Tucsac DAO - The social network

Name of DAO

Tucsac DAO

Proposal overview

Tucsac is a social network that, during its first month, has reached 7,000 registered users, of which 90% are active users.
Tucsac is initially focused on becoming the first Web 3.0 social network in the Spanish-speaking world, although, in a subsequent phase, it is planned to develop it worldwide.
Tucsac is committed to
• Protect user data so that no one can have access to it, offering privacy to these users as a great differential value.
• Reward the interaction of users, this being a very important added value to make Tucsac grow faster than others, managing to reach their objectives in the best way.

As a first user attraction activity, Tucsac has put up for sale a collection of Seed NFTs, offering in exchange various utilities and benefits for purchasing users, which they can enjoy within the platform.
Many projects are bringing their communities and proposals to Tucsac.
Therefore, Tucsac serves as a platform for the initiation and training of users so that they can leap into the world of Web 2.0. to Web 3.0.
On the other hand, Tucsac will be a platform where users can contribute projects related to Web 3.0. (cryptocurrencies, blockchain, DAO, etc.)
Tucsac firmly believes in the concepts of decentralization and democratic participation and that is why we are going to create a governance DAO, to manage Tucsac and be a reference and example of a DAO in the management of a Social Network. In this way, we can be an example for other types of companies and projects.


“As a premise, we will say that all the actions proposed in the Mandate are aimed at achieving the greatest number of users in Tucsac.”

- Decentralized governance:

We are going to create a DAO to make decisions related to the Web 3.0 resources and what projects (online and offline) will be carried out to shape both, the way of managing the platform and its content. It will be a way to reduce the digital gap leading to Web 3.0.

- DAO Expansion:

Through the marketing and communication actions carried out in the previous point, we will obtain a diffusion that will allow us to integrate and spread the DAOs in different areas within the Tucsac community. The goal is the creation of all these DAOs with the tools and help provided by Tusac and with the support of the community. In the same way, we will inform, explain, disclose and help to form these DAOs, and also we will explain the opportunities and benefits they would have if they were created in the Harmony ecosystem.

- Education:

We want to be a bridge for the user, an entry key for the correct and precise training on the world of blockchain, cryptocurrencies, NFTs, metaverse, etc. (Web 3.0.). For that purpose, we have integrated “Tucsac Academy” within the social network -where users spend most of the time- so that it will be more accessible for its diffusion and the training of users.

- Blockchain integration

We seek the complete integration of Tucsac within blockchain technology, offering 3.0 connectivity for users and encryption, therefore, data protection.


We are developing a marketplace where users, professionals and businesses will be able to promote their products and services. In this marketplace, unlike others, cryptocurrency will be used as a payment and collection element.

- Launch Program

We will create an audiovisual program in a multiplatform system to publicize and help launch different projects that the community itself demands.

- Metaverse development

Tucsac plans to develop its platform by integrating it into the world of the metaverse. In this sense, we will enable users to live new shopping experiences, and businesses to obtain new channels and ways of reaching consumers, to increase their lines of business and therefore their sales. In this sense, the use of cryptocurrency will be increased due to the rise in commercial transactions.

- Events

As a part of the Off-line Marketing to be developed, Tucsac will initially organize different types of events in Madrid, related to technology and the digital world, both in private and public institutions, to inform and train people about the world of Web 3.0. It will be mandatory to be a Tucsac user to participate in these events. In addition, a user networking event will be organized so that they can present their possible projects. The goal is to incorporate as many users as possible into Tucsac, managing to grow faster and therefore obtain greater profit.

- NFT game

At least one NFT game will be created so that users will be able to play with the points earned in Tucsac.

- Official NFT

We will release the Official Tucsac NFT focused on offering marketing, advertising and communication benefits, within the platform, for companies, projects, communities and professionals from different sectors.

- eSport team

We will begin the creation of the eSports team giving people the opportunity to choose their members through the DAO.

Propuesta de financiación:

74.925$ | The justification of the amount to be financed is based on 3 months.

Metrics for success

Education: Creation of 3 training courses

Measurement: Presentation of said courses held at Tucsac Academy. Images and user testimonials will be provided. Statistics of users who have accessed the different courses, how many of them completed the course, the degree of acceptance of them, etc, will be provided.

Marketplace: Publication of 5 Services and 3 products and 5 NFTs.

Measurement: Presentation of the publications and certification of the advertisers. Both qualitative data (typology of the products and services for sale) and quantitative data will be provided: sales, degree of interest of the users on the products and services, sales of NFTs, degree of satisfaction of the users etc.

Decentralized governance: Execution of all aspects outlined in the Mandate through voting.

Measurement: Presentation of justification of working hours and verification of voting through smart contracts.

Blockchain integration: 3.0 connection with Wallet and data encryption

Measurement: Automatic check on the page, both in connection to the Wallet and related to data protection. Presentation of statistics of transactions in the Wallet.

Launch program: Creation of 4 monthly Programs.

Measurement: Contribution of audiovisual files and links to posts. Statistics of access to the programs, completion ratio of each program, Degree of user satisfaction related to them. The number of projects presented. User ratings for each project presented.

Events: Realization of an event in Madrid with a minimum goal of 100 participants.

Measurement: Press kit of the event and entry control in NFT format. Satisfaction survey for event participants.

NFT game: Creation of 1 game.

Measurement: Presentation of our NFT Game. Statistics of user registration, game hours, etc.

E-sport team: Creation of the team brand and its image. Beginning of recruitment of team members.

Measurement: Visual presentation of the brand image and the elements of the image. Information written about the project and published on the web. The selection of team members will be done by voting in the DAO.

Official NFT: Creation of 1,000 units of NFT and put up for sale.

Measurement: We will attach a link to the Marketplace to purchase them for verification. The number of units sold. Invoicing of the sale.

