Plant Dudes DAO - Grant Proposal

Name of DAO

Plant Dudes DAO

Proposal overview

Plant Dudes is an up and coming utility-based NFT collection focused on creating a web3 education ecosystem to onboard the next generation of developers and enthusiasts. We will create an educational website with different tracks, similar to, and offer the education content to the public for free. We’ll also offer NFT-Ls (unique non-transferrable learning NFTs) for those who finish the tracks to identify that they’ve completed the course. Plant Dudes NFT Holders do not need to pay for the NFT-Ls upon course completion, and also get beta access to new tracks and priority responses on the Discord community. We will also partner with Plant Nurseries and host cleanups and volunteering events to contribute to helping sustain our environment. The Plant Dudes DAO will decide on the distribution of funds for the education platform and volunteering events, which will encourage the community to participate in the curation of the future of web3 learning.

For our first track, meant to be published within the 3 month timeline of this grant, we will onboard people interested in web3 by walking them through creating a wallet and showing them how to connect it to our website as a tool for login. Other tracks will have them complete certain objectives on the testnet, for example minting their first NFT and using DeFi with test money to get hands-on experience with the different protocols. We can then verify their progress on-chain (similar to and display their progress on our site as they finish each objective. Using our platform, we can successfully onboard the next generation of web3 users by providing hands-on blockchain experience without the risk of using real money while also rewarding the users with certificates and other benefits.

To monetize our platform, we will offer NFT-L certificates at the end of each track that users can purchase to verify that they completed the course. However, if they hold a Plant Dude NFT they can receive the certificate at no extra cost. We will partner with different protocols to ensure the certificates have real world value in the web3 industry. Additionally, similar to Coinbase Earn, once a user finishes specific courses they can be rewarded in the protocol’s native token as an extra incentive for completion. A percentage of the initial mint and reselling fee for Plant Dudes NFT will go towards sponsoring the DAO and platform. Additionally, we plan on getting sponsored by different protocols to create tracks teaching users how to interact with their protocols on the testnest to gain experience with their platform.

How our Platform Differs

The blockchain world is riddled with many difficult to understand terms and lingos that overwhelm newcomers getting into the web3 space. This can often be discouraging and frustrating, causing them to stop or temporarily halt their web3 journey.

Our platform will be 100% beginner friendly and help the user step-by-step into understanding all the web3 terms and applications. We know how frustrating poorly written tutorials can be, thus our tracks will focus on a more hands-on approach where we will walk the user through creating their own Metamask account and creating sample transactions on a testnet. Other tracks focusing on specific protocols will integrate an IDE into the platform similar to CryptoZombies to make it easier to follow along and retain the information.

The tracks will also not only feature written but visual/verbal content, to make sure we meet the needs of different types of styles. These specialized tracks providing hands-on experience with different protocols will readily onboard users into web3 and help them become more experienced in the space.

And to further our commitment to the space, we provide incentives for finishing tracks/courses through either rewarding the user with the track’s protocol native token (or our token), performing random airdrops to those who finish tracks, and by allowing the purchase of an NFT-L certificate (free for Plant Dude NFT holders) proving that the user successfully completed the course, which can then be used to apply for job opportunities in the web3 space (we will partner with the different protocols to make this more readily possible).

Our 3 Mandates

  1. EDUCATION: Create learning tracks focused on web3 technologies and concepts. Publish written and video web3 learning content.

  2. COMMUNITY: Grow Discord and Telegram community, partner with companies to take our NFT-Ls.

  3. SUSTAINABILITY: Partner with plant nurseries and host cleanups/volunteering events.

Plant Dudes DAO is a community of web3 enthusiasts and developers eager to learn, teach, and contribute to society as a whole. We seek to uplift the web3 community to be more accepting and diverse through our outreach events and education. Our ultimate goal is to create a self-driven education ecosystem where members of the community contribute to the learning platform through either directly submitting tracks/content or providing help in the Discord/Telegram. That way we can promote a healthy web3 environment encouraging growth in everyone regardless of gender, race, religion, or sexual preference.

