Running for Developer DAO Governor: Anoop George - "coinFan"

Hi All,
Anoop George(coinFan) here, happy to be part of harmony community,
I am very excited to announce my candidacy for Developer DAO!!!
I began my web3 journey when I was invited to Bridge builders DAO by Chaotic Beauty. It has been an awesome journey where I learned a lot by being part of the harmony family and meeting a lot of awesome people and also invited a couple of people to join the family.
I have 10+ years of experience in the web2 world working in the e-commerce dev for one of the largest retailers in the cart and checkout journey of a customer(from adding an item to cart to placing an order.
I have worked in various roles from developer, team lead to delivering talks and organizing hackathon events.

In web3 world, I am spending most of my time getting well versed in solidity and working with awesome members of Bridge builders DAO, which serve as a platform to bring more developers and creators to harmony community.
Being a Developer DAO governor I want to contribute to grow harmony dev community, share what I have learned, and have a great time doing the stuff I love to do.
Thank you for this opportunity and best wishes to all the candidates.

Would be cool of you join the Twitter space:

Hi Annop George, can you tell us your discord user name for us to add you to our internal channels? thank you