Cryptolingo DAO

Name of DAO
Cryptolingo DAO

Application type
DAO Formation

Proposal overview
Cryptolingo DAO is a multilingual (Spanish, Portuguese, Mandarin and English) DAO created to break the language barriers that exist in the Web3 space. We are here to bring knowledge, build community, and gamify around web3 for non-English speakers in different countries all around the world, specially LATAM, African and Asian countries, that are being left behind due to the lack of information in their native languages.

Cryptolingo DAO is born under Blu3 DAO’s umbrella and aims to continue with their mission of empowering women, non-binary and trans people to learn, explore and build their careers and visions in the web3 space to achieve financial freedom, this time reaching out to people all over the world through our multilingual structure. Our long-term goal includes building a multilingual game similar to Duolingo, where you learn about web3 vocabulary across languages in a play-to-earn model utilizing $LING tokens.

Problem to be solved

As of 2021, the internet had 4.9 billion users, which means 62.8% of the population. As of the same date, 63% of the content on the internet was written in English. 1.35 billion people (17.3%) out of the world’s approximately 7.8 billion population, speak English, most of them as their second language.

As of January 2020, 25.9% of the internet users were English speakers, meaning that 74.1% of the users (3.34B) had to share around 37% of the online information available.

Cryptolingo DAO wants to reach people that are part of the 3.34 billion of internet users that don’t speak English and bring a part of the 63% of the content written in English to their native languages. We are also supporting the Blu3 DAO’s mission to onboard more womxn into web3 by assisting in translation services for this platform.

Our mission

“Breaking web3 barriers through language, community, and gaming.”

Our 3 mandates

  1. EDUCATION: We believe that one of the most powerful tools we have in the world to fight against poverty and exclusion is education. When we educate and share knowledge, we’re empowering people to stand up for themselves and find and create new opportunities for their communities.
  2. INCLUSION: When we break the language barriers, and we go ahead and make unavailable content available, the world smiles because we’re bringing more people into web3 and we’re expanding the network to places where it has never been seen before. We are building a multilingual community to increase web3 accessibility in underserved areas.
  3. GAMIFYING: If education can be fun, why don’t do it? We want to create a balance between learning, playing and earning. We want every single member of Cryptolingo DAO to be compensated for taking the time to educate themselves and we want to promote those that want to make a change in their own communities. Our final goal is to create a Learn to Earn App that summarizes our mission in one game.

3 Initial governors

Juliana Cardozo is a Social Communicator - Journalist focused on Social Media Management for Blockchain projects. She is from Medellin, Colombia and speaks English, and Spanish, she’s currently learning Portuguese and French. Juliana is passionate about traveling, crypto, fitness, and languages. Her main goal is to provide less fortunate people with more opportunities to empower their communities.

Shing Yiing Ong is fellow in Society of Actuary - leading projects such as pricing/reinsurance/hedging for life and annuity products. She was born and raised in Malaysia, currently living in New York City. She speaks fluent Mandarin, Cantonese, Malay, English, and a few other Chinese dialects. She is also a Pilates instructor that’s passionate about fitness. Aside from that, she loves traveling and learning about web3. Her main goal is to provide the support for lower income communities an opportunity to learn in web3 space.

Sunny Satva is an impact-driven engineer and investor focused on social engineering in web3. They are the founder of the Vegan Africa Fund, based in Mombasa, Kenya, and passionate about increasing access to capital in historically underrepresented communities. Sunny is a Qigong enthusiast, has published two vegan cookbooks, and loves hiking and sudoku. Sunny speaks English, Portuguese, Spanish and Swahili and is passionate about inclusion for black and brown womxn in web3.

Why is Cryptolingo DAO relevant to our world?

As we mentioned before there is a 74.1% of non-english speakers internet users that don’t have access to 63% of the content because it is written in English. Cryptolingo DAO focuses on bringing information for web3 onboarding to more people through language, breaking the systemic inequality in web3 that is a result of language privilege. We are including the excluded ones, we are making available the unavailable and we are lifting up those that are down.

We are looking at onboarding the next generation of users to web3 in their native languages, to increase both crypto use and use on the Harmony platform


We will launch the $LING social token on Harmony to use throughout the Cryptolingo network.

$LING will be distributed to those who consume the YouTube video content annd as a reward on the learn-to-earn platform. $LING can be used to access premium video content with web3 education across languages, grants, and events.

Holding $LING social tokens will enable our community members to vote on key decisions for the Cryptolingo DAO.

$LING distribution will be tied to the most active community members participation, calculated by proof of participation on a weekly basis. This token distribution mechanism will be outlined in detail in the $LING white paper, which we will develop with the Project Y grant.

How will Project Y help?

