Proposal for Creative DAO to manage Metaprints, a creative guild


There is an ask from an organization called Metaprints (managed by Bondly) to help them bridge professional creative studio talent with metaverse developers in Harmony. This proposal is to have the Creative DAO facilitate the relationship between talent pools available in Bondly and connecting them with Harmony metaverse developers.

Bondly and Harmony Creative DAO shall work collaboratively to develop a universal Metadata blueprint to create and develop branded IP assets which may include buildings, avatars/characters, billboards, vehicles, games (the “Games”), fashion and other 3-D digital assets (the “Assets”) for insertion in several different metaverses. The materials and types of Intellectual Property that are to be embedded into the Assets and NFTs provided by Harmony Creative DAO to Bondly are set forth on a pre-defined list of license properties (e.g. Logos, Fonts, Color schemes, Character/Mascot, Icons, Items/Products, Taglines, etc.)

Revenue Model

When work is engaged between creatives and metaverse developers, facilitated by a party (such as the Creative DAO), with respect to any consideration received in connection with the sale of branded 3-D Assets in a metaverse, Bondly shall pay to such party a royalty in the amount of 10% of the primary sales revenues generated by the sales of the digital assets in the subject metaverse.

Example of Engagements

An example set of potential engagements:

  • Facilitate creation of spec theme assets with ongoing projects such as Mars Colony and Tranquility City to enrich their content. When content specs are agreed upon between Bondly and the project teams, Creative DAO acts as a project manager between them to creative new 3D metaverse content. When the contents are sold, 10% goes to the Creative DAO
  • Develop together with the Harmony Brand team to create 3D branded assets – from HQ, avatar, fashion in different metaverses within Animoca ecosystem to speed up brand adoption and drive devs to Harmony. Content is minted out and offered at NFT marketplaces as merchandise. When the merchandise is sold, 10% royalty goes to the Creative DAO


This is an opportunity for Creative DAO to act as a creative guild for the Harmony ecosystem, to facilitating developing metaverses alongside Harmony builders. While doing so, the Creative DAO can become self sustainable, thanks to the royalties in content revenue via royalties. The Harmony core team is aiming to scale the ability to help our ecosystem of builders and creatives, and will assist at the beginning to get the wheelhouse to start turning. Depending on how quickly the Creative DAO’s is able to bridge between Bondly and Harmony initiatives, this could accelerate the Creative DAO to becoming a truly independent DAO.


Metaprints is an organization run by Bondly, which has AnimocaBrands as an investor


Thank you @Jacksteroo we are currently reviewing this. Thank you for pulling this together, this seems like an incredibly exciting opportunity.


Feel free to ask any questions CreativeDAO! We would like to drive metaverse adoption for Harmony. - Harry @ Bondly

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Hi Harry - Is it possible to arrange a meeting with you, possible with myself and another governor or two and hopefully Jacksteroo also.

If possible could you let me know when you could be free so we can try and get a meeting sorted. I dropped you a comment on Twitter also, If you could follow back and DM me or drop me your discord ID so i can reach out and try and arrange a meeting it will be greatly appreciated.


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