Wowwowowow. This is all written out so eloquently, and with such conviction and inspiring determination.
This is the exact kind of (paradigm) shift our planet is begging us to move into and what I’ve - and countless others - been gravitating towards over the years: a shift away from capitalism, nepotism, appropriation, the hype machine, and towards co-operation, interdependence, symbiotic systems of exchange and support at all levels from the literal ground up. A cooperative economy functions like a regenerative ecosystem and Thirsty Thirsty is here, with their global village of allies, to make that happen. I remember when I first discovered TT and the thoughtfulness each of her seasonal boxes embodied…aligned with the seasons and planned for an experience beyond the taste buds. All senses engaged. Edification. Sharing knowledge. We need more of this. And I’m stoked to see how all of this unfolds and grows!!!
@Thirsty_Thirsty , this is an incredible vision, deeply moving and critical in these times.
I have worked in food & hospitality for a long time and share your passion for “heart-opening dining memories that root us back to nature.” Yes, these experiences of pleasure are foundational to community and culture because they seed gratitude for our fellows who sow, harvest, cultivate, transport, store, lovingly prepare and present that which nourishes our bodies, soul and spirit.
“We deeply value reciprocity.” YES! If only this were set as the foundation stone of our ecology and economy as a whole, the world would be transformed.
Beaming gratitude and best wishes for this worthy project.
A long list of issues here but this one sticks out the most:
"Going big, success means that Thirsty Thirsty DAO works to repurchase stolen land for First Nation/Indigenous communities"
You are basically coming across like you are trying to help the poor all while giving out NFT for your expensive wine and restaurants.
Where are your meetups going to be at? Ruth Chris? Alexanders? Perry’s steakhouse?
How are you going to purchase all this land?
I don’t want to spend too much time on this but the last major red flag:
"Success means that TTDAO has direct partnerships with select Black & Indigenous-led environmental organizations to support their work and collaborate on events, dining experience’s and education"
I actually have been to Rio’s favelas, some of the poorest places in Africa. You are doing a tremendous disservice to those communities.
Indigenous people don’t collaborate on events or dining experiences. Do you know what the word indigenous means?
Please quit using this word.
Harmony Team-
Another proposal with all members in support are 5 days or less in setting up the account and never comment again.
Has to be a SOLID NO for me aswell , I don’t think Harmony would benefit from funding this , sorry but this looks like the many money grab DAOs that have been trying to get funding lately.
also a solid no from me, a clear criteria for these scammy ‘‘DAOs’’ should be HOW they support the ecosystem, an ‘‘but our sale of low effort JPEGS will be on harmony!11’’ doesnt count.
hi, yes new to harmony forum, but not dodgy. i’ve been active on the harmony eco-system for some time but never used this space, and yes just had to create a new account to post on the forum
Just want to share that the founder of Thirsty Thirsty has indigenous lineage from one of the country’s you mention. Please be mindful of making assumptions. And that Thirsty Thirsty is partnering with indigenous land protectors in the Colombian Amazonas - which do indeed collaborate on events and communal dining experiences (please see above for more background) in fact, they’ve been doing it for millennia. Food is community. Food is family. Food has always brought us together and is healing.
All brand new accounts commenting positive things on this project.
Just checked your twitter page. The most comments you have on any post is ‘1 comment’
if you believe being part of certain ethnicity you think you should get a grant for doing something that doesnt benefit the harmony ecosystem, you’re in for a rough awakening
Beware all flaming posts! Not everyone has an online account to all these websites! Many work multiple jobs and don’t have the ability to leverage their time(think undocumented!! TT HAS plenty undocumented family…) to create new opportunities for themselves and their local communities in turn!
I had not understood the scope of the reply feature on here (after joining this space specifically to support people I know personally) to be used to tear down! The idea of a dissenting opinion is fair, but I’m saddened to read a few comments going far afield of the truth of the vision TT encompasses, and more importantly, afield of TT ethos. I know this grant may be creating a competitive landscape, but I have to let the community know that ThirstyThirsty has and will always support web3 in its ability/capacity as a tool and resource for many who have been swept away by systems built to forget them, and knows that the best way to achieve large-scale results will be through cooperative efforts. Fear and scarcity mindsets undermine our ability to come together and work for the greater good!!
I could truly go on and on about vision and scope in this project, but I think it is most important to remind everyone in these communities to remember to uplift each other!! Please show love!!