Track 1a: Cross-Chain - "Liquidity"

Cross-Chain with Trustless Bridges

Track 1: Liquidity. Harmony Cross-Chain API for aggregation, Hummingbot for arbitrage, fixed-rate w/ Terra’s UST

The first hackathon theme is Cross-Chain with our trustless, on-chain bridges. The 4 tracks — Liquidity, Middlewares, DeFi/NFT/DAO, Platform — emphasize the current product-market fits of decentralized applications but across multiple chains. Developers can make use of Harmony’s rich ecosystem: a cross-chain API for aggregation and asset pools; Ethereum-compatible indexing, names, and toolkits; and, unique technical features including randomness opcode, on-chain delegation and aggregated signatures, FlyClient bridges, and fast state sync with message gossips.

Besides advancing these cross-chain infrastructure, there are also many product ideas that can take advantage of our trustless bridges. For example, building arbitrage bots with our partner Hummingbot or integrating stablecoins and saving products with our Terra bridge. Harmony has also launched Bulletproof and Poseidon Hash functions for privacy coin mixers like Tornado Cash. (more)

To kick things off, I’ll be spotlighting Track 1: Cross-Chain - “Liquidity” - Aggregation, Arbitrage and Fixed Income.

As the world moves towards multi-chain with bridges between the major blockchains, we’ll need projects to aggregate liquidity across multiple chains. Projects can build tools for capturing arbitrage opportunities between liquidity pools on multiple chains. Developers may also build lending products that allow collateral of assets on one chain and lending of assets on another chain.

Strategy: Harmony’s Vision on Cross-Chain & Cross-Exchange Pools

Examples & References: fixed-rate income, sushi’s kashi: lending, limit order, cross-exchange

Harmony Developer Guides: Getting Started , Harmony Stack and Projects, Deployed Contracts

Harmony Hackathon Repository : Has sample projects and links to hackathon information

Sources for Ideas

Cross Chain Liquidity leverages Cross Chain Bridges the corner stone for Harmony is the Horizon bridge currently supporting Ethereum and Binance Smart chain. If you are interested in building bridges to other chains or working with teams that are please check out the track for Cross-Chain - “Platform”. Below is an overview of Bridging as well as some relevant research and github repositories for projects which are working in this space. For more information on Harmony’s Ecosystem and projects of interest see here.

For Fixed Income we have listed a number of lending and staking protocols designed to give token holders a return which can provide a fixed income. Interesting areas include staking derivatives, lending protocols, and other financial derivatives.

Research and Repositories

Additional Developer Links

Bridging Overview

Harmony Bridge - Horizon

Ethereum<>Harmony two way bridge (trusted version)

Transferring ERC20 from Ethereum to Harmony


Transferring HRC20 from Harmony back to Ethereum


Sample Contracts for Bridging on Testnet

Sample Cross Chain Aggregation

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