Proposal ask

Metrics for success

First Month

  1. Grow Discord community to 300+ members
  2. Telegram 50+ members
  3. Landing Page for our education site
  4. Publish 5 educational blogs on website
  5. Partner with 3 Plant Nurseries

Second Month

  1. Discord 1000+ members
  2. Telegram 100+ members
  3. Publish 5 educational blogs on website
  4. Partner with 5 web3 companies
  5. Host beach cleanup

Third Month

  1. Discord 2500+ members
  2. Telegram 250+ members
  3. Partner with 5 more web3 companies
  4. Launch Plant Dude NFTs and token
  5. Publish first web3 beginner track showcasing how to connect to metamask and make transactions through a testnet along with minting an NFT-L for course completion
  6. Host beach cleanup


  1. Sam Garcia
    Twitter: samangarc22
    Content creator on YouTube (samyam) creating tutorials on game development in Unity. Former Software Engineer @ Google working on Augmented Reality (AR), Shaders, Machine Learning, and Unreal. Led the Virtual Reality (VR) and AR club GatorVR at the University of Florida for 3 years while completing Bachelors in Computer Science.

  2. Melody Manzur
    Twitter: memanzur22
    Experienced graphic artist (IG@antiyouthx) and content marketing specialist. Currently completing her Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science. Creator of the art and story behind Plant Dudes NFT.

  3. Rogelio A Manzur
    Twitter: web3rog
    Vice President - Sr Program Manager at Citi, BYU Hawaii alum, managed multiple multi-million dollar projects for fortune 500 companies.

  4. Liam Wood
    Twitter: dev_lvwood
    Software Engineer @ Visa working on clearing and settlement platform services. Was the Lead developer on a Steem blockchain app, Discovering: DaVinci with Vue and Node. Was the Team Lead on the Harn Museum of Art: AR Accent Pieces exhibit. B.S. in Computer science from the University of Florida.

  5. Sunny Satva
    Twitter: sunny4earth
    Founder of the Vegan Africa Fund. They scale vegan businesses and grow the pan-African vegan network, with operations enabled through the impact crypto VAF. Sunny is passionate about the intersection of veganism, blockchain, and AI. Bioengineer by training, a social advocate by passion, investing in the world I want to see.

  6. Tina Trout
    Business owner at Lala Gardens, offering diverse small-batch, seasonal foods, and supplements for the body and garden. They offer natural farming applications, educational classes, events, and internships. Tina is passionate about sustainability and regenerative self-sufficient gardens.

  7. Mo Schlussel
    Twitter: mschlussel1
    Researcher for the Obsidian Council, web3 enthusiast and developer. Background in math and finance and interested in exploring DeFi.

  8. Van-Emmanuel W.
    Twitter: vanemman
    Co-founder of korii DAO and tech professional with over 10 years of cyber security, cloud ops experience. Passionate about technology, social systems and digital arts. Van has led infrastructure deployments that include enterprise networking, Azure cloud services, and company security training. Education background includes degrees in Psychology, Medical Physiology and Cyber Security. Chicago native, based in Berlin, Germany.

  9. Dani Spence
    Twitter: korii_io
    Co-founder of korii DAO and member of HER DAO. Former Digital Product Designer @ AHIMA. Passionate about connecting brands and influencers to the web3 ecosystem.

External links

Twitter: plantdudesnft, plantdudesdao
Instagram: plantdudesnft
Telegram: Telegram: Join Group Chat
Discord: Plant Dudes
Multisig Wallet Address: matic:0x597b070e2Ae2C26eA33f2b6504174EFfc13f18e5

1 Like

Governor Social Media Links Pt2

Sunny Satva


Mo Schlussel

Van-Emmanuel W.

the fact an ecosystem fund farmer is part of this is an instant no.


We already have dozens of DAOs with the same goal. Do you really need 75k to create some tutorials?


There have been several “web3 education” DAO proposals of late and I fail to see what different each of these is accomplishing other than the slight variety in the “community” department (where this DAO seems to be targeting environment lovers). I think if there’s really such a high demand for web3 education, Harmony should consider creating a single Education-focused DAO (maybe as a core DAO) that not only educates the public about web3 but also Harmony.

This imo would have way higher impact in terms of attracting people to Harmony (and web3) than financing multiple smaller DAOs, and would also cut overspending on “Content Creation” since all these DAOs appear to be spending very high amounts for what seems to be the same content in general, i.e., web3 education. Also these DAOs honestly seem kinda low effort (referring to the 8hrs/month and 20hrs/month work time estimated for Governors and Staff in the above proposal).