Niftmint - NFTs for Brands on their channels

@mikemorgan our Launch grants have a structure that’s well-defined (see @gabby’s reply up top). The DAO formation is quite straightforward, we strongly suggest to have a wallet ready to receive the grant funds be a multisig wallet. We suggest to eventually solicit governors from the other DAOs mentioned above and when found, swap out the wallet addresses with the new governors’ wallets. This will encourage your team to actively involve the Harmony community, much like how a project like MarsColony 👽 - play to earn, colonization game-fi with full community control [Approved] will help to ramp up interest and takes off organically.

We understand this is an increase in administrative effort, and the intent is to generate a long term benefit between your team and the engagement with the Harmony community. Also, we recognize hat the cost incurred from software development is not aligned with when the grant funds disbursement schedule, but please understand that these are goal-driven milestones that we have as part of the guidelines of our ecosystem grant explained in Apply for Grants or DAO

All-in-all when your platform launches, it will be interesting to see this takes shape once it’s structured in a way to involve Harmony’s community sooner than later. We will be able to support from a co-marketing perspective. Your team may require to invest a bit of effort and resources up front. Thoughts?