DAO expansion: Creation of 9 DAOs throughout Tucsac.

Measurement: Contribution of data from the DAOs created and their links.

Metaverse: Beginning of the design of the metaverse.

Measurement: Justification of the work by the developer with the provision of the project schedule and standing point.


1- David Girol:

⦁ CEO and Founder of Tucsac.
⦁ Commercial Director at Dragon Corp.
⦁ CEO of GoTaller.
⦁ CEO of TuEducas.

2- Rodrigo Peñalva:

⦁ Marketing Director in NFT game projects.
⦁ Director of Online Marketing in Tucsac.

3- Soledad Garcia:

⦁ User service for 5 years at Parfois.
⦁ Customer service for Tucsac, attending and solving users need.

4- Antonio Beres:

⦁ Responsible for different business areas in different companies from different sectors. 360º vision of the company. Director of Advertising in magazines. Marketing consultant for companies and non-profit entities. Author of a book on the management of non-profit entities. Training in Big Data. Graduated in Marketing from ESIC and ESEM. More than 20 years of experience as a manager in different own or third-party businesses.
⦁ Currently Offline Marketing Director in Tucsac and copywriter.

5- Ivanna Lange:

⦁ Copywriter.
⦁ English teacher and translator for 3 years.
⦁ Copywriter, designer and translator in Tucsac.

6- Edgar Garcia:

⦁ Ambassador of Harmony in Dallas.
⦁ Moderator of the Hispanic community in 4 platforms for Defi Kingdoms.
⦁ Director of Marketing and English-speaking expansion for Tucsac.

7- David Ricardo Mijares:

⦁ Founder and CEO of the SasoriNest community.
⦁ Director of the training academy in Tucsac.

8- Lydia Lucia:

⦁ Market analysis in communication companies for 2 years.
⦁ Management of updates on social networks in Tucsac.

9- Pedro Belmonte:

⦁ In charge of the social networks of several companies in Spain such as Bull Vaper and Santos with 3 years of experience.

External links

Project: Tucsac-Project
Social Network: Tucsac
Whitepaper: Tucsac-Whitepaper
Telegram: Telegram: Contact @tucsacdao
Harmony Multisig: 0xc11fC25C5Bd20cDDdE9AE6b14E7b939283e8c9Bb


Primero de todo me gustaría agradecer a todo el equipo de Harmony el apoyo, el recibimiento y la dedicación que han tenido conmigo. Sobre todo gracias a Boris, José, Gabriel, Abraham, Stephen, Li y algunos mas que seguro me estoy dejando.

Aquí les dejo mi propuesta para DAO y agradecido de que me concedieran un grant de 10.000$

Todo un placer haber estado disfrutando con el equipo de Harmony estos días en ETHDenver y poder confirmar que es un gran proyecto con un gran equipo, un futuro muy prometedor le espera a esta Blockchain siguiendo a este ritmo.

También añadir que fue un placer conocer al equipo completo de Defi Kingdoms, un proyecto muy prometedor y con un gran equipo.

Por ultimo, me gustaría que expongan sus dudas o ideas sobre la propuesta para poder contestarles a todo, y les invito a que prueben la red social.

Estaré por ETHDenver hasta el día 18 a las 21:00h si quieren comentar cualquier cosa en persona o tenéis algún proyecto o habilidad que quisierais integrar dentro de nuestro proyecto estaré encantado de recibiros.



Me encanta el proyecto que estais intentando hacer, y poco a poco lo estais consiguiendo un saludo y mucha suerte.


Muy Bueno el proyecto la verdad y que se preparen Facebook ,Instagram y el resto de redes que Tucsac va pisando fuerte , atope con el proyecto y muchisima suerte :muscle::call_me_hand:


Muchas gracias por el apoyo.


Gracias, algún día lograremos ser la competencia directa y con mayor calidad ya que seremos descentralizados y democráticos.


Proyecto con buena pinta espersmos un exito a sus desarrolladores


Este es un proyecto con mucha organización y un diseño excelente! Mucha potencial aquí, David es un individual muy motivado igual que su equipo. Saben lo que hacen y serán una gran adición a la comunidad de harmony. Espero lo mejor para este proyecto y tiene mi apoyo 100%


Muchas gracias por el apoyo.


Grandes palabras, muy agradecidos por el recibimiento en Denver y por el apoyo recibido.


Claro amigo! Vamos a darle a todo. Esto es el principio!


Uno de los mejores proyectos sin lugar a dudas , es la innovación de la era social y cripto!


Wow, gracias por esas palabras!


Un proyecto de 10, con el apoyo que tiene va a llegar muy lejos y aquí todos estaremos para apoyarlo :muscle:t2:


Muchas gracias Alba por el apoyo y el interés en el proyecto. Seguro que vamos a llegar muy lejos.


Sinceramente… ME PARECE UNA IDEA DESLUMBRANTE!!! Esto si que vale la pena , la idea de acumular criptos a la vez que estoy en mi red social me parece lo más!


Gracias @Thiagoaguilera me alegra ver que eres usuario de Tucsac y gracias por el apoyo en nuestro crecimiento. Al final el objetivo es que la plataforma sea de todos.


Muy entusiasmado con este proyecto! Y tiene la ventaja de ser la primera red social web 3 en español!


Me gusta mucho el proyecto, espero que salga adelante.
Muy buena idea, teneis todo mi apoyo.


Creo que es una plataforma ideal para ayudar a dar el salto a la web 3. Puede ser el vehículo de entrada para muchas personas de habla hispana a un ecosistema muy centrado en blockchain, NFTs, criptomoneda, metaverse. etc. Muchos estábamos esperando una red social de este tipo. Habrá que darle tiempo y apoyo para llegar a tener el éxito que se merece