Cryptolingo DAO is a 3 governor DAO seeking our bootstrap grant of $10,000. This will allow us to set up a base and continue growing:

  • Social Media presence (including management and tools)
  • Visual educational content creation from our 3 governors
  • Website and productivity softwares (hosting, domains, Google suite, Canva, Adobe Suite, G Suite, Calendly, Hootsuite, etc.)
  • Productivity hardwares (Cameras, lighting tools, tripods, microphones)
  • On-chain and Off-chain voting (Aragon, Snapshot)
  • White paper creation and Social Token Launching for $LING
  • Roadmap for Cryptolingo game and preparation for building this platform

Our 3 months Road Map

Month 1:

  1. Establishment of our social media presence. Goals are Youtube (100 subscribers), Twitter (200 followers), Telegram (100 members), and Discord (100 members).
  2. 4 videos (1 weekly) in three different languages (Spanish, Portuguese and Mandarin) teaching Web3 basics. (12 videos in total across 3 YT channels)
  3. Launch of white paper and social token $LING
  4. Onboard 1 new contributor
  5. Planning workshops, hiring workshop speakers

Month 2:

  1. Social media growth: Youtube (200 subscribers), Twitter (400 followers), Telegram group (200 members), and Discord (200 members).

  2. 4 videos (1 weekly) in three different languages (Spanish, Portuguese and Mandarin) teaching Web3 basics. (12 videos in total across 3 YT channels)

  3. 2 web3 workshops with rewards for the participants, one Spanish and one Portuguese

  4. Intro to Web3 Workshop

  5. NFT Workshop

  6. DAO Workshop

  7. 2 new partnerships - potential collaboration with other DAOs

  8. 2 new contributors to help leading our marketing media such as Twitter

  9. 1 new sponsorship

  10. Find two developers to build a web3 gaming Dapp for Cryptolingo

  11. Apply for Harmony Gaming $50k grant

Month 3:

  1. Social media growth: Youtube (350 subscribers), Twitter (600 followers), Telegram group (300 members), and Discord (300 members).

  2. 4 videos (1 weekly) in three different languages (Spanish, Portuguese and Mandarin) teaching Web3 basics. (12 videos in total across 3 YT channels)

  3. 2 web3 workshops with rewards for the participants, one Mandarin and one English

  4. Metaverse Workshop

  5. Web3 Gaming Workshop

  6. Web2 vs Web3 Developer Workshop

  7. Mandarin website Launches: China, Taiwan, Singapore

  8. Spanish website Launches: Colombia, Mexico, El Salvador, Paraguay, Chile, LatAm

  9. Portuguese website Launches: Brazil, Mozambique, Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea Bissau

  10. 2 new partnerships

  11. 3 new contributors

  12. 1 new sponsorship

  13. 2 other governors, apply for Harmony DAO $75k grant

  14. Launch beta Cryptolingo Game


Funds will be split into $3000 for each governor, paid at $75/hour to complete launching tasks, and $1000 to cover additional costs. Governor responsibilities include:

  • Creating video content in your language to share to our YouTube
  • Running social media channels in your language
  • Creating educational and promotional materials like the website, pitch deck, and white paper
  • Seeking partnerships and additional funding to spread the Cryptolingo DAO mission

Our sustainability plan

  1. Our multilingual educational content will be posted on YouTube where we want to grow a strong community that allows us to monetize the channels.
  2. Sponsorship alliances with companies that are working for the same purpose of breaking the web3 barriers and expanding the blockchain ecosystem to more people.
  3. Investment of Cryptolingo DAO’s assets into liquidity pools, taking the fees to grow our funds.
  4. Applying for Harmony’s Game Grant and DAO Grant to increase our capacity to build out our web3 Cryptolingo game and add more languages through more governors. Collect fees from game usage and advertising revenue.

Multisignature Wallet:


External links
Cryptolingo DAO on Telegram


This is going to make such a huge impact! So excited to launch this DAO with you amazing humans.



Very excited to see what Cryptolingo DAO will bring to the world. It’s going make a huge impact in the world.


Wepa! Que alegria me da ver este iniciático. I’m so happy to see This project come to life. There is a tremendous Need to create content in various languages. We know that crypto and Web3 will be the equalizer and breaking down language barriers will help us in developing equity amongst multiple nations. Anything I can do to support. :raised_hands:t3:#Palantemigente


Approved as a Project Y grant from ETH Rio. Congratulations!


I am very excited about this project! I approve of this as a Project Y grant from ETH Rio as well. Congratulations on your hard work!


Congrats! The Plan looks great for what you all are creating.

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Thank you so much, we’re going to make this happen. :earth_americas:

this grant has been funded

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It’s been 2 months… how’s this project going?

It’s going great, thanks for asking!

As you can see from here they are busy working on getting more money from other protocols, but Harmony 75$ per hour is surely not wasted!

Here’s a quick recap of what was done, straight from their proposal:

-I can’t find the official website
-YouTube 29 subscribers
-Twitter 79 followers including multiple accounts from @sunny4earth (VAFCrypto, VAFforAfrica, Sunny herself). This is a clear manipulation of KPIs but again, do we really care?
Telegram 123 members, check by yourself and let me know if it looks like a thriving community and not an echo camber for bots

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