Good project:rocket: I’m celebrating my first full year with PipeFlare as a subscriber happily at the highest level. I cannot acquire 1FLR fast enough; the team adds new use cases multiple times a week, which is just one of many ways PipeFlare routinely exemplifies continuous improvement. To say that I’m excited about what the rest of the decade holds for the future of PipeFlare would be a massive understatement. This is a five-star, first-class project.
Good project with staking a variety of options, games with big bonuses and not too weak nft. 1 flr is a good project, I joined since 2019
Love pipeflare! One of the few communities online that I feel actually gives you a sense of community
PipeFlare is a great project, I have been participating in the usage of this lovely platform since August 2021 and I have never for one day regret it.
I believe with the plan of the team put in place, people we get to know what they have been missing not being a part in the PipeFlare community because I strongly believe that 2022 will b a great year for this awesome project.
A project like no other, awesome project.
I’m really impressed with Pipeflare the community is great really helpful, it’s a cool way of learning about crypto while having fun by playing games if your a beginner or staking if your more serious about collecting a few different promising tokens and NFTs of course, it’s very educational.
Customer service is very helpful a great team, I’m happy to be involved and wish the very best for 1FLR Matic ZEC prices in the future and acquiring new Pipeflare members… I’m predicting this is going to be a successful year, I’m active on the platform and I enjoy staking and I’m looking forward to purchasing Matic to exchange for 1FLR to stake and invest, I’m confident my trust isn’t miss placed. Thanks Pipeflare👍
@JonathanPipeline apologies for the late response. Please note we do not lead investments. If you have a lead we may consider participating as a follow-on investor depending on your valuation. Are you actively fundraising and do you have a lead?
Hey Giv, how are you doing? Can you reach out to me on Telegram so we can have a more private convo about this? Thank you!
@jonathanpipeline is my Telegram ID
@JonathanPipeline it’s important we continue the conversation here for the sake of transparency to the community.