VoldemArt DAO

:mega:Call For Governor Candidates

Hello Harmonauts and Voldies👋🏻!

We are honored to announce VoldemDAO formation,VoldemArt DAO will help our community and continue the next steps and milestones.

We are calling all Harmonauts and Voldies Candidates to post their proposals under this proposal and paste the link of their post in VoldemArt’s discord server at DAO section.

For forming our DAO we need 9 governors.

Mandates :
-Create proposals about communities next steps.
-Help to educate peoples about NFTs and platform.
-Governors can manage discord and telegram as admins.
-Create campaigns and help for partnerships about NFTs.
-And finally they can join NFT Council team if they want, NFT Council is a in group foundation to control the artists and art flow in the platform, accept/decline recently joined artists application for VoldemArt.

Period for each governance: every 3 months new candidates and elections will happen.

Multisig wallet will be formed just after voting end.

:alarm_clock:Start date: 15.02.2022, 15:00 UTC

:end:Deadline for submission: 22.02.2022, 18:00 UTC

:bookmark_tabs:Snapshot will be taken on: 22.02.2022, 19:00 UTC

:ballot_box:Votes will be taken : From 23.02.2022 To 01.03.2022 , 18:00 UTC

VoldemArt DAO Snapshot


Supporting this project, and here if need any help.
Been in contact with team from day one I know they are working hard to make this project top.
Waiting mainnet to start minting


Hello to the fellow Harmonauts and Voldies 👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻
I would like to apply to the Governor candidacy. Here is something about me, and what I am bringing to the table:

I’m one of the initial NFT creators on the first Harmony NFT marketplace

Community knows me as Andi, and I am one of the initial atists to embrace the first ever Harmony marketplace(DaVinci). I've also tried posting on the [Mochi Market](https://app.mochi.market/), but it never got community's attention. Also I gave my contribution to spreading the word of NFT by giving away a lot of NFTs for free to the Harmony community. A lot of people can vouch for me on that. Also I have respect for individuals and the community as a whole. I believe I have also earned respect from the NFT artists, NFT collectors, and the major Harmony validators. I’ve earned it by being the realest, not hyping the projects, but finding the week points and giving my solutions to the project creators.

Here are some of my socials:

I am a bug hunter

So far I have a background of 4 years in software engineering, and I like to create and help others create the best user experience by forming a stable, test driven, software architecture. I also like to hunt bugs to assure the seamless experience for the user. I was trying to help DaVinci create the best NFT gallery, period, by sending them a lot of feedback on their product, and what they can do better. I have mails and discord conversations to back this up. Unfortunately, they didn't do a single thing I pointed out as a problem or an amazing feature for the creators and collectors.

I have a full flagged list of features I would like to see as an artist and as a collector

Like I've mentioned in the previous point. I have been researching a lot of market places, and collecting the best and the worst from those. Also I've came across a lot of my original ideas inspired by the already available features or by the lacking features on even some of the biggest NFT marketplaces. I really can't wait to share them and help out to build them.

I believe in, and I'm all about community and group work

Just like I have a lot of plans and ideas, I believe that when I point them out there will be people to improve on them, and to be inspired to propose their own ideas.
As a ONE(individual) we might survive, but all as ONE we might thrive.

Fight against plagiarism

I am huge on fighting against plagiarism. As the platform grows, we are going to get more and more plagiarism. We shouldn't sacrifice originality for the more users. We should stay persistent in a fight against the copycats, even if it means half of the users are going down.

I’m here to stay

You should know that my main objective here is to grow the community. Not just the Voldies community, not even just the Harmony community, but the web3 community. I am a huge believer in the future where the world should be organized by DAOs, not necessarily by countries. I am using every chance to show people who are not trusting the crypto space how the life could be easier with it, and why I think it it going to be the next big thing.
I’m not in this space just for profit. The goa is to build the platforms that we and our ancestors are going to use to freely express ourselves and to make the life easier wherever it’s possible. Like I said: I’m not here just for the profit. The profit will come organically as we build and revolutionize the industry.

Cheers and Forward! :v:t2:


Big fan of the project. Cant wait mainnet and start minting.
My Twitter profile: https://twitter.com/Mihajlo_95


Dear :blue_heart: One Family Harmonauts and Voldies,

Warm Greetings To All.

I would like to apply to the Governor at VoldemArt DAO.

I really like digital art and also love to create digital art.

I also really like the Harmony One Ecosystem, which is very friendly and has huge potential in the future.

Honesty, Trust, Family and Authenticity are things that we must always make the foundation for Our journey.

Here’s for My Social Account, I’m very happy if you are willing to visit


Best Regards,

VoxOne :blue_heart:

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Hello Voldies and thanks for your contribution. The time is up and it’s time for voting!

Snapshot is created.

Please check: Snapshot