Using the comments below, share a start-up project on Harmony that you are supporting and tell us why you are supporting it. Let’s use the community to help get eyes on these start-ups and give them the community support they deserve.
Simple things like a Twitter follow, or share can really boost the confidence in small start-ups. It also helps with growing that much-needed ‘social proof’ around a project or idea.
The more welcoming and supportive we are, the more projects will have an awesome experience on Harmony. As the crypto market continues to weaken, the community will play a bigger role in motivating and encouraging new and existing projects to keep going.
Please do not use this thread to spam. The aim of the thread is to allow the Harmony community to find and engage with new projects as community support is often the best support you can give.
So if a project has grabbed your attention that is starting up on Harmony, or has not yet chosen a blockchain, share some details in the comments below and let’s go show them how great the Harmony community is.
I will kick things off…
As many of you here know, I have been working with a group of female artists that are launching an NFT project. This project is their first NFT project, and I personally think it is a great idea, hence giving them my support and the support of the team at A Block Of Crypto.
The Project is HIdden Artists with Hidden Wallets and you can read all about the project here
Introducing Hidden Artists with Hidden Wallets | by Hidden Artists - Hidden Wallets | May, 2022 | Medium
These artists are new to both Crypto and NFT’s. One of the girls has been in our 18 Week Blockchain, web3 and digital assets expert track and that is their only experience in the industry between them.
I set them tasks to start growing their community and to use Twitter to connect with people on Harmon. They won’t be launching until they have at least 1000 followers. They only have 20. You can follow them here if you would like to support them. Hidden Artists - Hidden Wallets (@WalletsHidden) / Twitter
The good news is, that this project only needs a community to help it get going and it does not require any funding. I have been encouraging the team to use Harmony for their first treasure hunt because when I minted the certificate of progress NFTs for our Expert track here and then distributed them, the process was clean, smooth, simple, and cost-effective.
Any likes, follow, support or suggestions you can make to them will be most welcome.
I can’t wait to hear about more projects that need to feel the Harmony Love. Comment below