a mechanism for METAIVY, and public partners to work together to support basic and application-driven research and development.

Quater 2.

  • Admit mentors, offer our first semester of courses and start accepting student applications, convert tuition payments to NDOVU and allocate them to a course.

  • Incorporate virtual reality interface to LMS to help students and mentors gain classroom insights by recording and recreating real classroom sessions. If a student misses a class, they can use these VR recordings to be digitally transported into their classroom, see their peers, and learn as if they were there.

Quater 3.

  • The first cohort of Graduates of METAIVY will be issued with a non-fungible token that can be verified online without having to interface through a centralized system.
  • Mentors and top-ranked students will be issued NDOVU as a reward for their participation in the successful transfer of knowledge.

Quater 4.

  • Pilot a METAIVY library infrastructure: Testing and pilot implementation of a decentralized library lending system based on credentials of universal, sovereign and interchangeable users. With the potential for integration through interchangeability agreements with all types of library management systems (ILS) independent of its distribution name, whether it be commercial software, open-source technologies, or custom-developed systems.
  • Also, due to the intrinsic nature of blockchain technology, this mechanism will create the technical and conceptual basis for the development of a universal digital self-sovereign library identity, accommodating new lending mechanisms and decentralized information services with the potential to operate in contexts of international or even continental agreements.


  1. Pascal
  • A 5 years experienced blockchain developer with solid leadership skills and unrivalled building skills. Competent in cloud platforms, databases, version control, Ethereum tools, debugging, and product testing.
  1. Livingstone
  • An economist who has carried out research and collected large amounts of information that covers economic and social policy.
  1. Wendy
  • Dedicated, resourceful and goal-driven professional educator with a solid commitment to the social and academic growth and development of her Mentees.
  1. Musa
  • A sales associate with extensive customer service and sales experience.
  1. Henry
  • Supervised the development of REST-based services and took part in POCs.Heavily involved in writing and deploying smart contracts.
  1. Emily
  • An undergraduate student studying in Kenyatta University’s Department of Computer Science.
  1. Valerian
  • A proficient blockchain developer interested in contributing expertise in web3.
  1. Fidelis
  • His student leadership role has given him a sense of truly being part of the university communities.
  1. Nancy
  • Resourceful and goal-driven professional educator with a solid commitment to the social and academic growth and development of high school students.

Grant Ask
At Harmony’s recommended rate of $75/hour, and with a maximum of 10 hours/week, our spending rate is a weekly sum of $6,750. Thus, to fund salaries for the first quarter (24 weeks), we would need a total of $162,000 plus $120,000 for office space, drafting proposals and travelling costs to Universities across East Africa. Adding up to $282,000. We will initiate in East Africa where we are assured that within the first quarter, we will have partnered with at least 40% of all the accredited universities as METAIVY’s affiliates in the region.

Multi-sig Wallet: 0x08F18b78cae4EC0549d5416752a95DBEAD2D3935

Initial 3-month’s Metrics
A working learning management system Dapp for the administration, documentation, tracking, reporting, automation, and delivery of educational courses, training programs, learning and development programs.

Collaborative agreements to affiliate 10% of existing centralized universities in East Africa to work together to support basic and application-driven research and development.

External links


Wow! I think being one of the students, i will benefit from this. For sure, many graduates are facing difficult moments on paying the loans yet the jobs they get don’t satisfy their desires. I think this will be great in Africa, where we are trying to compete in the world of technology. Let’s keep it burning


Thank you @TechMania for your take on the DAO, much appreciation for airing out what many students and graduates are being bugged by


As a continuing student, it is a great initiative to help students understand and develop their own block chain projects, wish you the best of luck


Quite fascinating and interesting project, this will make learning easier, from the application. All students can have access to quality education, and gain value. I would love to see this come fruitful.

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Our first Semester will cover “how to own and run a swiss bank in your pocket” so as a Metaivy fellow you definitely will be conversant to Blockchain by the time you graduate with your NFT degree. @Antony_Kimani

Much appreciated @Steve_Owago we hope for the best, this is preparation for the worst, which is all the unpaid student loans by the large number of unemployed graduates


The proposal is sound. Question, Do you have a roadmap to incorporating the useful degrees such as Engineering, Mathematics, Finance, Social Sciences, Technology and so forth, so that graduates of METAIVY are not just stuck with knowledge they cannot apply to their daily lives and the current workforce.


In the first quarter, we will affiliate existing centralized universities with a formal collaborative agreement to provide a mechanism for METAIVY, and public partners to work together to support basic and application-driven research and development. Mentors will also have to prove their qualifications in their respective fields. We cover a field as we admit mentors from the field.
Kindly ask away where I haven’t been clear @Deogracious_Aggrey


This is quite interesting, decentralised learning wow,…I personally believe as much as learning should be made easier to acces it should be made efficient and effective. Projects like this might have a good chance.


This is quite good as it will help students learn in a fun way in which they’re rewarded

Atleast then we can consider degrees as a profitable asset.

This is the DAO to decentralise education in Africa and bring value in Knowledge to the hands of the people.

Extreme apologies for the severely delayed response as we move through the backlog of funding.

Thank you for submitting a proposal to $300M Ecosystem Fund :blue_heart:

:hourglass_flowing_sand: Your proposal is under review :slight_smile: Meanwhile, head over to our DAO Funding Guidelines

:heavy_check_mark: Please ensure that your proposal meets the criteria necessary to be considered for a Harmony DAO bootstrap grant.

Note, that even if your proposal meets certain criteria, it does not necessarily guarantee approval or funding :see_no_evil:

Thank you for your time and interest! :rocket:

Hello, @amboogieman

Due to the lack of recent activity I am going close this thread and decline this proposal without prejudice. I encourage you and your team to review our updated DAO Funding Guidelines to get a deeper understanding of the criteria necessary to be approved and how our funding is structured.

I encourage you to resubmit an updated proposal at your earliest convenience! Thank you for your time and your interest.


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