Over the last two weeks, we have only received 9 candidate applications to fill the 9 seats available on the Developer DAO governance, therefore the number is not sufficient for the elections to take place.
The 9 governors will join the Governance effective on 1st January 2022.
We believe this short fall is largely because of the timing of the election, on the last week of the calendar year but are happy to see all 9 governors are highly qualified individuals.
We look forward to holding the next Developer DAO governor election in 3 months.
Your next 9 Developer DAO Governors are as follows:
Bruno Marshall
Talk: Running for Developer DAO Governor: “Bruno Marshall”
GitHub: BrunoMarshall (Bruno Marshall) · GitHub
Dylan Kawalec- ChaoticBeauty LLC, Bridge Builders DAO
Talk: Running for Developer DAO Governor: Dylan Kawalec - "Chaotic Beauty LLC"
GitHub: DylanCkawalec (Dylan Kawalec) · GitHub
Kruger Dunn (aka Cow
Talk: Running for Developer DAO Governor: "Kruger Dunn"
GitHub: cashcowONE · GitHub
Talk: [Term 2 - Governor Candidate] Sev
GitHub: Severino (Captain Sev) · GitHub
Boone Bergsma
Talk: Running for Developer DAO Governor: "Boone Bergsma"
GitHub: BooneTB (Boone Bergsma) · GitHub
Anoop George - “coinFan”
Talk: Running for Developer DAO Governor: Anoop George - "coinFan"
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/anoop-ninan-george-bb446140/
Talk: Running for Developer DAO Governor: "Harjas"
Github: harjas27 (Harjas ) · GitHub
Talk: Running for Developer DAO Governor: “EddNorris"
GitHub: twobitEDD (Edd Norris) · GitHub
Isaac Schwab
Talk: Running for Developer DAO Governor: Isaac Schwab - "DevSchwab"