What Harmony means to me

Hey everyone, Tim here and I will throw my thoughts down on what Harmony means to me.

First and foremost, Harmony means COMMUNITY to me. There is no other crypto space that exemplifies what a caring, welcoming and friendly community should be than Harmony. As a mod since February, I have seen so many members echo that sentiment and it’s made me proud to be part of this. I have watched the community rally behind members going through family ordeals and it has been amazing to see; I personally have been the recipient of that family support and to this day cannot express my gratitude adequately. Daily, members go out of their way to assist anyone they see struggling with issues. Pop into any social media platform where Harmony is and you will see this assistance occur within minutes. People truly care about others here in Harmony and the evidence is everywhere you look! This community truly represents the name “Harmony” and no other community comes close!

Harmony also means OPPORTUNITY to me. It gives everyone involved in the ecosystem the chance to work toward financial freedom, passive income and potential life-changing profits. When I first joined Harmony I was blown away by the stories I saw from other members who were less-fortunate than myself and had such hopes to better their situation. I have been in the ecosystem long enough now to see some of those people’s lives be completely changed for the good and it’s such a testament to what Harmony can do in individual’s lives. Besides the obvious financial gains is the opportunity for members to be directly involved with building projects on Harmony, participate in DAOs, etc. There are members who started their Harmony journey with no crypto-related skills and are now devs, content creators, etc. This has only been made possible by the support they receive from others in the community. Harmony isn’t merely a place to hold coins, it’s a place that offers anyone a chance at becoming something more than they are. I challenge anyone reading this diatribe to step out of their comfort zone and step forward from the sidelines; Harmony is ready to help you in any way.

Harmony additionally means being part of a different FUTURE. By that I mean we are all very early in the endeavor to break away from traditional finance. We are literally in a grass-roots type setting with a common goal: decentralization and free movement of our funds. I look at crypto in general as a revolution that is global and Harmony is in the fight. Harmony has a dev team with a “heads down” approach constantly working on a stellar roadmap, a community that supports itself like no other, and a common global goal of decentralization…the only thing left to say is “LET’S GO!”.

I tag @ben2k_Stakeridoo, you’re next my friend!