[DevDAO Term 3] Candidate - Boone

Howdy Harmony Community :slight_smile:

This is my request to serve a 2nd term as a Harmony DEV DAO governor. You can learn more about me in my first post for my 1st term https://talk.harmony.one/t/running-for-developer-dao-governor-boone-bergsma/7885

During my 1st term I spent a lot of time learning about the projects in the ecosystem, and about the grant and funding opportunities offered in the ecosystem fund. And attended ETHDenver and encouraged many people and teams to build on Harmony. And explained the benefits of the very low transaction fees and very high speed. Everyone I talked to was surprised to learn you could mint 100,000 NFTs on Harmony for the same cost of minting 1000 on Polygon. I also made an effort to try and bring as many women entrepreneurs into the ecosystem as possible, since on my last post someone asked me to focus on “consider building some tools that will bring more women into building and experimenting with blockchain technology which will undoubtedly elevate our overall success. If you can consider that as one of the goals you support, you have my vote.”

The following are some awesome women who posted because of encouragement:
@itskittah Capture Dao
@Kennamykitty Rising DAO - Spiritual Retreats
@InfiniteHarmony Infinite Elements - Events, Micro Economies & Sustainable Communities

While at ETHDenver I also met with @EddNorris and @schwab16 to discuss how to onboard more EVM developers into Harmony from other ecosystems. And ideas for helping projects connect with qualified DEVs looking for work.

Another thing is I started working on a plan for a YouTube series that would help web2 and WordPress users get into Web3. I am in process of developing a WordPress plugin that will allow you to lazy mint Harmony NFTs by using Woo-commerce. A women above is excited to use it in her project.

To be upfront I did not get everything done this term I was hoping, not enough hours to complete it all. And really hope to be able to finish the work on things in progress now. Thank you for your consideration.