H-ONE Promo DAO creation and work plan for upcoming month.

Good day people of Harmony!

So what is Promo DAO?

DAO Leader: @EdgarTheONE

Current DAO members: 7 comrades

DAO Details:

Purpose: Positive interaction with worlds crypto influencers and advertising assistance.

Biggest mistake I’ve seen in plenty crypto community contests or bounty offers for recognition interaction is that contest idea is made, rules for drops are written, topics are shown, #hashtags placed and after “sit n’ wait” since nothing happens – no public persons can’t find details to write an article about project for magazine, or drop a video review on it’s youtube channel.

What will Promo DAO make different? We’ll do it opposite way.

  1. Get connected with our favorite influencers and bloggers. Can always suggest yours.

  2. Ask them to make a blog post, review video, in depth look, interview with H-ONE team leaders offering in exchange to share some coins when content is posted.

  3. Since it’s a “promotion” content we can ask them to place an additional info about events that H-ONE is going to have, hackathons or other info that needs extra attention.

  4. Even fully developed great projects without public visibility are stuck. We want to give assistance for smaller or bigger projects that need help with advertising. Help with promo videos, copywriting and design, to pack it all together and distribute trough Youtube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Telegram, Google ads (accurate not to violate guidelines) and other crypto related news channels and blogs.

How exactly Harmony ONE and it’s projects will benefit from work with influencers, partners and artists?


A) By giving a good visibility for investors looking for reliable and potential source where to hold their funds. Even if each sponsored video brings 10 investors it pays out all advertising expenses.

B) Making shoutout to H-ONE community in whole. Most worthy are new members welcomed on board who want to share their thoughts, interact by doin’ some creatives or catching up talented developers, content creators, managers and leaders who are looking for crypto communities to invest their time and strength.

C) Public reputation and brand awareness for Harmony ONE. The more people talk about certain project online (and offline), greater attention and trust score will be created also by other public personas. Good chance to make chain reaction that will convert in interest from other bloggers and news makers. Let’s stay on hype cuz it will also give an increase on worth of ONE coin.

How we will work and get ONE projects noticed?

  1. We ask project authors and curators to fill form about their project details. Please fill this form if your H-ONE project needs some advertising:
    Submit your ONE project to be advertised by Promo DAO 🔥

Right now we got 4 projects to be advertised, one is having beta launch by end of may, so we might pause on it till its launched. So we are still hungry to onboard new projects.

  1. We contact project core members to see their previous promo works, wishes and what have worked for them and what they want to try by picking the most favorable channels to use. Full updates about mission and plans for next decade to be announced.

  2. Give details about project and texts to influencers and reputable channels with paying their fees. If it’s paid advertising trough SMM then we put content on our Promo ONE pages and set targets to measure success rate on H-ONE project landing pages. Additionally advertise Harmony national or niche communities by giving extra details to influencers to mention.

  3. After work month has ended and all plans for each project fulfilled, we post a report on forum so community get to know what Promo is made and to seduce other H-ONE projects to join this advertising opportunity.

How H-ONE Promo DAO team looks now and where do we plan to go?

Greet our members!

@EdgarTheONE Myself - DAO Leader (Latvia). Connecting the dots, bringing influencers and crossworking with H-ONE projects and communities. Setting up workflow, organising transparent cooperation, campaign planning and copywriting for ads. Work with video influencers.

Steve (Vietnam) - Marketing and community specialist. Create and distribute content through YT, TG and Twitter. Do article writing and SMM. Administrate H-ONE project onboarding and management. Close relationships with Vietnamese influencers. Works with youtubers. (will be back in May).

@FlyingBird Yana (California, USA) - best assistant that can be imagined, takes care of Twitter, Telegram, FB and IG news feed, fancy on design, great on research and fresh ideas. Gathers fresh news and updates from Harmony channels.

@Hsmoney aka Stephen is a cool dude and active member, studies in Nigeria University and has a HUGE view where blockchain can lead us. Work with influencers and promo channels, administrate Telegram and community, do research and share the news. Manage H-ONE community video creation campaign (please vote in the pool if community video creation for bounties is needed). Has plenty of youtubers on the list to work with.

@luca (India) student, professional that worked in branding agency specialising on work with influencers and now doing exactly the same thing for ONE Promo, provides a huge contact list of his clients, plenty of good offers he already can launch. Customer and community management. Good in SMM shilling. Works with youtubers.

@have_lovewill_travel Ryan (GOA) will begin wise paid promotion of H-ONE products using Facebook, Instagram and Google adsense. For future management SMM for ONE Daps (please vote in the pool if such an initiative is needed.)

