StakeIt.ONE Harmony Validator - (Unelected)

Validator Name:


Staking Profile:

StakeIt.ONE Staking Profile on : Click here
StakeIt.ONE Staking Profile on Click here
Our Website (Under Construction): StakeIt.ONE Harmony Validator
Our Twitter: @StakeItONE
Our Keybase: StakeIt.ONE Harmony Validator on Keybase
Our Telegram Notification Channel: Click Here
Our Telegram Group: Click Here

Commission %:

  • 0% for the first 100 Epochs
  • Standard 5% @ Epoch 852 and will always keep fees as low as possible, to ensure maximum rewards for our delegators.

Infrastructure Setup:

One of our missions here at StakeIt.ONE is to always provide one of the highest performing most reliable Harmony validators available that will always exceed the hardware requirements, which will help to support the entire Harmony ecosystem to the fullest extent possible as it grows at an exponentially increasing rate.

Right now our validator nodes are as follows, and will be upgraded as needed to stay “ahead of the game”…


  • Dedicated Server - Location: Datacenter in Los Angeles, California, USA
  • Quad-Core (8 threads) Intel Xeon 3.5 GHz (3.9 GHz max) CPU
  • 32 GB RAM
  • 2 x 480 GB SSD in RAID-0 for maximum performance.


  • Dedicated Server - Location: Datacenter in Sydney, NSW Australia
  • Quad-Core (8 threads) Intel Xeon 3.5 GHz (3.9 GHz max) CPU
  • 32 GB RAM
  • 2 x 480 GB SSD in RAID-0 for maximum performance.

About Us:

My name is James. I’m a 41 years young, proud single daddy, who has been a computer geek since the '90s. I have 20+ years of experience using Windows/Linux and computers in general, and working in the web hosting and tech industries. I am the founder and main operator of StakeIt.ONE. My brother Tim will be helping to keep an eye on things and run this validator with me, as I will do the same for him and his validator (Upcoming Validator AffinityShard.ONE). Even though we are two completely separate validators and not business partners, we are still running our validators as a family business and looking out for each other, as well as others in the Harmony family. StakeIt.ONE is mainly dedicated to the decentralization and growth of Harmony, but it is also a family-operated independent validator that will always be kept that way, to ensure that Harmony is always in good hands. I’m doing this for the greater good of Harmony and its success and being a single daddy, I’m also doing this for my children. I am extremely passionate about both, and they are the primary drive behind StakeIt.ONE Validator. My children will ONE day take over StakeIt.ONE, as my 15-year-old daughter is already learning and my 5-year-old son will be right behind her. Some other missions that I have in mind are to use profit generated from the StakeIt.ONE Validator to help bring new validators online to even further decentralize Harmony and support the entire ecosystem. As well as to convert some of the ONE that StakeIt.ONE earns into VINCI (DaVinci Gallery’s Token), and lock up liquidity in VINCI by keeping that staked on where I am a verified golden artist (ONE of DaVinci’s first 2000 artists). I plan to mint many more NFTs in the near future and I will have random giveaways of NFTs and ONE to further reward those who stake their ONE with StakeIt.ONE Validator. I also plan to do the same with VIPER to help support which is another great part of the Harmony ecosystem as well. It is in ways such as this, that I plan to use StakeIt.ONE to help support and promote the growth of the entire Harmony ecosystem.

I can not recall exactly when I first learned of Harmony but I believe it was in 2019. I finally invested in Harmony in very early 2021 and have been involved with the Harmony community on a daily basis ever since. I mined Bitcoin in the early days (2010-2011) but did not start really keeping up with things again until the 2017-2018 bull run, at which point I started following the entire market and projects closely and have been doing so ever since. I knew Harmony was the ONE from the very start. The people behind the project, the community, the Harmony project itself, and what Harmony protocol is capable of… There’s no way we can fail IMO. This project is going places and I’m here to stay and behind my Harmony family 100%. I have been from the very start.

We are all here to make a profit at some point or another of course, but I will say this… ONE thing that is different about me and StakeIt.ONE that may set us apart from some of the others, is the fact that I’m not a big fan of money, and material things are not very important to me. So when it comes down to it, I will always do what’s best for every ONE of our Harmony family members, and Harmony itself. Regardless of profit/loss etc. The way I see it is if we all have ONE another’s backs here in this big awesome family of ours, there is no way that any of us or this project will fail.

Thank you so much for taking the time to learn about me and StakeIt.ONE Harmony Validator. Your time and consideration are very much appreciated!

A huge THANK YOU to all of you who have helped me to get StakeIT.ONE off the ground so far! You know who you are, and I will never forget any of you. I have an IOU list that keeps growing and I have some special things in mind for you all, as well as for anyone who continues to help support StakeIt.ONE which in turn helps to support the entire Harmony Ecosystem. Good things are coming. Thank you for your patience and support. It means a lot to my children and me. We thank you all whole-heartedly <3

Validator Pledge

Harmony’s Effective Proof-of-Stake Validators are the backbones of the Harmony infrastructure. I/We shall pledge to constantly run an up-to-date validator, promote a decentralized validator community, and use best practices of running a validator service.

I/We have read the Terms and Concepts in detail and fully understood its purpose, possess the know-how of running this service, and know the risk-rewards to run this service. I/We fully understand Harmony’s Definitive Guide to Harmony Open Staking