@for_the_church (India) outsourced and will create 5 promo videos for new H-ONE projects that we partner with. Here is one of samples: Reality Chain - YouTube

Our plan for the next 3 months.

Gather 40-50 videos connecting influencers for shouting out promo about H-ONE projects with additional articles and promo on sponsored SMM groups and news channels. Promote 10 Harmony ONE projects.

Questions for ONE Promo DAO future activities to community.

Do you want us to launch and manage H-ONE video creators campaign?

Create inside H-ONE Community video creation programme , will figure out better naming for it. Since there are no opportunities for H-ONE comrades in video creation, we want to take it on our shoulders.

Sample of rules will be written later in additional proposal. For introduction:

Users will be given a chance to create 5-10 min review videos about our given topics mostly H-ONE Dapp reviews.

200 USD in ONE bounty for each review video that gains 100 views in Youtube.

400 USD for each video that gets +2k views on users Youtube account.

Each user will be limited till 5 videos per month.

  • Yes, lets value Harmony community video creators
  • No, their not professionals and it’s just a waste of resources

0 voters

Do you want us to launch SMM management campaigns on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook for each project that needs marketers assistance?

Sample. Rain Finance needs someone to take care of their Twitter and Facebook campaigns to stay updated. We open an opportunity for SMM specialists looking for work here on forum and give it for management to newcomers. Rules: Make 10-15 posts per month, be interactive with users and other H-ONE social media pages. Bounty 700-1000 USD per month.

If it’s needed Yana can handle shilling of 3-5 campaigns if goes full time, still i would prefer our DAO to grow with new members and H-ONE community people could join us.

  • Yes, social media is core part of advertising and many projects could need support
  • Nah, let project owners do SMM by themselves

0 voters

Here is the list of current influencers and H-ONE projects that we plan to work with:

It’s always updated. If other local or more tech specific influencers are needed, we will gather those. List is clear and always will be from bots views, spammers and shady youtubers. Mentioned Telegram channels are good to post announcements, Twitter channels are on best to motivate people join and follow social media and also good at doing specific tasks, since proof should be posted under tweet comments.

NOTE: What are Twitter Shillers that we want to use?
Those are users that created channels for drops.
In attached sheet you can view them.
They make a post that boutny of 50 USD is played out to people who make certain tasks like subscribe to Twitter, FB, IG, join Discord and retweet same post by giving a proof in comments. On average their tweets like this have 1000-3000 actions that depends from Twitters subscriber amount and how hard is task. Most of projects that we onboard here are fresh ones with small follower and engagement count. So even if 5-10% of subscribed users will stay active, it’s a good tool to grab additional view on popularity of project.

SMM paid management by @Have_LoveWill_Travel Ryan plan:

  • Initiative summary: Promotion of DApps based on H-ONE. Instagram and Facebook PPC (paid ads with placement on IG and FB app elements) Global related blockchain/crypto audience reach + running an instagram and facebook page

  • Our plan

Targeting audience

Audience selection criteria (target audience base parsed). GEO - biggest crypto investor countries acccording to rating or specific local geo chosen;

Subscribers of blockchain and crypto thematik channels on Instagram/Facebook; also we consider the audience for traditional trading, it can also have a good return.

The audience for the impressions will be parsed using the Segmento Target service (~$25 per month subscription)

Receiving enough statistics base while running ads, we also run look-alike audiences, related to previously showed ads audience.

What to promote?

Based on H-ONE DApps, Web 3.0, DAOs, Metaverse (website links). Promoted posts will contain news related to the projects, updates, nft’s, etc.


To test and plan metrics / results, we need a budget for ads impressions (filled into the advertising cabinet, a report is provided): from USD 500 (for FB and IG) per first month per project and 500 USD for Google adsense ads per project, concidering 20% VAT.

The work includes campaign planning, setting up campaign at FB and IG advertising cabinet (Facebook Ads Manager) and campaign management, audience parsing, setting tasks for a content manager,

A/B testing of ads and audience parameters, analytics, reports on results.

Total amount for 1st month for ads and tools: 2525$

The second month, after finding the optimal audience parameters: from 1000 USD per month for good coverage + $200 for testing new audiences

The third stage is a consistent increase in budgets until the KPI cost bottom is found (website clicks or registration).

What budget we need for Promo DAO to start and reach our given plans for next month?

Edgar 6000 USD (full time) per month for leading.

Yana for assistance, info gathering, design and management, work with partners (twitter and telegram groups) 3000 USD (half time).

Stephen for taking care of community and marketing management 3000 USD (half time).

Ryan for SMM and Google Adsense advertising and marketing management 3000 USD (half time).

Luca for project administration and marketing management 3000 USD (half time).

In total planned work for June by Promo DAO is:

  • 15 videos budget for influencers (average is 800 USD per vid) 12000 (USD for 15 vids)
  • 10 posts on partner Telegram and Twitter 3000 USD
  • Sponsored ads for 5 first projects (1000 USD per project with 20% VAT) 6000 USD
  • Reach out crypto related topics on Reddit, 4chan and crypto forums with suggestion to use H-ONE dapps. Make in total 30 comments with urls per project. 150 comments in total for guerilla marketing. This is also top thing to do for organic SEO link building. Done by Luca and Stephen as daily work.
  • 5 infographics (one per each) created by Yana becouse well created design is louder then text said 10 times. Included in daily work.
  • 5 project intro videos by Miracle 1000 USD


Afterwards when work is completed, workflow tested and report about budget spending done, we will ask budgeting for 3 or 6 months in advance if the grant team feels comfortable.

Update (24/05/22) for sustainability work plans for next 2-3 months.

Month TWO.

  • Onboard aditonal 2-3 Harmony Projects (make promo for 7-8 projects in total)
  • Create 21-24 videos from influencers. Those are 3 videos per project.
  • 14-16 posts on partner Telegram and Twitter post per (TG crypto group and Twitter shill accounts)
  • Sponsored ads (Facebook, Instagram and Google) for 7-8 projects with sales funnel to measure effectivness.
  • Reach out crypto related topics on Reddit, 4chan and crypto forums with suggestion to use H-ONE dapps. Make in total 30 comments with urls per project. 210-250 comments in total.
  • 7-8 infographics (one per each) created by Yana becouse well created design is louder then text said 10 times. Included in daily work.
  • 7-8 project promo videos by Miracle
  • Setup Harmony community video creators programme and get first (15-20) video reviews and tutorials about H-ONE Dapps. Due voting i see it gets 50/50 (thanks for voting) so to solve “waste of resources” problem, bounty will be cut in half - 100 USD for 5-10 min vids that get 100 views and 200 USD for those that reach 2000 view milestone. 20-25 videos to get would be great.
  • PR press consideration. We are looking to find a good press release writer from ONE, feel that can find a pro. Found that there are plenty outsourcing possibilities that send press releases to 50-100 crypot related news portals. That’s an amazing and cheap thing to have in terms to spread the word about the project outside to other crypto enthusiasts. So 7-8 press releases to be written and sent to reputable crypto news portals.
  • Advertise Harmony ONE events (hackathons or live ones) with help of youtubers, TG groups and press releases. Community voted up this initiative, so would be a cool thing to realise.
  • Onboard 2-3 new active members to join our DAO with their performances.

Month THREE.

  • Onboard aditonal 2-3 Harmony Projects (make promo for 10 projects in total for now i feel that it’s max capacity, still time and community members will show if responsibilities can be diversified)
  • Create 30 videos from influencers. Those are 3 videos per project.
  • 20 posts on partner Telegram and Twitter post per (TG crypto group and Twitter shill accounts)
  • Sponsored ads (Facebook, Instagram and Google) for 10 projects with sales funnel to measure effectivness.
  • Reach out crypto related topics on Reddit, 4chan and crypto forums with suggestion to use H-ONE dapps. Make in total 30 comments with urls per project. 300 comments in total.
  • 10 infographics (one per each) created by Yana becouse well created design is louder then text said 10 times. Included in daily work.
  • 10 project promo videos by Miracle
  • See how it goes with Harmony community video creators programme. If quality is reached then 50 videos per month can be a success story. If not and videos lack in quality, program to be removed.
  • PR press releases written for 10 projects and sent out to reputable crypto news platforms.
  • Continue to advertise Harmony ONE events (hackathons or live ones) with help of youtubers, TG groups and press releases. Will see ONE plans for events at august-september.
  • Onboard additonal 2-3 new active members to join our DAO with their performances.

Any questions, recommendations or feedback are welcome.

If you see yourself as part of Promo DAO team working with influencers and promo fill this form of your skill set and\or ideas how H-ONE projects can benefit from your hype.


@Chak_Raam @frwrdslosh @lij @shestov @harmonyuniverse
Can your share your thoughts, ideas, concerns or recommendations? :face_in_clouds:

Thank you for submitting a proposal to Harmony’s $300M Ecosystem Fund. We are in the process of reviewing your proposal and will assign a representative on behalf of the Grants Ops team.

We would also love :blue_heart: to have the Harmony community participate to ask questions and provide feedbacks.

If you have more details to add, please do so by replying to this thread.


Thanks Essalacher for review.
By the end of week we will add more advertising channels to use. Have a huge list of them, just making sure to offer legit ones (without spam and bots).
Also will gather rest projects of H-ONE to be advertised and will mention them.

So dear Harmony people, if your project or DAO needs some advertising, DM me here or on TG @Zhunda

Also can submit your project in previous post if you already know what you want:


How would community feel if as one of advertising projects would be Harmony ONE in general?
Influencers and advertising channels would promote:

  • Harmony live events.
  • Harmony hackathons
  • Mentionable tech updates
  • Huge partnerships
  • New product launch
  • Yes, also Harmony should be mentioned by influencers
  • No, let Promo DAO concentrate just on H-ONE created projects

0 voters

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the issue with all DAO proposals in Harmony is that they are all talk and do nothing. Do yall have anything to back up your proposal? How can we measure how good you guys are? Are there any notable marketing campaigns or past projects that can prove your skill?


Hey A_TI thanks for breaktrough question.
We with most of the team did promo for another crypto network, now it ended for some reasons. I didn’t wanted to post past works because of might upcoming conflicts of interests, maybe it’s unethical, anyhow didn’t felt comfortable with that.
I’ll DM you past work samples, if anyone else want’s to view them, please ask, just don’t share portfolio here on forum if i could ask.

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Morning Edgar,
May I ask why you consider it ‘unethical’ to post prior work on projects?

I think the community and grantors should see your work to gadge on if it meets the criteria of a self sustaining DAO. However, self sustaining is not the only metric used to accept a proposal. Just FYI on that part.

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Morning Amartay, sent you samples too.
Idk, feel some inner pressure to be honest. Maybe being judged by some community members like “why you went from x network to H-ONE?” tho, comrades here are really friendly.
Here on Harmony i see some users from other networks and event projects that got funding from another chain, now asking resourcers to integrate themselves in Harmony protocol, but they kinda don’t advertise their past with other chains or partnerships with other blockchains.

It’s not so hard to share past campaigns with community members who ask for it, itspecially with grantors if they don’t make it public.

How you feel what metrics are also essential?

Now we are self sustaining but model of DAO i see as decentralised and everybody with their certain skill should join advertising crew. We want to grow, would be amazing by summer to increace our team twice by adding fresh minds.
Maybe in this post openness isn’t so obvious, but thanks for this comment, gave me an idea to make a fresh invite post for marketing obsessed community members to join us with a form to fill.

Dear Harmony people, if you got ideas how to make marketing on H-ONE easier, see other sides of promo that should be covered, maybe some concepts or if your an OG of community building, please share your recommendations or wishes to join our crew.


For now we got 4 H-ONE projects onboarded for next advertising cycle.


Planet League


Cosmic Universe

And as @Chak_Raam recommended will pick up a DAO to advertise.

My sympathy goes to Slavic DAO, still, feel that it could be more related to creators DAO. Any recommendations?

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Hello, @EdgarTheONE

This proposal is under review.

I would like to provide a brief update from Harmony.

All approvals and proposals for DAO Bootstrap Funding are still paused. This is a temporary measure. Please do not let this dissuade you and your team from building. Stay tuned for another update regarding DAO Bootstrap Funding :soon:

note: this comment is not an approval of this proposal.


All good, thanks for update Frwedslosh.

We just got last project onbaorded that asked for some hype:

People of Harmony, if you are looking for some fancy promotion and PR from Promo DAO, you can still submit your projects here:


Dear creative members of Harmony, if you got the skills, ideas and some inspiration and wish to become a member of Promo DAO, your the person we are looking for.
All tasks and actions that we are looking for can be found here:

Hello, @EdgarTheONE

The Harmony DAO Ops team has decided to decline this proposal.

We have found over the past year of DAO operations that the organizations that don’t start with a large, dedicated community and a goal to fund themselves tend to have very low success rates. They tend to have a hard time recruiting additional community support and tend to bring limited value to the overall Harmony ecosystem.

The bar to receive a DAO bootstrap grant is now higher than it has been historically. In order to receive a bootstrap grant going forward, DAOs will need to evidence a high level of transparent reporting, robust community involvement and a business plan that reflects a commitment to self-funding. Further guidelines are being finalized and should be released in the coming week.

I apologize that this process has been lengthy and drawn-out and I appreciate yours and the DAO’s patience. Harmony and the DAO Ops team wanted to exhaust every option before responding with a declination.

Do not let this dissuade you or your DAOs passion to build on Harmony. Harmony is integrating new tools to help build a robust DAO ecosystem. I’m looking forward to your success.

This thread will be closed.

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